Eternal Existence

Chapter 120 The Four Evil Men

"Hey, a hundred thousand yuan Yang Dan, it's worth our risk."

"Yes, with this hundred thousand yuan Yang Dan, I can buy a better flying sword."

"I don't need a flying sword, these pills should be able to buy a book of acupuncture for cultivating acupoints, I now need the cultivation method of the fifth level of the secret realm."

"I want to buy a better robe."

"Hey, don't be so optimistic, let's see what the task is first, and whether they can choose us is another matter." That calm voice sounded again.

"Brother, don't say such unlucky words at the beginning, and besides, with the strength of the five of us, we are already the best among these cultivators who came here, and we will definitely have a share among the hundred." It was still that rough voice.

"Okay, okay, don't talk so much, don't disturb others." The eldest brother of the five said.

Chen Feng had already analyzed the other party's strength when he checked the other party with his spiritual sense.

"These five people are quite strong. The eldest brother is the strongest, and should be at the fifth level of the secret realm. The other four are at the fourth level of the secret realm. In fact, the lineup of these five people has surpassed the three of us." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

Among the three people of Chen Feng, Ye Ziming has the highest realm, which is the fourth level of the secret realm, Ruta is at the third level, and Chen Feng is only at the first level of the secret realm. However, according to the theory of soul power, Chen Feng has condensed the soul fire, and his realm is actually the highest.

However, Chen Feng also understands that although these five people are at a higher level than the three of him, once they start, they are definitely not the opponents of the three of them. Even Ruta can easily defeat one of them.

Since Chen Feng condensed the soul fire, Chen Feng feels that his induction ability is getting stronger and stronger. Now he can not only see the realm of the other party, but also directly see through the energy intensity in the other party. Although these five people are at a high level, their physical body, strength, and the vigor of their true energy are not as strong as Ye Ziming and Ruta. Of course, they are even more incomparable with Chen Feng who has integrated the treasure.

"Hmph!" Suddenly, a muffled hum sounded, and then a beam of light penetrated the layers of walls of the restaurant and hit Ruta directly.

"Be careful." Ye Ziming shouted softly, stretched out his hand quickly, and grabbed the light directly.

A boxing glove appeared on Ye Ziming's palm, tightly grasping a small flying sword. The flying sword was blue, and it seemed that there was water flowing on it, full of spirituality.

"Third-grade magic weapon." Chen Feng saw the grade of the flying sword at a glance.

"Where did you come from, kid, you don't know the height of the world, you dare to spy on us." Four fierce-looking burly men strode over, and a strong murderous intent locked Chen Feng and the other two.

It turned out that Ruta was discovered when he used his spiritual sense to eavesdrop on these people's conversation, which caused the other party to use the flying sword to attack.

"Everyone, although we were wrong first, you guys are too much to kill right away." Ye Ziming sneered, the flying sword in his hand kept shaking, emitting sharp sword energy, but he couldn't break free from Ye Ziming's palm. You know, the boxing gloves on Ye Ziming's palm are sixth-grade magic weapons.

"It's the four evil men of Meicheng. How did these three outsiders offend them? Everyone knows that the four evil men of Meicheng kill people like flies, are vicious and cruel, and usually don't bother others. It's good enough, but now someone takes the initiative to provoke them."

"These three people are not simple. Didn't you see that young man grabbed the other's flying sword with his hand?"

There were other diners communicating secretly. Of course, these people only talked in a low voice and did not dare to offend these four people blatantly.

One of the four evil men saw Ye Ziming grab his flying sword, his face changed, and then urged the magic power to summon the flying sword.


The flying sword in Ye Ziming's hand suddenly burst into a dazzling light, as if the scorching sun in the sky was about to explode, but no matter how the man urged his magic power, he still couldn't break free from Ye Ziming's palm. Ye Ziming laughed, with a mocking look on his face, and the palm holding the flying sword was motionless.

"Boy, don't let go." Another one of the four evil men also took action, pointed at Ye Ziming, and a flash of cold light flashed and pierced through Ye Ziming's forehead.


This cold light went straight through Ye Ziming's head, then pierced through the wall on one side, and shot directly onto the street outside.

"Ah!" A scream came from the street, and it was obvious that someone was hit.

To everyone's surprise, Ye Ziming was safe and sound, still standing there, looking coldly at the four evil men.

"You're really ruthless. I didn't want to bother with you, but since you want to kill me, don't blame me for being rude." Ye Ziming sneered, then he squeezed his palm fiercely. The small flying sword in his palm first had cracks, and finally exploded violently. A trace of light dissipated from Ye Ziming's palm.


The flying sword was refined by the mind, and the mind was connected. At this moment, one of the four evil men immediately opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and then his face turned pale.


