However, as his pupils became bright silver, not only did the speed of the fingering become slower, but he could even see how much divine force was contained in the fingering.

As I knew it, he had no fear on his face, raised his big hand, ran the Origin Force, and slapped his fingers.


Zhijin flew out on the spot and broke apart in the void, setting off a terrifying storm.

Fortunately, many students are crowded in the front row, otherwise it would be strange that they will not be affected.

However, the storm swept away and lifted hundreds of hard seats into flight. In midair, they were completely crushed by the storm, and sawdust flew across the sky. The scene was shocking.

The students in the hall were dumbfounded, what a powerful battle strength this is, and they broke their fingers with a slap.

As Elder, the powerhouse of Divine Force 2 Heavenly Layer, the strength of Yi Qingwu as everyone knows, deep and unmeasurable, some even assert that even Liu Jiangyuan is not her opponent.

Although she was just a casual blow and did not use any powerful secret skills, Yang Xuan’s strength is enough to make people feel shocked. You must know that he is only the cultivation base of Celestial Realm Nine Layers Heaven.

A young man from Celestial Realm Nine Layers Heaven can break the powerhouse of the divine force environment with a single blow. This incident is enough to make a sensation in the world.

“This kid…”

Then Liu Jiangyuan who entered the Martial Art Hall was also startled.

He knows Yi Qingwu’s style of behavior, and originally wanted to see how Yang Xuan is bad luck. Unexpectedly, Yang Xuan has no bad luck. Not to mention, he showed battle strength far beyond the cultivation base. .

“Yeah, it’s bleeding!”

Suddenly, there was a soft cry, and Yi Xiu’er panicked and took out the medicine box and bandage from the storage ring to help Yang Xuan bandaged the wound.

Everyone is shocked by the power of Yang Xuan, only the little fox girl first saw his fresh blood dripping right hand.

“It’s okay, a little superficial wound.”


“Of course, you don’t know how thick my skin is, A small divine force can’t hurt me.”

After Yang Xuan said, he looked up towards Yi Qingwu on the high platform, said with a smile: “Many thanks, Elder show mercy, otherwise this kid I have to confess my life here.”

“Yang Xuan, I admit that you are very strong, but if you dare to use my cousin again, I will definitely kill you.”


Yi Qingwu said with a cold face, but there was a touch of shock in his eyes, as if Yang Xuan’s strength was not expected to be so strong.

“Cousin, you are too cruel.”

Yi Xiu’er panting with rage said that although Yang Xuan was only affected by superficial wounds, she was still scared A jump, dissatisfied with his cousin suddenly killer.

“Xiu’er, you are still young and don’t know will of the people is vicious, he treats you…”

Yi Xiu’er interrupted before Yi Qingwu finished speaking Said: “I know my business, so don’t worry about my cousin. Also, Yang Xuan is a good person. He not only saved my life, but also treated me very well. I really like her.”

” This little girl!”

Yang Xuan was moved in his heart, and he reached out and took Yi Xiu’er into his arms, ignoring the eyes of others.


Yi Qingwu’s pretty face turned blue with anger, a pair of icy eyes staring at Yang Xuan, suggesting that he let go of Yi Xiu’er.

Unfortunately, Yang Xuan didn’t even look at her either.

At this moment, he only sees the cute little fox girl, and asks softly: “Xiu’er, is what you said is true?”

“Well, if If you don’t give up, you won’t leave in this life.”

Yi Xiu’er is nodded.

Even though she is young, but if she recognizes a certain man, she will follow him steadfastly until she die, not to mention that she can see that Yang Xuan really likes her.

“Yang Xuan, this is Martial Art Hall. It is not a place for you to talk about love. You can behave yourself.”

coldly shouted, Liu Jiangyuan from the rear.

Now when he is acting, he hopes to win Yi Qingwu’s favor.

“The rules, the Lord is the rules, if you don’t agree, go to Deputy Dean Hong to reason.”

Yang Xuan said without looking back.

“Asshole thing, you are so unruly!”

“A little two-star Elder that’s all, don’t take yourself too seriously, in my In your eyes, you are nothing but a face that is considered outstanding when thrown into the crowd. Don’t talk to me about dignity and law, because to me, that’s a joke.”

“Little devil, you are too supercilious.”

Liu Jiangyuan is so angry that he can’t wait to thwart Yang Xuan.

It’s just that, thinking of Feng Qingyang, he didn’t dare to move rashly.

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