Eternal Existence

Chapter 110: Shadowless Shuttle

After hearing what the fat old man said, Chen Feng and the other two were silent. It was true. What a cultivator pursues in his life is to become an immortal and live forever. If he doesn't have the chance to become an immortal, he will die because of his life span if he cultivates by himself. Now there is this opportunity in front of him. Even if he knows that he will die, some people still want to rush up and fight.

"Master, are you planning to go in this time?" Chen Feng thought for a while and asked.

"No hurry, no hurry. It's useless to rush up now. We still have to wait for the people from the big sects to come." The fat old man smiled again.

"By the way, Master, you said that you can let me cultivate to the heavenly realm in a short time. How long is this short time?" Chen Feng felt that he had already called Master a little smoothly. In Chen Feng's mind, the two words "Master" were just a title. Since the other party could give him benefits, it was not difficult to call him once or twice.

"With your talent, five hundred years is no problem." The fat old man said lightly.

"Five hundred years?" Chen Feng almost fell to the ground after hearing this.

"That's a short time. Old man, are you kidding me?" Chen Feng didn't even call him Master.

"Well, kid, what do you know? Some people can't reach the Heavenly Man Realm even if they practice for a thousand years. By then, they can only run out of lifespan and turn into ashes." The fat old man said.

"Senior, may I ask, how long is the lifespan of the Secret Realm?" Ye Ziming suddenly asked.

"You are quite smart, I think you are smarter than this kid. Don't think that you can waste a lot of time by practicing to the Secret Realm. In fact, it's not like that. Our human lifespan is very short. If you can't practice to the Heavenly Man Realm, your lifespan will be exhausted after a thousand years. Of course, the premise of this thousand-year lifespan is to be able to practice to the ninth level of the Secret Realm. If you keep lingering on the first level of the Secret Realm, you will die of old age after more than a hundred years, which is just a little better than ordinary people." The fat old man shook his head and said.

"What, there is such a saying, that is to say, in the Secret Realm stage, every breakthrough of a level will increase your lifespan by a hundred years. If you can't break through, you will die of lifespan?" Chen Feng asked in surprise.

"That's basically what I mean. Of course, it also depends on one's personal cultivation, skills, elixirs, and even magical weapons. They all have some impact on lifespan, but not much, unless one directly swallows the elixir or fuses the magical weapon. In this case, one can live forever, but this opportunity is only in a dream." The fat old man laughed.

"There is such a saying. I didn't know anything about it before. It seems that I know too little about cultivation. When the tower wakes up, I will ask about it. However, the tower said that the immortal tower is more powerful than the magical weapon. I don't know if I will be immortal after the fusion. But it seems that what the tower said seems a bit unreliable." Chen Feng began to think wildly in his heart.

"You three are quite talented. You have cultivated to the secret realm at such a young age. However, the road to cultivation is extremely difficult. The difficulties you face every time you break through a realm will increase tenfold or even dozens of times. When you cultivate to the ninth level of the secret realm, the difficulties can be imagined. Now you think you have enough time. When you break through a few more realms, you will know the difficulties, especially when you break through the heavenly realm. There are countless cultivators in the world who are blocked at the ninth level of the secret realm. Well, it's useless to tell you so much. Only hard cultivation is the right way. Of course, if you are afraid, you can also go to the secular world and become a rich man." The fat old man said with emotion.

"Well, I have told you enough today. If you want to achieve something, perseverance alone is sometimes not enough. Think about it carefully."

"Finally, a master has appeared. If you don't want to touch the immortal fate, leave here quickly and stay away. Don't wade in the muddy water here." The fat old man said as he took a step lightly and arrived dozens of meters away. Every step he took next advanced dozens of meters and turned into a black dot.

"Old man, slow down, didn't you say you would recommend me a sect of immortals?" Chen Feng couldn't help but yelled when he saw the fat old man rushing towards Liuyun Immortal Mountain.

"Taiyi Sect, you can go to Taiyi Sect to practice. There is a rare immortal scripture called Taiyi Immortal Sutra. After practicing, you can comprehend the supreme way, achieve the position of immortals, and live forever." At this time, the fat old man had disappeared from the sight of Chen Feng and the other two, but his voice floated clearly into Chen Feng's ears.

"Taiyi Sect, Taiyi Immortal Sutra, isn't this one of the top ten sects of immortals in Beiyuan?" Chen Feng was stunned and then thought to himself.

"What is the relationship between this old man and Taiyi Sect? He can't be a member of Taiyi Sect. If so, going to Taiyi Sect to practice is a good choice." Chen Feng planned for his future.

"What should we do?" Ruta said at this time.

"The situation here is too chaotic. The senior just mentioned the degree of danger of this immortal mountain. I suggest that we take a look at the situation first. It's always a bit unwilling to leave like this." Ye Ziming thought for a while and said.

"Yes, it's good to see the excitement. Just now the old man said that a master has arrived. I think it must be the cultivators of the Ten Sects of Immortal Path. It just so happens that I also want to see and see the power of the Ten Sects of Immortal Path." Chen Feng also laughed.

