Eternal Existence

Chapter 153 Round Pit

In the outside world, they were considered masters of the secret realm level, but their overall strength was greatly suppressed here. Facing these huge stones falling from the sky, if they couldn't handle them well, they would be crushed to death in nine out of ten cases.

"You can't take it head-on, rush out." Chen Feng analyzed the situation in front of him in an instant.

Buzz! The whole body was covered with sword energy, and the speed of advancement suddenly increased. At the same time, his hands continuously struck out strong palm winds, sweeping away some stones that were close to him.

Chen Feng was not worried about these stones, but the stones falling from the sky.

At the same time, the others also used their own methods. Xiao Yin, who had been running beside Chen Feng, emitted invisible sound waves all over his body, and the surrounding stones were quickly bounced away before they got close.


The old monk directly used the Fiery Sun Needle, which changed into the size of a flying sword. The old guy stepped on it, and it burst into dazzling golden light, piercing through the chaotic scene and flying forward. The speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he actually surpassed Chen Feng and the others.

"Huh! I think this situation should be an accident, otherwise who would be stupid enough to attack us in this way." Chen Feng couldn't help but say as he looked at the pile of rocks behind him.

In the riot just now, everyone was not hurt at all. Although there was a collapse of the mountain, it could only cause harm to ordinary people, and it was not very effective for these monks who could fly hundreds of meters in one breath.

Everyone quickly released their spiritual sense and kept checking around, but the result was that there was no gain. This tall building seemed to have exploded for no reason.

"Strange, I don't believe that this building would collapse for no reason. There must be some reasons." The young monk couldn't help but shout.

"Don't worry about it, let's hurry up." The middle-aged monk said lightly.

As a result, before everyone advanced a thousand meters, two more buildings exploded at the same time, and the rubble in the sky fell on everyone like a hornet's nest again.

In the following journey, this situation would occur every once in a while. Although it did not cause any harm to everyone, it seriously affected the speed of everyone's progress.

"I know what's going on." At this time, the owner of the Evil Moon Cave suddenly stood in front of a building and said.

"Invisible array." The old monk pointed his finger, and a stream of light hit the stone wall in front of him, followed by a series of fine lines appearing in front of everyone.


At this time, these lines suddenly came alive like blood vessels, with blood flowing in them, and the fine lines continued to extend, and the array was activated.

"Get out of here quickly."

Everyone immediately felt something was wrong. Sure enough, half a breath later, the building in front of them suddenly exploded, and a large number of stones buried everyone in it.

Bang bang bang bang!

Pieces of stone were bounced and broken, and Chen Feng and others rushed out in disgrace.

"It must be the invisible blasting array carved into the building by Mo Ji and others, and the purpose is to stop us." The young monk shouted angrily.

"Does this mean that the Demon Princess knew we would catch up, and she set up so many magic arrays just to stop us?"

"Such a hard building is difficult to break even with a treasure, but it was blown up by a small blasting magic array in front of us. There must be something wrong."

"These buildings are blessed by a mysterious power. Maybe the Demon Princess has found the veins. This woman is not simple. She knows the situation here very well, or she has been to this place before."

"What should we do? Who can break the magic array hidden in the building?"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The surrounding buildings kept exploding, as if a chain reaction had started and spread far away. Finally, even the ground began to explode in a series of explosions. A large amount of gravel and soil submerged Chen Feng and others, mixed with thick demonic energy, making everyone lose their sense of direction.

"Go to heaven." The old monk shouted, and the whole person stepped on the scorching sun needle and flew quickly into the sky.

"Yes, flying from the sky." The master of Xieyue Cave grabbed Fengliu Langjun and flew up quickly. Chen Feng noticed that the master of Xieyue Cave did not rely on the power of the treasure, but flew up completely by relying on his own cultivation.

"This guy is really powerful. I'm afraid he will soon cultivate to the heavenly realm?" Chen Feng was a little wary.

Chen Feng and Xiao Yin flew up almost at the same time. Both of them relied on the power of the treasure in their bodies. Chen Fen's was Haoran Zhengang Sword, and Xiao Yin's was Donghun Xiao.

In the process of flying up quickly, Chen Feng looked at the middle-aged cultivator and the young cultivator with a special look. The two also had a strong power surging in their bodies during the process of flying up.

"It's not a treasure, it turned out to be a high-level magic weapon. It's probably a magic weapon of the seventh or eighth grade, or even a ninth grade magic weapon." Chen Feng judged in his heart.

In short, in the end, all seven people reached a height of two hundred feet, and then flew forward at the fastest speed.

