Eternal Existence

Chapter 150 Roaring Again

"The demonic energy here is not very abundant, but it gives people a strange feeling. This feeling has no reason. It seems to be hidden underground, and it seems to be floating in the air. It is really strange." Chen Feng said as he moved forward.

Strangely enough, since Chen Feng came out of the Longevity Tower, he has not encountered any attacks from the demon beasts. It seems that all those bloodthirsty monsters are hiding deep underground because of fear.

So Chen Feng looked around and carefully searched for traces left by other cultivators.

"The buildings here are really dilapidated. There is not even a complete one. Moreover, these buildings are very large. I don't know who left them."

Chen Feng came to an oval building that was dozens of feet high and said with emotion. Such a high building would not exist in an ordinary small city, especially the building in front of him was piled up with huge stones weighing tens of thousands of pounds.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng bounced and stepped on rocks one after another. At first, Chen Feng could rise seven or eight meters with one leap. Later, after reaching a certain height, he could only rise three or four meters, or even two or three meters each time, which was no different from ordinary human warriors.

"No wonder you can't fly here. Just climbing a building is so powerful. If a secret realm cultivator falls from a height without paying attention, he will most likely die or get injured." Chen Feng thought to himself.

From a distance, Chen Feng looked like a small jumping ball, constantly climbing from the bottom to the highest point.


With such a strong body, Chen Feng felt a little depressed when he reached the top of the building, and couldn't help but take a long breath.

"Fortunately, I can absorb the magic energy and transform it into true energy, otherwise I would have to divide a part of the true energy to resist the magic energy, which would greatly reduce my combat effectiveness."

Chen Feng quickly walked around the top of the building and found no special place. Finally, he looked far away. Under the gray sky, he felt that there were strange buildings standing, extending to the distance that could not be seen. Some buildings were even taller and deeper into the gray sky. Some buildings were crooked and seemed to collapse at any time. Of course, more buildings were about to be scattered by the wind and sand.

Looking far away from the sky, Chen Feng's eyesight could see a hundred miles away. If there were not a lot of magic energy wandering in the air, he would have to see farther.

"They really came in." Chen Feng whispered.

A total of three groups of monks entered Chen Feng's sight. If he looked carefully, he could even recognize the identities of some people.

"The group of people led by the master of the Evil Moon Cave is really powerful and still maintains a strong fighting power, but the other two teams look a little embarrassed. They have lost one-third of their men. It seems that it was caused by the fight with the demons just now."

Chen Feng shuddered involuntarily when he thought of the overwhelming demons, but when he thought of the roar that scared the demons away, Chen Feng felt a fear deep in his heart.

"There must be a peerless demon hidden here, but I have never seen the traces of Mo Ji and others."

After visually estimating, Chen Feng realized that he was seventy or eighty miles away from the nearest group of cultivators in front of him. Looking at a slightly shorter building a hundred meters away, Chen Feng took a few steps back, then leaped up and flew into the air, flying towards another building.

As soon as he left the building, Chen Feng felt a mountain of pressure falling on him, making him fall to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

If Chen Feng had no other measures, Chen Feng would have become a secret realm cultivator who fell from the sky and died.


Chen Feng stretched out his arms violently, and the powerful true qi quickly spread out, forming a wing-like true qi membrane that supported the body on both sides. Then Chen Feng's legs slammed violently, as if swimming in the water, his feet hit the air, making a bang, and under the strong driving force, Chen Feng slid violently in the air.

A hundred meters passed by in a flash, and Chen Feng fell heavily on another building like a humanoid monster.

In this way, Chen Feng slid again in the same way, constantly jumping over one building after another, and the speed of advancement became faster and faster, and the distance between himself and the cultivator in front of him became closer and closer.

Finally, Chen Feng stopped, because there was a towering building in front of him that went straight into the sky, and Chen Feng's gliding level could not go up at all.

"I don't know how much power the treasure can play here." Chen Feng took a deep breath, and the Haoran Zhengang Sword was connected to his flesh and blood, and merged into one, and the rolling power immediately submerged himself.


Chen Feng floated in the air, and then flew high like a sharp arrow. Chen Feng felt the sharp energy wrapped around him constantly breaking through the pressure on his head, just like a pair of scissors tearing open the dark night.

Soaring straight up, in just a few breaths, Chen Feng reached the top of the building.

At a height of two hundred feet, the strong wind was as sharp as a knife, constantly whistling at Chen Feng. Looking at the erratic hard ground below, even Chen Feng felt a little dizzy. If an ordinary person came here, he would definitely not be able to stand up.

