“Divine Ability is good. I am now vigorous dragon and ferocious tiger. I have a strong blood and even a little bit of improvement. Although it is not noticeable, it is indeed enhanced a little.”

” This is based on the Supreme Divine Ability created by Ancient Divine Beast gluttony. It was originally used to replenish blood and strengthen the body.”

The purgatory boy said angrily: “This is because your brat fleshy body is too strong. Change to common Martial artist, the effect of this magical power will be greatly improved.”

“No matter what, continue to try Qilin Arm’s formidable power, I have to master this Fire Qilin’s Life Source Divine Ability as soon as possible.”

Yang Xuan found a lonely place in the manor. As his thoughts turned, his left arm swelled rapidly, and dragon scales grew, but in an instant, one left arm turned into a huge monster. People’s weird arms.

Chapter 516 Cremation Stars

“What a terrifying power!”

Yang Xuan is excited and excited.

Although it is not the first time to use Qilin Arm, his face is still excited.

This is pure power, there is nothing else mixed in.

Yang Xuan, as the Owner of this force, deeply understands his own power.


He stepped up on the ground, like a human tyrannosaurus, raising his left arm almost like a rampage, and slammed his fist on a rockery.

The rockery is seven or eight meters high, covering several dozen meters, and is quite strong.

The usual Celestial Realm full strength attack may not be completely broken.

However, under the violent Qilin Arm, this rockery is not enough to see.

There was a bang, like heaven falls and earth rends, huge fake landslides shattered and became dust all over the sky, disappearing without a trace.

With a punch, the rockery disappeared and was raze to the ground!

What a powerful force this is, the ordinary divine force powerhouse, one blow can destroy the rockery, but it cannot crush the rockery like Yang Xuan.

“haha, very good, from now on, Young Master has another killing move!”

Yang Xuan laughed wildly, so happy.

Looking down at his hideous and domineering left arm, he had a faint illusion, as if he could punch out a hole in the sky.

Perhaps, this is not an illusion!

After all, this is the Qilin Arm. The stronger Spirit, Soul and Qi blood, the greater the formidable power of this arm.


Yi Yunrong came through the air. He heard the sound from here all the way, so he naturally wanted to find out.

At this look, he was stunned. He didn’t understand how the practice room was destroyed not long ago until Yang Xuan said that he could get Qilin Arm.

“Qilin Arm, it turns out that Fire Qilin still has this kind of Life Source Divine Ability, but this is too terrifying, and the power definitely exceeds 100,000 Jin!”

Yi Yunrong said with emotion. .

“Uncle Rong has good eyesight, my Qilin Arm can now burst out with a huge force of 150,000 jin!”

Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“How much? 150,000 catties!”

Yi Yunrong’s eyes widened and he nearly bit his tongue.

This kind of power is too unbelievable, much stronger than the overbearing strength of 10 Dragons.

It is conceivable that if the overbearing and current Yang Xuan fight, without using Origin Force, they will definitely be completely crushed by Yang Xuan’s Qilin Arm, there’s no resistance.


Time flies by, dazzling days.

In a few days, Yang Xuan’s internal injury was completely healed, and he ate most of the meat ingredients in the manor’s inventory.

No way, Qilin Arm consumes too much blood.

Each time it is used, it is a disaster for Yi Family chefs and food workers.


Yang Xuan is so edible, he has his mouth.

On the premise of sufficient quantity, the food must be made as delicious as possible.

But no one is dissatisfied, because Yang Xuan is generous and generous. Whether it is a chef, a food worker, or a Fox Race maid who delivers food, he has all rewarded a lot of Spirit Stones.

As a result, his popularity in the manor is extremely high.

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