However, they did not approach the Fairview Manor either.

Because just now, an invisible storm rushed up, forming a huge barrier.

This is the domain of Feng Qingyang, which immediately covered the entire Jinxiu Manor.

People outside can’t go in without saying, and it’s hard to feel any breath fluctuations, even the entire Fairview Manor is plunged into darkness, unable to see through.

“pay respects to Deputy Dean Hong, pay respects to the three deputy deans.”

Nearby, many students in the inner courtyard were surprised and hurriedly gave Hong Jincheng and the others. Salutes, and the Palace Lord and Elder in the main halls also saluted.

“It’s okay here, you are all gone.”

Hong Jincheng waved his hand.

“Yes, the deputy dean.”

Everyone did not dare to stay long and left one after another, but what happened in Jinyi Manor quickly spread, and the four courtyards were shaken. , Holy City is boiling, almost everyone is talking about Yang Xuan.

“Is this child still a human, how did he do it!?”

“Yes, a piece of Fire Qilin blood source was actually refining by him!”


“Many people have seen with their own eyes that even Feng Qingyang is guarded by Yang Xuan, so how can there be false?”

“Fire Qilin blood crystal source contains a large amount of Qilin True Fire, that kid is too reckless, and it is impossible to absorb it.”

“Feng Qingyang helped, this is not true.”

“Wait and see, his cultivation base is definitely advanced by leaps and bounds, maybe he can condense the inner core tonight.”


In Holy City, a luxurious mansion house, You Fen also learned the news and shouted: “Impossible, how is this possible!”

He couldn’t imagine that Yang Xuan could refining Fire Qilin blood source .

“Young Master, don’t worry, although the boy has a very strong fleshy body, he can’t fully absorb Qilin True Fire.”

A black clothed old man said.

“What if he can absorb it!?”

You Fen roared, his face full of hideousness.

“This, if he can absorb it, the cultivation base can at least reach the Fate Realm.”

The black clothed old man said, and immediately said: “But this is impossible. Even with the help of Feng Qingyang, most of the Qilin True Fire will be lost, because with his cultivation base and fleshy body, he can’t bear too much Qilin True Fire. Forcibly absorbed, he must burst and die.”


The outside world was arguing, but Yang Xuan didn’t know, even if he knew, he didn’t care about it.

At this moment, he is going through the test of life and death.

Yes, life and death test!

Yang Xuan absolutely didn’t expect, Fire Qilin blood crystal source is so powerful, his body is suddenly wrapped in a large Qilin True Fire.

Besides the severe pain, there is only one feeling left in his brain, that is, his body is about to melt.

“No, I have to save Qin Lan and find the Yellow Springs sacred fruit for my mother. Su Ziyao and other women are still waiting for me to return in the Sword God Palace. I cannot die, I must not die.”


“Hold on, I have half an Undying Body, and the fleshy body is almost immortal. I only need to rush to open the wound door with all my strength.”

Yang Xuan let out an unyielding roar in his heart.

No matter the Qilin True Fire crackling and burning all over his body, he was indifferent. He didn’t seem to feel the pain. There was a strong suction from the Laogong acupoint in both palms and hands, and he looked at the Qilin True Fire on his body. Swallow it inside and use it to open the closed wound door.

puff puff puff! ! !

Qilin True Fire was attracted by the Laogong acupoint, and suddenly fluctuated violently, pouring into Yang Xuan’s palm.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

However, the good times are not long.

Just when Yang Xuan was secretly excited and thought he was about to break through the wounded door, Qilin True Fire burst out with a will to destroy heaven extinguishing earth.

This is the Fire Qilin will hidden in the Qilin True Fire, and it is the Remnant Soul of Fire Qilin who has been cultivated without knowing how many years.


With the beast roar of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, Yang Xuan as if was struck by lightning, Qilin True Fire on his body rushed uncontrollably High in the sky, condensed into a lifelike giant beast.

giant beast has a hundred zhang, a horse head, lion eyes, a tiger back, a musk deer body, and is covered in dark red dragon scales. A dragon tail of several feet long has thick hair and sparkles. Very scary and domineering.

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