"There is no breath of life here, only thick demonic energy and some weird and indescribable feelings. These stones have not been corroded in the demonic energy. It seems that it is not simple." Chen Feng said, reaching out to grab the wall on one side.


Chen Feng was stunned, and felt as if he had grabbed a piece of hard metal ore. You know, Chen Feng's grab would explode even ordinary flying swords.

Then Chen Feng continued to exert force, and felt that he had used three layers of physical strength to grab a piece of stone.


Chen Feng exerted force lightly, and the stone in his hand was shattered.

"Strange, the stone is not very hard." Chen Feng said, waving his hand and hitting the wall.

Sure enough, it only left a palm print on it.

"The buildings here are protected by a strange energy and are not destroyed by external forces." Chen Feng thought carefully and understood the reason.

"These buildings are destroyed like this, and there is still a mysterious power guarding them. It seems that this site is indeed not simple. Maybe there really is a high-level magic weapon." Chen Feng thought about it, and his body stretched out and slid forward quickly.


Ding Ding Ding Ding! Bang Bang Bang Bang!

There were faint roars, collisions, and fighting sounds coming from the front. Chen Feng looked closely and saw that the last confused monk was being attacked by a group of earth monsters. The fight was really fierce.

Under the sneak attack of the earth monsters, these monks suffered serious casualties. Seeing that the number of people was constantly decreasing, Chen Feng began to consider whether to help.

When there were still six people on the other side struggling, Chen Feng finally arrived. After all, these people were humans who came in with him and had fought together some time ago. If he didn't take action, Chen Feng felt that his heart was a little bit uncomfortable.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

It was a very simple attack. A total of four sword energies fell from the sky, and four earth monsters were pierced in an instant.


Chen Feng's figure was stretched again, and he quickly slid forward with the help of the power of the Haoran Zhengang Sword.

"Help, Brother Chen, please help." Someone below began to shout for help.

"I can only help you. Whether you can survive or not depends on you." Chen Feng said lightly, and then left without looking back.

This group of cultivators is the weakest. Not even one of them has condensed into soul fire. They are far from being comparable to the people of the master of the Evil Moon Cave.

Looking at the miserable state of these people, Chen Feng thought that if he didn't have the Longevity Tower to take everyone in, he would probably have suffered heavy casualties and only a few people would be left.

Soon, another group of cultivators in front also encountered earth monsters, but these cultivators were slightly stronger and killed all the earth monsters that attacked.

"Strange, are there only earth monsters here? What are you really comparing? These earth monsters have the function of sneak attacks, and their overall strength is not even comparable to those demons, but I don't know why they are not scared away?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"There seems to be something over there?" Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he quickly fell from the sky to the ground.

In a dilapidated and relatively short building, there were stone tables, stone benches and other daily necessities, and several weapons of different lengths were hung on the bumpy walls.

"This is a weapon." Chen Feng hit the wall heavily with his palm, and these broken weapons flew up one after another, and were swept up by Chen Feng's true energy, all floating in the air.

"This should be a dagger." Chen Feng reached out and picked up a dagger. Just as he was about to unsheathe the sword, he felt a gloomy and cold breath drilled into his body, and then like a spirit snake, it kept twisting and moving, and quickly drilled into the brain.

"What is this?" Chen Feng didn't have time to think about it, and quickly burned the soul fire to burn the cold breath clean, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.


The dagger was unsheathed, and Chen Feng only saw the words "Qianhong" engraved on it, and then the dagger and the scabbard turned into ashes and fell to the ground.

Next, all the other weapons were like this. As long as Chen Feng touched them with his hands, a cold breath would penetrate into his body. The cold and gloomy breath seemed to contain a trace of demonic energy.

"These should all be demonic weapons. I don't know how long they have existed before they turned into fragments under the erosion of time." Chen Feng said secretly.

Although he found some broken weapons, Chen Feng began to get excited.

"Since there are weapons, there must be high-level magic weapons. High-level magic weapons should be preserved, right?"


It was another earth-shattering roar, coming from the depths of the building complex. Chen Feng only felt his heart trembling and his blood boiling. Looking up, he could even see waves of sound waves hitting the demonic energy in the sky.

"It's this roar again." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he vaguely guessed in his heart that it might be caused by Mo Ji and others.

"It should be in that direction."

Chen Feng stretched out his body and used all his strength to drive the power of the Haoran Zhengang Sword. In an instant, Chen Feng seemed to have turned into a black line, constantly running on the ground.

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