Don’t look at the blade awns , but this is a divine force cohesion. A single cut is enough to split a giant mountain, and the awns condensed with Origin Force are incomparable.


The blade mang is like an unrolled bolt of white silk. With the super high temperature of burning the heavens extinguishing the earth, it cuts its head at Yi Qingwu, fierce and cruel.

Yi Qingwu has cold eyes, long sword sword energy spit in his hand, ready to go.

At the same time, a young girl poked her head out of the hole under the rock wall at the back, shouting anxiously: “Cousin, be careful!”

15-16 years old, a neon skirt untainted by even a speck of dust, oval face, bright eyes and white teeth, the skin is snowy, a pale red wavy hair, two dainty and delicate fox ears faintly discernible, positive It’s Yi Xiu’er.

Outside her body, there is a pale red light curtain like water waves, shining with splendid brilliance.

This is a fire shield issued by fire avoiding beads, which can isolate flames and high temperatures.

It is also the fire-avoidance bead that caused He’s brother and the others to have evil intentions. Another aspect is that the Yi Family sisters are too beautiful and are also Fox Race women.

In Sacred Domain Great World, Fox Race is a big family, among which beautiful women are as beautiful as clouds, but beautiful women like the Yi Family sisters are still extremely rare.

For Brother He, since I met the fire avoiding bead and two Fox Race top grade beauties, I can’t miss it.

“Smelly girl, didn’t you let you not come out? Hurry back.”

Yi Qingwu yelled, and the long sword in his hand danced at high speed, a Flame Sword Qi like a divine glow no stronghold one cannot overcome, facing the attacking swordsman.

pu chi!

The blade of the sword was pierced by sword energy, and it broke apart in the air and turned into a fire star in the sky.

” bitch, your strength is really very impressive ah, there was also hurt so much!”

He hung both shocked and angry, regardless of consumption within the body divine force , The long sword in his hand was continuously swung, sending out several dazzling flame blades, hiding the sky and covering the earth towards Yi Qingwu.

He originally wanted to capture Yi Qingwu alive, but Yi Qingwu’s strength was too strong, and now he had to kill him severely, otherwise he couldn’t deal with Yi Qingwu. Not to mention, it is very likely to fall in the sewer.

“Big brother, this woman is the Elder of the Vermilion Bird Academy Superintendent Hall, let’s not keep your hands.”

He Wu also saw how good Yi Qingwu is, his mouth Loudly shouted, giant axe slashed out in his hand, one after another flame axe shatter void, and attacked Yi Qingwu without the slightest softness.

“One sword burns the sky!”

Yi Qingwu’s face is not flustered, and the murderous intention in his eyes penetrates, within the body divine force, like a flood of opening gates, endless The long sword pouring into her hands.

At this moment, the long sword in her hand trembled violently, sending out a breath of palpitations.

This is one of their Yi Family Sect Guarding Absolute Art, which claims to be able to burn Nine Heavens and Ten Earths with one sword.

Although Yi Qingwu is limited by the cultivation base, it is far from reaching that height, but she consumes a large amount of divine force, and the destructive power is also extremely terrifying.

Between the hands of the sword and the falling, a Shocking Heaven Sword burst into the air, colliding with the sky full of sword and axe lights.

hong long long!

This area is no longer calm, and there is a deafening explosion sound like a volcanic eruption. One after another flames swept across, rolling up the lava stone and large and small lava. Chi, the entire lava cave was shaking violently.

Chapter 518 Sisters are in trouble

“Too strong!”

“Unexpectedly, there are such terrifying women in the world!”

“Divine force realm 2 Heavenly Layer has this level of strength. It is hard to imagine her cultivation progress going up, how many people of the same level can be the enemy!?”

Dozens of fateful realms watching the battle from afar The culprits were full of amazement, all of them were unsteady and had to run Origin Force, so that they could barely keep their bodies from being lifted out by the aftermath.

Soon, everything calmed down.

He’s brother stood side by side, gasping for breath.

More than ten meters away from the opposite of the two, Yi Qingwu face deathly pale, corner of the mouth flow blood, and Heavenly Might with a sword is powerful, but it consumes a lot of her divine force.

So far, she has only one divine force within the body.

What’s more, she still has injuries to her body, and the internal organs are suffering like knives.


Yi Xiu’er was worried and couldn’t help but ran over.


Yi Qingwu’s face is a bit of blame. Of course she understands that Yi Xiu’er is worried about herself, but this girl is too stupid to know I couldn’t help her by running over, and it would distract her.

With her current situation, it is hard to protect herself, how can I take care of Yi Xiu’er?

“Cousin, I know what you want to say, but I can’t leave you.” Yi Xiu’er cried.

“Ai, my cousin shouldn’t bring you to the Huolin Cave, so you won’t be in danger, I was too careless.”

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