If a martial artist can inspire Heavenly Eye, the pupils will appear bright silver, which contains Supreme rune.

This is the manifestation of the Heavenly Dao rule. It can directly look at the origin of World’s All Living Things. It is known as one of the strongest pupil techniques of All Heavens Myriad Realms. It has the unpredictable power of Ghost God and the abnormal mysterious, which is rare in the world.

In the entire Sacred Domain Great World, only a few people opened Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, and those people are not pluck the stars and seize the moon, to rebuke Heaven and Earth. Yes, it is Supreme, a generation of emperors who overlook the world.

It can be said that unless the is innate talent is extraordinary and is born with Heavenly Eye awakened, otherwise at least one has to step into the Supreme to try to open it.

However, the probability of opening Martial Dao Heavenly Eye the day after tomorrow is extremely small, and there may not be one person out of 10,000 supreme beings able to succeed. From this we can see the power and preciousness of Martial Dao Heavenly Eye.

But now, a 17-18 years old boy has Martial Dao Heavenly Eye.

“Could it be that he opened Heavenly Eye innately!?”

“Perhaps, there is another possibility.”

“What is possible?”


“You forgot the Taiyin Shenshui, as long as you wash your eyes with this water, it is possible to turn on Heavenly Eye.”

“Yes, I forgot the Taiyin Shenshui, but the Taiyin Shen The water has long since disappeared, where did he find it?”

“This child has a mysterious origin, and it is very likely that it is not our Sacred Domain Great World.”

“Yes Now, since Tyrant comes from the Xuantian Great World, he may also come across domains. However, the ancient formation of the starry sky is controlled by Great Influence from all parties. Why didn’t such a young evildoer receive any wind?” /p>

“This is not known.”

As many older martial artists were whispering to each other, Yi Xiu’er covered her open mouth with her hand, her eyes full of looks. of shock.

Their Yi Family is a wealthy family in the Sacred Domain mainland. Although their strength is not as good as the fourth house, they also have three great ancestors with profound background and a large collection of books. She has naturally heard of Martial Dao. Heavenly Eye.

What made her didn’t expect was that Yang Xuan, a young man who was sullen in three sentences, had a legendary Martial Dao Heavenly Eye.

“This young man is very young, and will certainly become a capable person in the future!”

Yi Yunrong is also moved. It is not the first time he has seen Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, but Martial Dao The appearance of Heavenly Eye on a weakly crowned teenager is really unimaginable for him.

“Okay, very good. With Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, he is safe.”

Yi Xiuer came back to his senses, cheering excitedly for a while, not happy.

Yi Yunrong looked at Yi Xiu’er, and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

He understands that his Young Lady has been the first awakening of love, and has a lover.

And this person is Yang Xuan, a true teenager Heaven’s Chosen, who showed invincible abundance at a young age, as long as he does not fall, he is destined to achieve extraordinary achievements.

“There is no reason for the Patriarch and Three Old Ancestors to stop these geniuses.”

Yi Yunrong thought secretly, Yi Xiuer is their Yi Family Little Princess, even if they marry People also have to match each other, and the talent is not too bad.

“Impossible, how could it be possible that you actually have Martial Dao Heavenly Eye!?”

Domineering shouting, hoarse.

He was crushed and beaten by Yang Xuan and wanted to launch a counterattack, but after learning that Yang Xuan had Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, he didn’t say it was counterattack. His entire mind was hit by an unprecedented shock.

This is Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, what he dreamed of, but now it appeared in the same generation.

The thing that made him the most unbearable was that the other party still used Martial Dao Heavenly Eye to deal with him at the moment, which was more uncomfortable than killing him.

“The blood burns and suppresses everything.”

The tyrant roars and burns the essence of blood.

This is his Innate Divine Ability, which will not be used until a critical moment.

In an instant, a scarlet and coquettish blood energy gushed out of the pores on his body.

These blood energies are very weird, they quickly spread out as soon as they appear, forming a blood-colored light curtain, covering the world of the hundred zhang.

“This is!?”

Yang Xuan was awe-inspiring, his figure quickly retreated, but found that he could not escape the blood-colored light curtain.

This is like a sky wall, isolated from the outside world, and like a scarlet cage, which confines him inside.


Yang Xuan’s waist and hips are united, punching with fists, trying to break this blood-colored light curtain, but reluctantly finds that this thing is hard Unthinkable, almost impossible to destroy with brute force.

Very terrifying defense! “

Yang Xuan changed color, turned Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, looked directly at its origin, and found that the blood-colored light curtain was like a human vein, inside which the blood-colored energy flowed swiftly and violently, without any weakness.

“If you can’t break it, you can only start from Domineering. “

Yang Xuan took a deep breath, calmed the emotions in his heart, looked towards domineering, and his fighting intent climbed to the extreme like a boiling tide.

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