“Well, I know you, this girl, can’t bear me, but I have made a life and death agreement with Liu Jiangyuan , and I will have to practice hard.”

“Okay. “

Even though Yi Xiu’er is extremely reluctant, she is still nodded.

“Well, this is my good little wife. Okay, Husband is leaving first.”

Yang Xuan haha ​​smiled, no matter what others think of him, he bows his head Yi Xiu’er kissed her white cheek and walked away quickly.

Chapter 491 Book Collection Hall

“Asshole, stop for me.”

Yi Qingwu yelled in anger.

As the Little Princess of their Yi Family, how delicate is Yi Xiu’er.

However, when he reached Yang Xuan’s mouth, he became a good little wife, and even kissed Yi Xiu’er in front of everyone. Yi Qingwu felt angry when he thought about it.

“Elder, don’t chase me, or you will rush me. I can’t keep talking. If you are not careful, you may tell the secret of your body.”

Yang Xuan drove away and rushed into the Martial Art Hall quickly, but before leaving, he did not forget to shout.

“The secret of the body!?”

Many students were confused, and none of them knew what Yang Xuan meant.

“This base and shameless thief.”

Yi Qingwu didn’t understand it at first, but she was so clever that she soon knew what Yang Xuan was referring to. Time was trembling with anger.

As a rare sex, this is the biggest secret in her heart.

No one knows her secret except Yi Xiu’er, who has bathed with her.

But now, Yang Xuan doesn’t know about it, and uses this secret to blackmail her, which makes her almost crazy.

Yi Qingwu became more and more angry, shouted at Yi Xiu’er: “Smelly girl, you come over here.”

“Cousin, you can scold me, but don’t fight Me!”

Yi Xiu’er looked at Yi Qingwu pitifully, and walked towards her slowly.

“I am your cousin, what did you do when I beat you, I will ask, how did you meet that smelly brat?”


Outside the Martial Palace, Yang Xuan soared into the sky and flew towards the library.

In the inner courtyard of the Vermilion Bird Academy, there are three collection halls alone, among which there are special storage of various Fire Element Cultivation Art, and some special storage of secret skills.

The two book collection halls have always been the busiest, and many inner courtyard students flock to them every day to choose cultivation techniques and secret skills.

As for the last library, few people care about it.

Because there are no cultivation techniques and secrets in this library, there are only various historical annals, celebrity biographies, astronomy and geography, pill concocting, and various humanities and interesting things, etc., almost everything, all- inclusive.

Yang Xuan went to this library of books just to learn about Sacred Domain Great World.

Only by understanding this place as soon as possible, he can choose the place of experience.

Yes, after making a life and death agreement with Liu Jiangyuan, he was ready to go out to experience and find opportunities.

Martial artist cultivation, it’s not enough to cultivate in closed doors, you must have a chance.

For example, Yang Xuan, even for half a year of endless cultivation, it is extremely difficult to reach the divine force state.

He knew this in his mind, so he had to find a lot of fossils to cultivation the Eight Sects.

In the final analysis, Eight Sects is his support. He only needs to open one or two acupuncture points, enough to defeat Liu Jiangyuan in half a year.

It’s just that there are too many fossils needed to get through a hole.

Although this can be purchased with Spirit Stone in Holy City, the 8 million Spirit Stone on his body certainly cannot buy many fossils, so he can only go out and look for it.


All the way to a spatial flight, Yang Xuan has an Academy map on his body. As for getting lost, he turns around many buildings. Among the pointing fingers of many inner courtyard students, Flew to the library at a very fast speed.

Now the news hasn’t spread, and many inner courtyard students don’t know about the covenant of life and death, so when they see Yang Xuan passing by, most of them are just surprised to talk about that’s all.

If there is no one beside Yang Xuan, regardless of whether the news spreads, about Mozhancha Kungfu came to the deepest part of the Northwest of the Academy.

The ancient forests here are dense, winding paths are quiet, and there are no people on the road.

Yang Xuan dropping from the sky, along a bamboo path, came to the end all the way, and stopped outside a palace.

The palace is not big, covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters. The whole body is made of bronze. Some places are rusty, and the copper chips fall off when the wind blows, making it very old.

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