"Under this kind of suppression, even with the power of the treasure, it will consume 30% of their strength. I wonder how they are?" Chen Feng said in his heart while feeling the pressure on his body.

After flying for hundreds of miles, Chen Feng could no longer hold on. The young monk also began to stagger and wanted to land. Finally, a strong and violent aura broke out from the ground. Under the invisible wave, Chen Feng and others were like flies in a hurricane, being sucked into it involuntarily, and no longer had the strength to continue flying. They kept falling to the ground.

"Oh no, the big guy finally appeared."

"We found the place."

A huge meteorite crater appeared in everyone's vision, as if an entire mountain was uprooted, leaving a huge hole on the flat ground. A strong breath constantly clashed out from the center of the deep pit. Violence, riot, anger, killing, bloodthirstiness and other negative auras continued to entangle and rushed to the top of the nine heavens, as if a great demon who had practiced for ten thousand years was suppressed below.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that my perception is correct. There is indeed a demon king suppressed below, but I don't know what kind it is. I have to analyze it carefully." The voice of the tower sounded in Chen Feng's mind.

"Is it really a demon king?" Feeling the violent breath below, Chen Feng couldn't help trembling a little, and at the same time, layers of goose bumps involuntarily bulged on his body.

This is a kind of spiritual deterrence. The other party is much stronger than himself.

"This is just a part of the breath that the other party inadvertently revealed. If it is really an unsealed demon king standing in front of you, the breath emitted from his body alone can shatter all of you." The tower said slowly.

"Is there the breath of Mo Ji and others?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Oh, you mean another group of human monks, they have already reached the underground and are trying to approach the demon king. Tsk tsk, these humans are really brave." Ta said with a smile.

"Besides these, are there any other dangerous places below?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Isn't it dangerous enough to have a demon king below? But I feel that there are countless restrictions below, which may be restrictions set up to suppress the demon king. It may be difficult for you to enter." Ta said after thinking for a while.

"But Mo Ji and the others still went in. So they have a way to get in?" Chen Feng guessed.

"There is a big demon below, although it is sealed. I can't deal with it with my current strength. I suggest you be cautious." Ta said slowly.

"What we need to do now is to catch up with Mo Ji and the others as soon as possible, otherwise we will be blocked by the restrictions and can't get in." Chen Feng said this and his whole body aura changed. The whole person seemed to have turned into a piece of hard stone and fell quickly into the circular pit below.

"What is this kid going to do? Is he crazy?"

"Will he fall down like this?"

Everyone was a little surprised to see Chen Feng's actions. Everyone was struggling to keep sliding, but they didn't expect Chen Feng to fall down like a meteorite.

At this time, the old monk and the master of the Evil Moon Cave were the first to react.

"Quickly descend, Mo Ji and the others are below." The old monk shouted.

Before the two of them took action, there was another person who was faster. Xiao Yin didn't know what kind of body movement she used. A faint wave appeared around her body. She quickly broke through the air below and chased Chen Feng like a sharp arrow, completely ignoring the powerful chaotic breath gushing out from below.

The huge deep pit was at least a thousand feet below the horizon. As soon as Chen Feng fell into it, Chen Feng immediately felt that the chaotic breath below suddenly increased several times, causing his breath to begin to become chaotic.

"It's time to slow down."

While controlling the boiling breath in his body, Chen Feng opened his arms, and powerful power continued to surge out, quickly forming a thick true qi membrane around him.

The downward trend continued to weaken, and finally Chen Feng still hit the hard ground heavily. As the soil and rocks rolled, a circular deep pit appeared on the ground.


Xiao Yin also fell down, but he was not as embarrassed as Chen Feng, but he stirred up strong winds on the ground.

"Brother Chen, why don't you wait for your allies." Xiao Yin laughed.

"Haha, you are still here, okay, don't talk nonsense, Mo Ji and the others are down there, we can only go underground and see the style of the demon king by following them closely." Chen Feng said, and his figure quickly jumped to the center of the deep pit.

Following closely behind Chen Feng and the others were the old monk and the master of the Evil Moon Cave. Of course, Feng Liu Langjun was still in his hands.

In the middle of the huge circular deep pit was a huge crack that was so deep that it was impossible to see the bottom. I don't know how it was caused. When he came to the front, Chen Feng suddenly felt a chill leaking out of it.

"The breath of chaos is emitted from here." Xiao Yin said.


A low wave of vibrations vibrated from the ground, spreading out from the crack as the origin, and layers of soil and rocks began to roll around, making the circular pit even bigger.

"So this is how the circular pit was formed." Chen Feng suddenly realized, and he and Xiao Yin looked at each other, and jumped into the crack at the same time.

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