Eternal Existence

Chapter 147 Riot

In fact, the big demon was also very helpless. He had been suppressed in the Longevity Tower for a while. Although the time was not long, he also understood that it was impossible to break free by his own strength.

In fact, before entering the Demon Soul Valley, Zidian Yinguang Jiao began to compromise in his heart, but the dignity of the big demon did not allow him to do so, so he kept pretending to be tough. Now that Chen Feng used his strength to threaten and showdown, the big demon finally couldn't stand it.

"Although my dignity was damaged by submitting to a human, there is a saying among humans that a good man does not suffer a loss in front of him. By the way, there is also a saying that someone has to bow his head under the eaves. Besides, I think this kid is not bad. He has this level of magic weapon on him and has potential. His future achievements will definitely not be simple."

"Forget it, just follow him for the time being. Anyway, it's boring for me to stay here." Zidian Yinguang Jiao comforted himself like this. Sure enough, thinking about it this way, he felt much more comfortable.

After planting the soul mark in the other party's soul, Chen Feng no longer had any worries. With a wave of his hand, the stone tablets suppressing the purple lightning silver light dragon scattered and turned into split airflows and flew away.


The purple lightning silver light dragon roared and finally regained its freedom. Its body, which was more than ten feet long, floated up. Waves of powerful monster power continued to radiate around. The air flow surged, and the wind and clouds changed color. Feeling this powerful pressure, the four-eared monkey who was practicing showed a look of fear on his face and kept retreating. This was a kind of mental deterrence that high-level monsters naturally had for low-level monsters.

Chen Feng waved his hand again, sending out streams of light that did not enter the body of the purple lightning silver light dragon. Only a crackling sound came from the body. All the restrictions in the body of this big monster were unlocked, and the momentum on his body began to rise steadily. In the end, even Chen Feng changed color.

"Although this Jiaolong is not as good as the Thunder Eagle, it looks not far behind. It was really lucky to use the Changsheng Tower to capture it. However, it can only be blamed on his bad luck. If he had been on guard from the beginning, I'm afraid the outcome would be hard to say." Chen Feng looked at the mighty momentum of the Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

"Your strength has not yet fully recovered. For the time being, just practice in the Changsheng Tower with peace of mind. I will return this blood to you." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and the ball of blood floating in the air sank into the mouth of the big monster again.

"Thank you, young master." The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao knew that its soul was now restrained. Although it had recovered its strength, it did not dare to be arrogant, but landed on the ground cautiously and coiled up.

"Didn't you practice to the level of a big monster? Why can't you transform into a body?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I haven't survived the thunder tribulation yet, so I can't transform into a human form." The Purple Lightning Silver Light Jiao said.

Chen Feng nodded, thinking of the tree spirit that failed to pass the tribulation in the Black Source Mountains. He was almost possessed at that time.

"The Heavenly Man Realm must pass nine thunder tribulations. Each time, there will be a powerful thunder. If you can't pass it, you will be reduced to ashes and disappear in the world, and even your soul will not be left." Chen Feng recalled the records in the Changsheng Zhenjing.

"We big monsters also have to pass nine thunder tribulations. After success, we can be promoted to the level of monster king, which is equivalent to the realm of human immortals." Zidian Yinguang Jiao said.

"You know a lot." Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I also got a cultivation book by chance to cultivate to this level. Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to cultivate to the level of a big monster. And to be honest, I am not a real big monster now that I have not passed the thunder tribulation." Zidian Yinguang Jiao said.

"The monster king is equivalent to the level of human immortals." Chen Feng nodded, knowing that this realm is still far away from him. He is only at the second level of the secret realm now. It is a hope and dream for Chen Feng to cultivate to the Heavenly Man Realm.

There are a large number of magic crystals and a large number of purple lightning in the Longevity Tower, which are enough for the Purple Lightning Silver Lightning Jiao to recover its strength. Chen Feng then began to withdraw his consciousness and pay attention to the situation outside.

"Has Ye Ziming not come back yet?" Chen Feng asked.

"Not yet, but the strange thing is that although there are many demons in front, why are they all gathered together? Even if they are besieging Mo Ji and the others, I am afraid that they don't need so much power. Judging from the number, there are at least thousands of demons in front, and this is just the tip of the iceberg we see." Ruta said.

"The predecessors of these demons are all transformed from cultivators who have come here to adventure for thousands of years, and after becoming demons, they will be affected by the demon energy and other laws in the Demon Soul Valley and become extremely long-lived. In the outside world, a cultivator in a secret realm can live for a thousand years at most, but after becoming a demon, he may live for ten thousand years. After so many years of accumulation, I don’t know how many demons there are in the entire Demon Soul Valley." Tao Lao Da said.