Ye Ziming loosened his palm, and a handful of debris fell to the ground. It was the remnant of the flying sword just now.

"The power of the Red Blood Pill is really overbearing. It hasn't been long, and my physical body has actually been upgraded to a higher level." Ye Ziming was also secretly happy in his heart.

"This person is so powerful that he can crush a flying sword in one fell swoop. The flying sword looks good, and it must be at least a third-grade magic weapon."

"Hehe, the four evil men have hit a wall. Now there's something interesting to watch."

Seeing the dispute here, the other cultivators in the restaurant gathered around. These people were all there to watch the fun. They wished that the two sides would fight so that they could cheer.

"Looking for death, do it." The four evil men were immediately angry. The four of them usually bullied others. How could they be so embarrassed today? Besides, there were so many people watching around. If they didn't do it, they would lose face. How could they survive in the cultivation world in the future?


"Swallowing the sky and blocking the sun."


Except for the injured man, the other three of the four evil men did not move at the same time. Once they did it, they were extremely domineering. The whole restaurant was shaking. The three did not use flying swords. Three huge fists bombarded Ye Ziming. A stream of black air burst out from the three people, shocking people. It turned out to be an extremely powerful attack technique.

"It's the Overlord Fist." Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

Chen Feng was moved after hearing this. This set of Overlord God Fist is also a good combat method for the secret realm cultivators. No one knows the specific origin. Many sects have collections. As long as you spend money, you can buy it in some chambers of commerce. Although the grade is good, it is not a rare skill.

"These people are quite powerful." Chen Feng thought to himself as he felt the monstrous energy on the other party, but he did not make a move because Chen Feng knew that Ye Ziming and Ruta were enough to deal with it.

"Hahahaha, yours is Overlord God Fist, look at my Overlord God Fist." Ye Ziming laughed and hit three punches like lightning to meet the opponent's attack. Every time he swung a punch, the glove on his fist would flash. Although his power was not as strong as the opponent, he won in terms of concentrated power.


With three explosions, the fists of the four evil men were all dispersed by Ye Ziming.


With a chaotic sound, the table where the three people were eating fell apart, and hard wood chips shot out in all directions, and the onlookers dodged one after another.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

In the chaos, four stick shadows suddenly hit out, and the four evil men, including those who did not attack, all groaned and flew backwards. It turned out that Ruta took the opportunity to attack, and launched an attack when the opponent's old strength was exhausted and the new strength was not yet generated. It can be said that it was insidious.

He made a success as soon as he attacked. Looking at the four people flying backwards, Ruta laughed and was about to attack again. At this time, the four evil men roared and hit with powerful energy at the same time. The floor and walls of the restaurant burst one after another. The four turned around and broke through the wall and escaped.

"Forget it, don't chase." Seeing that Ruta seemed to be chasing Ye Ziming, he hurriedly said.

"They are lucky. I must beat them up next time I meet them." Ruta said viciously.

"I think there will be a chance in the future." Chen Feng smiled.

These four people chose to come to Chiyang City at this time. Nine out of ten came for the mission. There is no worry that they will not meet these people. They will fight them when the time comes.

"These two people are really powerful. They even beat back the four evil men. Where did they come from?" Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

"The four evil men are all cultivators of the fourth level of the secret realm. They once teamed up to kill a cultivator of the fifth level of the secret realm. Could it be that these three are cultivators of the fifth level of the secret realm?"

"It seems that they also came for the mission. I didn't expect that the competition would be so fierce this time."

"Yes, a hundred thousand yuan Yangdan is attractive enough."

Seeing the end of the struggle, the onlookers dispersed while talking. Chen Feng found that as soon as he and others made a move, many eyes in the crowd swept towards the three of them, and some people even had some hostility in their eyes.

However, most of these eyes were checking Ye Ziming and Ruta. As for Chen Feng, a cultivator of the first level of the secret realm, he would not attract anyone's attention at all.

"Let's go too, waiter, the loss here is ours." Ye Ziming said generously.

"It's really disappointing. I can't even have a meal in peace." Ruta shouted.

After the three of them left the restaurant, they found a small chamber of commerce nearby. As soon as they mentioned the mission, someone came out to receive them.

"Please sit down, three of you." A kind-looking white-haired old man received the three of them.

To the surprise of Chen Feng and the other two, this old man actually had the realm of the fifth level of the secret realm.

"I wonder if this person is from this chamber of commerce or sent by the mysterious woman who issued the mission?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"What are your names?" The old man asked with a smile after serving tea.

"Chen Feng, Ye Ziming, Ruta." Ye Ziming said lightly.

"These are some requirements for the cultivators of this mission, you can take a look." The old man took out a one-foot square paper and handed it to the three of them.

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