"Look, what is that?" At this time, a cultivator from the secret realm not far away pointed to the distance and shouted.

A flying magic weapon as big as a small mountain broke through the void from a distance and suddenly appeared in everyone's sight. This flying magic weapon was in the shape of a shuttle, with smooth lines all over the body. It was unknown what material it was made of, and the whole thing emitted a silver-white light.

Just as Chen Feng and others were watching, this flying magic weapon had already flown over their heads. In an instant, it covered the sky and the sun, like a dark cloud covering the top of the head, with a strong sense of oppression.

"Is this a flying magic weapon?" Chen Feng said in shock.

"It's too big, it's as big as a small mountain."

"This is a flying shuttle with no shadows. There are marks on it. People from the Jade Talisman Sect have arrived." A cultivator not far away recognized this flying magic weapon.

"The ten major immortal sects have finally started to appear. Looking at this formation, they are indeed very powerful. I just don't know what level of magic weapon this is?" Chen Feng said in a low voice.

"It is said that this magic weapon can travel through space, hundreds of thousands of miles a day, with super strong defense, and can also be used to fight against enemies. There are various magic arrays inside, and there is another cave. I just don't know what level of magic weapon this one from Yu Fu Tang is?" Ye Ziming said.

"I have seen this flying and hiding shadowless shuttle once before. It seems to be a top-level treasure." The monk who spoke just now said again.

"Top-level treasure, this is already very powerful, but I don't know if it can break the fairy mountain in front." Someone else said.

After hearing this, Chen Feng and the other two laughed in their hearts. Just now, the three of them had learned about the origin of this fairy mountain from the fat old man. Not to mention the top-level treasure, even the higher-level holy weapons and Taoist weapons can't think of blasting this fairy mountain. You know, even the fairy weapons of the Black Water Sect were damaged when fighting against the fairy mountain.

"The people from the Yu Fu Sect have arrived, I think the people from the Sword Pavilion will be here soon, right?" Chen Feng laughed in a low voice.

You know, it was the subordinate forces of these two sects that first discovered this fairy mountain.

"They are here." Ye Ziming smiled as he looked into the distance.

At the same time, Chen Feng also felt a strong sword energy coming from afar, solemn, upright, arrogant, indestructible, majestic, hidden, all kinds of auras rising from afar, shocking people.

Chen Feng looked at it and saw that the sword lights were getting bigger and bigger. In the sword lights were cold cultivators, flying proudly, invincible. These were pure sword cultivators, with no distractions and one-minded sword cultivation.

"There are eighteen people in total. I can't see enough of each of them. The aura of each of them is as deep as the sea, which is unpredictable." Chen Feng said in his heart, and at the same time he knew that this kind of aura would only be produced if the opponent's strength was much higher than his own.

"Are these people not all cultivators in the heavenly realm?" Chen Feng suddenly had such a thought in his mind.

"Brother Chen, unless it is absolutely necessary, don't provoke the people of the Sword Pavilion. They are all crazy. Pure sword cultivators do not focus on enjoyment, but only practice hard and have a strong mind. In terms of the combat effectiveness of the entire sect, it is the strongest among the ten sects of Beiyuan Xiandao. However, compared with some sects, they can be regarded as open and aboveboard." Ye Ziming said.


There was a loud noise, like a thunder from Liuyun Xianshan. Soon Chen Feng felt a strong wave of air rushing towards him and others, like a level 10 hurricane, which was stronger than the original Yinsha Gangfeng.

"The Yufu Sect has taken action against Liuyun Xianshan. Now there is a good show to watch." Ruta laughed.

The huge flying shuttle floated not far from Liuyun Xianshan. The internal magic circle was running, and a beam of light more than ten feet thick shot out and bombarded Liuyun Xianshan in front of it.

This top treasure, with countless magic arrays running, generates enough power to move mountains and fill the sea, not to mention that there are dozens of powerful monks urging their magic power. However, after this beam of light bombarded the Flowing Cloud Fairy Mountain, it was like a small stone thrown into a pond, and it did not have much effect except for emitting waves of water.

Despite this, the Jade Talisman Sect continued to attack the fairy mountain. Every bombardment would cause a strong rebound of the Flowing Cloud Fairy Light in the fairy mountain, but this flying and hiding shadowless shuttle appeared and disappeared in the air, and actually avoided most of the attacks of the Flowing Cloud Fairy Light.

"The magic weapon containing the power of space is powerful, and it can actually avoid the counterattack of the Flowing Cloud Fairy Light." Two purple-clothed people were talking tens of thousands of meters high in the sky.

The two people just floated calmly in the air. The chaotic strong winds around them, the displaced energy, and even the sunlight shining from the sky, disappeared immediately when they met these two people. It seems that these two people are two bottomless pits, absorbing everything around them.

“This can only mean that there is no one controlling these fairy lights, or that the people in Yufu Hall have not truly stimulated the power of Liuyun Fairy Light. You know, according to legend, Liuyun Fairy Light can even trap fairies.” One of the purple-clothed men laughed, and there was actually a flash of purple light in his eyes.

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