"There must be a reason why these demons gather together. Fortunately, it is like this, otherwise we might be caught in a fight. Facing so many demons besieging us, once we are surrounded, there is no place to escape." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The crowd dug a deep pit the size of a house on the hard ground and hid in it. The land here has been eroded by demonic energy for many years and is almost as hard as rock. However, Chen Feng has opened up the magnetic pole point, which can communicate with the power of the earth, so he just stomped his feet and a big hole appeared in the ground.

Not long after, everyone felt a vibration in the space in front of them, and Ye Ziming appeared in front of them.

At this time, Ye Ziming's face was a little pale, and he had obviously consumed a lot of energy.

"Brother Ye, are you okay?" Chen Feng asked.

"It's okay, it just consumed some soul power." Ye Ziming said, taking out the magic crystal and starting to absorb and replenish it.

"I discovered an interesting thing." Ye Ziming took a deep breath and smiled, absorbing three magic crystals in a row. The aura fluctuations in Ye Ziming's body have gradually stabilized.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"There are countless demons gathered in front, but they are all gathered in one zone. This zone is the edge of the ruins ahead. In other words, if you want to enter the ruins ahead, you must find a way to get through the obstruction of these demons. "Ye Ziming said.

"In other words, these demons are guarding this ancient ruins?" Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

"It looks like the situation is like this, and these demons are much more powerful than the demons we met at the beginning, but I didn't see Mo Ji and the others. Now the evil moon cave master and his two groups have been attacked by these demons. The siege, and there have been casualties among the monks, if no accident happened, they would all have died inside," Ye Ziming said with some gloating.

"You deserve it." Luta and Tao Laosan agreed at the same time.

"If you put it this way, Mo Ji should let us be here as a shield. Her plan was exposed so early, which can only explain one problem." Chen Feng said slowly.

"She has a way to get in." Ye Ziming and Boss Tao shouted at the same time.

"You didn't see Mo Ji, which means that they have probably entered the building, but I don't know if they can get the treasure inside." Ye Ziming shook his head.

"Maybe it's more dangerous inside. I really hope they all die inside." Ruta said viciously.

"I hope there is no danger inside. If Mo Ji and the others die inside, it will be useless for us to go in." Chen Feng said.

"There are so many demons, how can we get in? Is it possible to kill them? I don't have that ability." Ruta shook his head and said.

"There will be a way, Brother Ye, can your space array be able to travel through it?" Chen Feng asked.

"It's difficult. We don't have enough strength, and the space laws here are relatively strong. It takes a lot of power to tear the space apart." Ye Ziming said.

"Although we can barely activate the magic circle, we are afraid that we are not strong enough and will directly shuttle into the demon team. In this way, we will not be able to escape even if we have wings."

"That's it!" Chen Feng felt a little headache.

"Brother Chen, haven't you cultivated the power of the earth? We can go in through earth escape." Luta suddenly shouted.

"This is simply impossible. Opening up this deep pit is already my strongest strength. Besides, I am not practicing earth-based techniques." Chen Feng shook his head.

Everyone discussed for a long time but there was no good way, and finally came to the conclusion that there was no other way but to rush in with strength.

"Is it possible that we really need to collect everyone into the Eternal Life Tower, and then release the purple lightning silver dragon to rush in? But with so many demons, I'm afraid even this big demon can't rush in." Chen Feng felt a little confused.


At this moment, a shocking roar suddenly came from the depths of the ruins in the distance. I don’t know what kind of creature it was. I just felt that the sound waves reached straight into the sky and then radiated around, like a huge tornado. It was as if it shot into the sky and hit the ground.

The thick demonic aura was dispersed one after another, and Chen Feng actually saw traces of sunlight shining through the thick layer of demonic aura, forming streaks of golden light.

Wow! Wow!

The ground shook slightly, and the energy and blood in everyone's bodies also shook slightly.

An even more surprising scene appeared. The devil, who had never known what fear was, actually started to run away in panic, as if several ferocious lions had pounced on the sheep, shouting and running away in the blink of an eye. The room was like a hornet's nest and became a mess.

Chen Feng and others were all dumbfounded as they looked at the chaotic demons who kept rushing towards them crazily.

"What was that sound just now? Could it be that the demon boss appeared?" Ruta couldn't help but say.

"What should we do now?" Boss Tao, the demon man, asked worriedly as he looked at the approaching demon.

There were at least hundreds, if not more, of the demons fleeing towards where Chen Feng and others were. The vibrations caused by the constant running came rapidly, and they were more powerful than thousands of troops.

The ground trembled slightly, and Chen Feng and others were frightened while hiding in the pit. No one knew what would happen next.

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