Yi Xiu’er pursed her lips . Yang Xuan is completely different from the men in their Sacred Domain mainland, and she can be amused by breaking out two sentences from time to time.

“Afraid of what he would do, I provoke me and burned the hair on his mouth.”

Yang Xuan doesn’t care about Dao, and the students who don’t give way to the pipeline, bring Yi Xiu’er I went straight to the outside of Martial Palace.

“Hehe, I haven’t seen you for many days, Xiu’er younger sister is getting more and more beautiful, are you here to listen to your cousin’s class?”

Liu Jiangyuan straightened his clothes , Greeted with a smile, looked at Yi Xiu’er, the greedy light flashed past her pupils.

“put on airs!”

Yang Xuan was disdainful.

Although Liu Jiangyuan was hiding well, he still noticed the greed flashing in Liu Jiangyuan’s eyes. He said that you are all pursuing other cousins. And under the account, are you not afraid of having too much appetite?

“Aren’t you nonsense?”

When Yi Xiu’er heard Liu Jiangyuan’s words, Liu Yue frowned and corrected it loudly: “Elder Liu, my name is Yi Xiu, You can call me a student Xiuer, but please don’t call me younger sister. I am not related to you, but not your younger sister.”

Don’t look at this little girl because she is not very young, but she is thinking Clearly, how could it not be possible that Liu Jiangyuan hit her to pay attention, so Liu Jiangyuan didn’t look good.

The smile on Liu Jiangyuan’s face was stiff, but his city was very deep, his emotions were not in expression, and he didn’t care about Yi Xiu’er.

In order to avoid embarrassment, he turned his head and looked towards Yi Xiu’er side Yang Xuan, faint smile said authentically: “This must have defeated the overbearing Yang Xuan student, as expected, Heroes come out from The Youth is amazing!”

“Don’t dare to be.”

Yang Xuan spoke lightly, neither humble nor overbearing, nor did he call Liu Jiangyuan Elder.

In his eyes, Liu Jiangyuan is a passerby. If the idea of ​​not playing Yi Xiu’er in the future is good, if he dares to be unruly, he must be taught that he can’t eat.

When Liu Jiangyuan heard Yang Xuan’s indifferent tone, his anger gradually rose.

However, he has a deep heart, without revealing it, lightly said with a smile: “The overlord is the Blue Sky Tyrant Body, and the young master of the overlord. He has never suffered a loss, you will have to Take more precautions.”

“You don’t bother to worry about this. Yang Xuan has a hard life. All the people who you think you can kill me are killed by me or killed. “

Yang Xuan twitched his lips.

“You are crazy, but at your age there is such a battle strength, but it has several points of arrogant capital, but through the past and present, most arrogant people have no good end.”


Liu Jiangyuan’s voice became cold.

In the entire Academy and even the entire Sacred Domain Great World, he is a young Heaven’s Chosen, with a very strong reputation. People who dare to talk to him like this will not say no, but he will never appear in a teenager.

But right now, a kid who smelled of mother’s milk not yet dried, didn’t even put him in his eyes in words, which made him angry.

Yang Xuan is proud of nature, no matter how angry Liu Jiangyuan is, said without thinking: “People are not mad and vain young people, and whether I am mad or not, what does it have to do with you?”


Liu Jiangyuan complexion sank, but he quickly controlled his emotions, coldly snorted and said: “This Elder is a kind reminder to you. After all, you are the genius of our Vermilion Bird Academy. If…”

Without waiting for Liu Jiangyuan to finish speaking, Yang Xuan waved and interrupted: “Are you finished? Get out of the way when you are finished, don’t get in the way.”

As soon as the words came out, the audience was deadly quiet, and the eyes of the students present fell on Yang Xuan.

It was this young man who actually let Liu Jiang far away, don’t get in the way.

If this sentence is okay for ordinary students, after all, with the strength of Yang Xuan, no one will think there is anything, but the other party is Liu Jiangyuan!

As a former number one genius student in the inner courtyard, now the two-star Elder of the Supervisory Hall, Liu Jiangyuan’s talent and strength are beyond doubt.

Not much, he only needs to use 50% of his strength, and Yang Xuan has absolutely no possibility of survival.

Of course, Yang Xuan is supported by Emperor Feng Qingyang for half a step. Even though Liu Jiangyuan has the courage, he dare not touch Yang Xuan half of his hair.

At least, he didn’t dare to watch in full view.

It’s just that Yang Xuan was crazy enough to face a divine force Elder, a realm guard.

Although I have long heard that Yang Xuan is arrogant, does his own way, and has no scruples, I heard that after all, I heard that it is far from the shock that I have seen with my own eyes. Until now, many students have not understood that Yang Xuan has How crazy.

In his eyes, it seems that there is no law and discipline, let me give you someone else.

Liu Jiangyuan’s face turned cold, his eyes lit up with anger, shouted: “A fanatic, kind of say what you just said again.”

Yang Xuan expression is indifferent, face doesn’t ‘t change, as if not aware of Liu Jiangyuan’s anger.

While he was playing with Yi Xiu’er’s fleshy little hands, he casually said: “If you don’t understand if you talk to you well, then I can say it harder, you, flash aside Go, good dogs don’t stand in the way.”


There was a cold air in the square, and all the students were stunned.

Yang Xuan’s words are equivalent to an undisguised slap in the face. There is no slightest politeness, and it does not save Liu Jiangyuan any face.

At this moment, countless students are all speechless.

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