You Fen face turned cold, hundreds of light blades appeared above the head, covering a large area of ​​the sky, with great momentum.

“A lot of them, but are you sure you can hit me?”

Yang Xuan shrugged, looking serene.

“Do you know why I want to take you into the Nether Nether fantasy domain, because there is nowhere to hide.”

You Fen smiled grimly, double pupils The green light flashed, and within several meters of Yang Xuan’s body, a weird deep green light curtain rose up, trapping him in it.

“This is!”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes and turned Martial Dao Heavenly Eye. Looking at it, he noticed that the light curtain was not simple.

“This is the Nine Nether phantom mask, which can distort the space around you, no matter how you walk out, you can’t get out.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan’s figure shook, and he realized that He couldn’t get out, and he was bounced back by invisible power as soon as he touched the light curtain.

“It’s over.”

Nine Nether can trap people, but time is limited, and You Fen did not delay. With a wave of the right hand, there were hundreds of light blades. Roaring down, like a rain of life-threatening light, swept across the sky and covering the earth, rushing towards Yang Xuan in the Nine Nether phantom.

“Is this kid fooling me into knowing the secret of Divine Soul?”

Yang Xuan’s mouth showed a cold arc, and countless light blades poured into the light curtain. At that moment, he stepped forward and suddenly used Spiritual Storm.


An invisible force surges out like tornado violently, and puff puff puff smashes all the light blades.

As one of the three Divine Soul secrets in the Divine Refining Technique, the formidable power of Spiritual Storm can be imagined. It defeated hundreds of light blades at once, and even the Nether magic mask. To destroy.

It’s true that this thing can distort the void, but after all, it is formed by the condensation of spirit strength. Once it is attacked by a strong force, it will collapse.

“This impossible!”

You Fen changed color and screamed.

Although he guessed that Yang Xuan should cultivate the Divine Soul secret technique, he was still shocked when he saw hundreds of spiritual blades and Nine Nether phantoms were instantly defeated.

With this alone, he knew that Yang Xuan cultivated some rare Divine Soul secret technique, which was much stronger than the several Divine Soul secret techniques of their family.

Chapter 499 human’s calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation

“it’s impolite not to make a return for what one receives, now, it’s my turn to attack.”

Yang Xuan expression is cold and unforgiving, fast as lightning rushing towards You Fen.

Both of his hands while flicking, two invisible storms gush out, and the impacting air is rumbling. You can see how powerful the two storms are from the sound.


As soon as You Fen came back to his senses, he sensed the fatal danger.

At the moment when two invisible storms were about to hit him, he used Origin Force to directly use the secrets of their Youjia’s shifting and transposition, and dodge it dangerously and dangerously.

However, there was a shocking explosion in the place where he just stood.

Two storms have destructive power too terrifying, and blasted the entire ground within ten zhang into a big hole.

Around the big crater, there is endless crackle, cracks spread like spider webs, sand and rocks fly around, and the scene is terrifying.

“You actually cultivated such a powerful Divine Soul secret skill!”

You Fen complexion changed and changed again. If he had been hiding a little slower just now, he would definitely violent death.

Yang Xuan didn’t answer, running Origin Force to culminate in the past.

“Damn, you are courting death.”

You Fen roared, not only using Origin Force, but also using Martial Spirit.

His cultivation has to be Ice Attribute cultivation technique, and he has awakened the strongest Martial Spirit.

So the Extreme Cold Origin Force is used to urge Martial Spirit, and the formidable power of Martial Spirit has reached a terrifying level.

With a bang, he was ignited with a soaring ash-gray flame, emitting a temperature that freezes everything.

“You are really an out-and-out villain, is this what you call the pupil technique duel?”

Yang Xuan sneered, the whole person was cast off, and continued Approaching extremely fast towards You Fen.

“Go to hell!”

You Fen saw Yang Xuan swiftly, and the ash-gray flames scattered all over his body, condensing into thousands of sword glow in front of him .

In a flash, these innumerable sword glows popped out all over the sky, like a storm of swords destroying heaven extinguishing earth, moved towards Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan complexion changed, and then became fierce, scarlet gold flames gushing out all over his body, forming a layer of flame armor on his body, rushing into countless sword glow alone.

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