“Is he really a Celestial Realm martial artist? He has such a terrifying fleshy body!”

A dozen gangsters were equally shocked and all opened their mouths and screamed, but then they became angry again .

“Boy, don’t think that the fleshy body is so powerful. Remember, you are just a Celestial Realm martial artist after all. I only need one to kill you.”

One The red-clothed man of the 7 Heavenly Layer is shouted.

“Just say not to practice the fake handle, come and try to cut me.”

Yang Xuan was full of disdain, and hooked the red-clothed man who was talking. Provocatively.

“This kid…”

Yi Qingwu cursed secretly, when is this, this guy is still so blatant, did he not see that Brother He is a divine Force powerhouse?

Yi Xiu’er did not speak, but she was stared wide-eyed. Although she hadn’t seen Yang Xuan for several days, she found that Yang Xuan was still so unruly, even in the face of a destiny 7 Heavenly Layer The powerhouse, he is also fearless.

“little bastard, you are so tired and crooked.”

The red-clothed man rushed to the top, he dignified the powerhouse, although it is not counted in the Sacred Domain Great World expert, but few Celestial Realm martial artist dare to despise him so much in recent years.

For a while, his face was very ugly, and his murderous aura rose.

“There is so much shit, I will die soon.”

Yang Xuan spit out thunder.

“I stripped you alive.”

The red-clothed man couldn’t bear it, his figure turned into an afterimage, and he killed Yang Xuan.

“Dongzi, this child is not easy to deal with, don’t be careless.”

He Xiong reminded.

“A smell of mother’s milk not yet dried kid that’s all, Big Boss, don’t worry about it.”

In that case, the red-clothed man used 70% Origin Force , With a knife carrying an extremely hot knife gang, it slashed down towards Yang Xuan.


Yang Xuan raised his fist, the wound door opened wide, and the majestic qi and blood spewed, hitting the void with one fist, and slammed into the knife.


The knives are broken and fragile, unable to withstand a single blow.

Yang Xuan’s strength is too great, especially after opening the wound door, he has a punch of 560,000 jin in his hand. If he punches with all his strength, his strength can even reach 90,000 jin.

Is there any martial artist who can resist this terrifying force?

Almost the moment when the sword disappeared, Yang Xuan turned his fist into his palm, and lightning moved forward, grabbing the long sword in the hand of the red-clothed man. When the two collided, it burst out like gold and iron. The muffled sound like symphony is extremely harsh.


The red-clothed man almost stared out a pair of eyeballs. He couldn’t believe that the scene before him was true. It was just a Celestial Realm kid, broken. He didn’t say anything about his sword, and grabbed his saber with his hands.

“With a punch and a sword, is this child still a human being!?”

“Who is it, and when did we Sacred Domain Great World have such a monster? .”

“I see, he, he is Yang Xuan!”

“What, he is the evildoer who defeated the domineering!”

More than a dozen gangsters were in an uproar and finally learned about Yang Xuan’s identity.

“This child is actually Yang Xuan!”

“It is him. I have seen his images before, don’t I always feel familiar.”

Brother He talked in a low voice, and his face was moved.

Yang Xuan, a teenager with a mysterious background, once defeated the Blue Sky Tyrant Body in a domineering battle, and he was in the same spotlight.

This is a real young Heaven’s Chosen. Although it seems that the cultivation base is not high, the strength is far beyond the cultivation base.

Especially the Fleshy body, which is incredibly powerful. Only Fleshy body can kill any return martial artist in seconds, and it is also a great deterrent to ordinary fate.

Chapter 520 War God Power

He’s brother has not been to the Sacred Domain mainland recently, but they also learned about Yang Xuan’s deeds from a few people.

Let’s talk about the talent and strength of this child, he is a half-step emperor Feng Qingyang, and there is even a real emperor behind him.

The emperor, also known as the world master, is connected to heaven penetrating the earth.

In All Heavens Myriad Realms, any emperor is aloof and remote. Being worshipped by hundreds of millions of people, pluck the stars and seize the moon is easy.

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