hearing this, almost everyone is looking at one person.

He is black clothed and has a cold breath, and he is in the shadow of the Great World Youjia Young Master.

“Is he talking about Yang Xuan!?”

Someone was surprised and said in a low voice.

The lowest cultivation base among the diners present is Celestial Realm. Naturally, no one is an idiot. They all understand that You Fen is talking about Yang Xuan.

The insinuation that Yang Xuan has no strength, the reason why he was able to defeat the hegemony was pure fluke, and victory was impossible.

“Yang Xuan may not have a high cultivation base, but whether he is innate talent or Heart of Martial Dao, he is more than hegemony. Although hegemony suppressed his strength in the first battle that day, Contending for the top of the same generation, the domineering is indeed defeated, there is no doubt about this.”

Suddenly, coldly snorted broke the tranquility of this space.

“hehe, what a bullshit of the same generation, if you change to me, you can directly crush me, and only the overbearing arrogant will care about the face.”

You Fen disdainful smile, turning his head to look at the wine table where Dongfang Yun and the others are, his eyes fixed on the person who just spoke.

This is a young man in his early 20s. He is dressed in a white robe, looks handsome, and has a cold temperament. He is holding a long sword with a sheath. It is Solitary Isolated Sect.

You Fen’s eyes were sharp, and he looked up and down at Solitary Isolated Sect a few times, and uttered a cold word in his mouth.

“You are the Solitary Isolated Sect of White Tiger Academy. I heard that your sword technique out of the ordinary has been unbeaten in fighting swords with people for hundreds of times. Or we can find a place to make gestures, in the sword The technique is divided into two levels.”

Chapter 495 Try to touch my friend

“Sorry, I always only learn from real swordsmen, never with people like you Comparing swords.”

Solitary Isolated Sect categorically rejected You Fen’s engagement without hesitation.

“He is Solitary Isolated Sect, right?”

“It is him, this child is as cold and proud as the rumors!”

“You Fen is a fierce person , As soon as he said these words, it must be bad luck!”

The diners in the lobby whispered, their eyes all fell on Solitary Isolated Sect.

This young man is too uncomfortable, even if he doesn’t compete with You Fen, he shouldn’t be so cruel.

This is tantamount to hitting You Fen in the face, and You Fen can’t give up.

“What did you say!?”

You Fen’s expression is not good, and his murderous intention is transmitted through his eyes.

As the Young Master of the Nether Great World Youjia, no one of his generation dared to speak to him like this.

Who knows that Solitary Isolated Sect doesn’t want to compare swords with him. He also says that he only compares swords with real swordsmen and never compares swords with people like him.

The implication is that he is not a swordsman.

Looking at the murderous intention in You Fen’s eyes, many diners were awe-inspiring, and they all understood that You Fen had a murderous intention on Solitary Isolated Sect.

Don’t think Solitary Isolated Sect is a genius in the inner courtyard of White Tiger Academy, but you really want to provoke You Fen. This young evildoer from You Family will definitely dare to kill on the spot.

Dongfang Yun is also complexion changed. Not to mention You Fen’s talent and strength, he is Young Master of You Family. His origin is very terrifying, and it is difficult for them to contend together.

At this moment, while several people secretly guarded themselves, they all used their eyes to signal side Solitary Isolated Sect not to be impulsive.

This guy is good at everything, but his personality is too straightforward, he can say whatever he thinks, regardless of who he is.

Solitary Isolated Sect doesn’t seem to see Dongfang Yun’s gaze, each minding their own business authentically: “I said that you are not a swordsman, a true swordsman, you can behave well or the sword moves with side stroke, but as a person, you should live dignified and upright, so that you are a true gentleman.”

As a swordsman, a sword moves with side stroke, in order to become stronger, Solitary Isolated Sect can put everything aside.

However, he also has a bottom line for being a human being. No matter how much he looks down on a person, he will say it in front of the other person, and will never chew on people’s ears behind his back, because that is not what a gentleman does.

“Hehe, you are scolding me as a hypocrite!?”

You Fen smiled, with a grin on his face.

He is indeed not a gentleman, but he was scolded as a hypocrite face-to-face with all the eyes in full view, and there was still a lot of anger in his heart.

“You said it yourself, I never scolded you.”

Solitary Isolated Sect looked fearless and looked directly at You Fen.

“Bold, do you dare to talk to my Young Master like this?”

A man in the Peak of Fate Realm could not bear it, jumped out from behind You Fen and pointed at Solitary Isolated Sect yelled.

This man has an extremely fierce face, more than two meters tall, and a strong body like a tiger or leopard. The muscles on the exposed arms are bulging and the veins are exposed. At a glance, you can see that the arms are powerful and the hands are skillful. Awesome.

At this moment, his eyes are full of evil, staring at Solitary Isolated Sect.

Only you need an order from Youfen, and he will draw his sword and kill without the slightest hesitation.

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