It’s just that Yunxuan Pavilion has always acted magnanimously. Straightforward and upright, the Pavilion Lord even issued a decree, prohibiting all large and small Auction Houses from getting involved in slave sales, and offenders kill without mercy.

“cough cough!”

Qian Hui gave a dry cough, and said: “Everyone misunderstood, this is the little girl Qian Xueqian. Until now, she is in the deep cultivation of our Yunxuan Pavilion cabinet and has never been in the world. Today, I took advantage of the auction to let her show her face. I hope you can take good care of the little girl in the future.”

“It turns out to be a young lady. Don’t worry, Mrs. Qian, don’t worry if Miss Xueqian has any needs in the future, I, Zhou Pengfei, absolutely I’ll help you with all your might.”

Someone patted his chest.

“Yes, yes.”

Many young talents also spoke.

A beautiful woman with beautiful appearance and outstanding temperament like Qian Xueqian is rare in the entire Sacred Domain mainland, making men fall in love at first sight and admire them.

“This guy is really an old fox.”

Yang Xuan twitched his lips.

Qian Hui let Qian Xueqian show his face, just because he wanted to make Qian Xueqian familiar, so that it would be much safer to go out in the future.

Of course, Qian Hui is an old man, and he might take this opportunity to pick a son-in-law for Qian Xueqian.

“The appearance and figure are top grade, but unfortunately not a slave girl, otherwise I will run out of savings and I will buy it.”

Zhang Yuntao licked his mouth.

He is lustful, although Qian Xueqian is not as devastatingly beautiful as Yi Xiu’er and Yi Qingwu, so beautiful.

But the ones that are long are covering moon, shaming flowers. If this kind of woman can live in her tent, she will be upset, she will feel hot and dry when she thinks about it.

“Good-for-nothing, are there only women in your mind?” He Shaotian said with disdain.

“He Shaotian, are you in a natural conflict with me?”

Zhang Yuntao was angry.

Because of Yang Xuan’s relationship, he has tolerated He Shaotian again and again. Who knows that He Shaotian loves to frigid irony and scorching satire when he has nothing to do.

“Idiot, shut up, or you will die.” Solitary Isolated Sect said coldly.

The box was quiet, and everyone looked at Solitary Isolated Sect.

“Solitary Isolated Sect, you…”

Zhang Yuntao’s face is ugly, but under the eyes of Solitary Isolated Sect’s extremely cold and severe eyes, he can’t help but shake his mouth. He never dared to let out half a fart again.

“Brother Dugu, what are you?”

Yang Xuan has doubts. Although Zhang Yuntao’s mouth is very cheap, it is a character problem, and it will not make Solitary Isolated Sect so. Be angry.

“I’m fine.” Solitary Isolated Sect shook his head.

hearing this, Yang Xuan nodded, didn’t say much, but Dongfang Yun and several people relaxed at the same time were very puzzled. They couldn’t figure out why Solitary Isolated Sect, who has always been taciturn, became so impatient.

“Damn, didn’t I just praise the Qian Xueqian for being so angry?”

Zhang Yuntao was quite upset in his heart, but he was upset, and he was not upset. Dare to offend Solitary Isolated Sect.

Because Solitary Isolated Sect is not He Shaotian, he really wants to provoke him. He definitely dared to draw his sword and kill people.

Solitary Isolated Sect also ignored Zhang Yuntao, staring at Qian Xueqian on the display stand, and muttered: “Yu Xuan…”

“Who is Yu Xuan? !?” Dongfang Yun several people were surprised.

Yang Xuan took a look at Solitary Isolated Sect, and then looked at Qian Xueqian carefully, then he found something, and a somewhat surprised look appeared on his face.

Because Qian Xueqian and a certain girl have several points of surprisingly similar.

After competing with Solitary Isolated Sect, Yang Xuan saw an image from the jade slip of Solitary Isolated Sect, and was deeply impressed by the girl in the image.

Although the girl was only 17-18 years old at the time, her facial features were very similar to Qian Xueqian, especially her nose and eyes, which were almost carved out of a mold.

Perhaps a girl will grow up to be like Qian Xueqian in a few years. It’s no wonder that Solitary Isolated Sect, who has always been unpredictable, is so unstable.

“The girl in the image is called Yuxuan…”

Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, wondering how to help Solitary Isolated Sect.

The talent of Solitary Isolated Sect needless to say, it is definitely the best among Dongfang Yun and the others, but his personality is too withdrawn, and he has been practicing swords to numb himself almost every day.

In spite of the rapid progress of the sword technique, in the long run, it will not be person controlling the sword, but the sword controlling the person. Sooner or later, it will become the puppet of the sword, and the consequences will be disastrous.

For Solitary Isolated Sect, Yang Xuan is very fond of him and regards him as a friend.

Under the circumstance of his ability, Yang Xuan naturally cannot let him sink like this.

“Everyone, please be quiet.”

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