“Hmph! With 10% of my power, transformed into a strength of Heaven’s Punishment to attack your ‘Thousand Kill Sealing Town’, it only takes up to ten hours to drain your energy within the body!” Tqr1

“Now, I have used all my power! It only takes an hour at most to drain all the energy you have within the body.”

“Within an hour, I don’t believe your means can be successful! Well, next, I will definitely kill you completely before you successfully reach my original World!”

That Heavenly Dao’s will seemed very confident, coldly said.

Subsequently, the newly appeared nine thousand Heavenly Dao will incarnation, all disintegrated, turned into a massive strength of Heaven’s Punishment, just like the colored flood, moved towards Long Hao and Thousand Kill Sealing Town, hitting it!

“bang bang bang!”

Golden shield above Thousand Kill Sealing Town, uninterrupted violent vibration!

With each shock, a large amount of strength of Heaven’s Punishment was scattered and bounced out.

However, as a result, the energy consumed by Long Hao within the body is greatly increased.

Heavenly Dao’s will is correct. If you look at Long Hao’s own energy reserves, in this case, it can only support for only an hour.

“Is there only one hour? In such a short time frame, can we successfully build the” Holy Array-Source Space Array “?”

Dragon Ant brows tightly knit, asked a little solemnly.

Long Tian shook the head, saying: “I’m afraid I can’t! The World we want to communicate with at this time is the World of the World Tree. Therefore, we must construct the” Holy Array-Source Space Array “more perfect than last time. Only! According to my estimation, we need at least two hours! “

Dragon Ant’s face was even more ugly: “Fuck? Doesn’t that mean we must die?”

Long Hao said: “Relax! Don’t you forget, I still have enough ‘strength of Faith’ to use! Don’t say two hours, even ten hours can support it!”

With that said, Long Hao’s gaze was suddenly frozen, and he said coldly, “Hmph, since this World’s Heavenly Dao will make us pay such a painful price. Then, let us double it to make up for us ! “

As for how to make up?

It’s very simple. At that time, just let Fairy Tree consume the World Tree of this World directly!

What is the value of a World Tree, and what kind of loss cannot be made up for?

Next, Long Hao and the three of them have no heart to focus on the construction of the “holy war”, regardless of what Heavenly Dao will say incarnation beside him, ignore it.

time flies.

An hour, blinking past.

At this moment, Long Hao’s own power is indeed consumed.

Therefore, he now has to use the strength of Faith to continue to maintain the operation of “Thousand Kill Sealing Town”.

For Long Hao, those “strength of Faith” can be called “universal energy”, which can be used in place of almost any kind of energy, very heavenly defying!

Unfortunately, at this moment, Long Hao is very heartbroken.

Because, under the current circumstances, if the “Thousand Kill Sealing Town” is to be maintained for an hour, the strength of Faith to be consumed will be about XNUMX% again.

In the recent days of continuous battles, the “strength of Faith” consumed by Long Hao has exceeded 30-40%, which is close to half.

Such a huge consumption, even now Long Hao, feels extremely distressed and very reluctant.

“En? What the hell is this? The energy in this ant should have been consumed? Why hasn’t his defense been cracked?”

Heavenly Dao will be incarnation very surprised, it is incredible.

At the same time, it became more fearful.

Because, the kind of bad hunch before became even clearer!

“Is there a mistake in my previous deduction? Is there any other energy available to this ant?”

Heavenly Dao will jump in the corner of his eyes, above his face, it seems that there is a trace of emotions-fear, fear.

In theory, whether it is a high-level world or a low-level world, Heavenly Dao’s will is difficult to have emotions.

But at this moment, the will of Heavenly Dao of this World suddenly produced a trace of real emotion.

Heavenly Dao’s will incarnation seemed to realize this too, and he became even more frightened in an instant.

“Damn! Did I actually have what is called an” emotion “? How is this possible?”

Heavenly Dao murmured incarnation, his whole face trembling slightly.

Because he had heard a rumor, that is, “If the sky loves the sky, it will grow old”!

The so-called “old” word can be replaced with the word “Death”!

In other words, when a Heavenly Dao has feelings and emotions, it is not far from destruction.

Or it can be said that when a Heavenly Dao is near death, it will produce feelings and emotions like ordinary creatures!

“No! I’m Heavenly Dao, I’m the only master of this world, I can never be destroyed, I can never die! Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

Heavenly Dao will incarnation roar, next moment, all kinds of emotions, one by one in his expression.

Anger, excitement, worry, fear, gains and losses-

Killing intent is thicker, killing heart is heavier!

“No, I must stop this from happening! I must quickly destroy these ants, and I must not let them destroy me!”

Finally, Heavenly Dao was crazy.

Decided to disregard everything and kill Long Hao and others thoroughly!

next moment, the world around, dark clouds, shrouding the sky and hiding the sun.

The entire piece of Heaven and Earth fell into dark for an instant, and no fingers were reached.

At the same time, various ultimate natural disaster scenes appear one by one!

A sky fire came and burned the whole land!

There are five colored thunder seas dropping from the sky, annihilating the surrounding World!

Even more, there are countless stars dropping from the sky, just like the next world extinguishing star rain!

Among the various ultimate natural disasters, all the strength of Heaven’s Punishment began to condense and compress.

In the end, flowing light flashed, all the strength of Heaven’s Punishment, turned out to be a young man!

This young man, slender figure, with long black hair and a face like Wen Yu, looks like that perfect appearance.

But his face was very pale!

And the expression was very cold.

In his eyes, fear, excitement, anger, and worry, all kinds of negative emotions constantly appeared.

In addition, the youth was wearing a colorful battle armor and holding a colorful Dualbladed Halberd in his hand.

killing intent Soaring to the sky, it seems that next moment, it is necessary to kill Long Hao and others!

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