But in the ancient years of Divine-Martial Continent, many Sword Dao Sect schools proficient in sword array emerged.

It is no exaggeration to say that every sword array has the formidable power of moving mountains and suppressing seas, destroying heaven and extinguishing earth, and its value is immeasurable.

Chapter 504 Wealth and wealth

“You must get this thing!”

Yang Xuan secretly gritted his teeth. He has already decided that he wants to meet this one. The unquestionable sword can not fall into the hands of others.

This time he is full of confidence because there are a lot of Spirit Stones in his storage ring.

Even if the Spirit Stone is not enough, he still has other treasures to exchange.


As the host of Auction House, it is not about how high the cultivation base is, but about having outstanding eloquence.

Even if it is a junk item, it can turn waste into treasure when it is in your hands, making people compete for price.

Obviously, Qian Hui is this kind of person, with excellent eloquence.

When the scene calmed down, he smiled and said: “Everyone, this sword not only contains the sword dao mystery, but the hardness is also rare in the world. My Yunxuan Pavilion once had a master shot, but it is full strength. The attack can’t damage it any minute.”

“What, the Lord cannot damage it!”

“Old Qian, you are sure you are not kidding, this thing is as hard as you said! ?”

The audience was in an uproar, and almost everyone was shocked.

“I have to decide on this matter, but I want to see who dares to fight with me?”

Suddenly, a cold and arrogant voice resounded through the audience, domineering and powerful, As if he had spoken, this sword was already in his name.

“Who is this, what a big tone, when people like us don’t exist?”

“The voice came from the seventh box!”

“Box No. 7, that is You Fen!”

“It’s him, this child is really arrogant!”

Just as the crowd was noisy, Qian Hui frowned , Directed at the No. 7 box and said: “You Young Master, do you know the rules of my Yunxuan Auction House?”

As soon as this statement was made, the audience fell silent and everyone heard it. The anger in Qian Hui’s words.

This is also normal. In Yunxuan Auction House and even the other two Auction Houses in Holy City, there are only three rules.

One: There can be no fight on auction.

Second: Don’t make random bids.

The third: no personal threats.

Obviously, You Fen’s words just now contained personal threats, which seriously undermined the rules of Yunxuan Auction House.

For a time, the eyes of the crowd all looked towards Box No. 7, which is a top box, among the many boxes, a crane in a flock of chickens, quite luxurious.

“Is this kid coming to the auction too?”

“He is too supercilious, and he will pay the price sooner or later.”

Dongfang Yun’s faces are different It looks good, after all, not long ago, they almost clashed with You Fen.

Yang Xuan didn’t say a word. He was not surprised that You Fen came to the auction, but his gaze still looked towards Box No. 7.

The 13th box they are in is not far from the 7th box, but they can only see a corner of the 7th box. There are restrictions in front of this box. Even if you look from the front, you can’t see the inside. people.

There was a short silence, and there was a faint laughter from the seventh box.

“Old Qian, I’m really sorry, the kid came here for the first time and didn’t know the rules of the expensive Auction House. Just now I was eager to buy this sword, so I didn’t mean to break the rules. “

“Does retreat make progress?”

Yang Xuan sneered in his heart. Even if he understands this matter, it’s over. Qian Hui It shouldn’t be what to pursue.

Finally, with a huge family background, Qian Hui and even Yun Xuan Pavilion dared not really do anything to him.

“Forget it this time, just this once.”

Sure enough, as Yang Xuan had guessed, Qian Hui was lightly snorted, and immediately looked around the audience and said:

“The base price of this sword is 1,000,000 Spirit Stone, and the price increase shall not be less than hundreds thousand Spirit Stone each time. Please feel free to bid and bid. My Yunxuan Auction House guarantees your safety in life.”

“The reserve price is only 1,000,000 Spirit Stone. This sword will definitely reach an amazing price!” Dongfang Yun slapped his tongue.

“Yes, the reserve price of the first item in previous auctions was a few hundred thousand Spirit Stone. It seems that this item is really a treasure.” Qianzui said.

“No matter how many Spirit Stones, I will definitely get this one.” Yang Xuan said suddenly.

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