Eternal Existence

Chapter 173: Earthly Evil Sword Pang Ming

This young man was of medium height and thin, but his eyes were as bright as a blade. He held a long sword in his arms and just stood there casually, but he gave people a strong sense of oppression.

"Are you sent by Zhao Quan?" Chen Feng asked indifferently, not taking the person in front of him seriously. Chen Feng had already sensed when the other party used a strange body technique to quickly approach him.

"You dare to come to die without even condensing the soul fire." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Earth Evil Sword Pang Ming, a disciple of the inner sect of Taiyi Sect." The young man said indifferently.

"Taiyi Sect disciple?" Chen Feng and Ruta looked at each other and frowned. Before they entered Taiyi Sect, someone started to cause trouble.


A bright light suddenly flashed in the air, like a tricky spirit snake attacking Chen Feng and the others at the same time.

Pang Ming launched an attack while Chen Feng and the others were stunned.

There was no powerful momentum, nor super strong sword intent, but Chen Feng and Ruta both felt that there was a poisonous snake biting them in front of them, and once bitten, they would either die or be injured.


Ruta blocked the opponent's attack with the Hun Tian Wu Ji stick in his hand, while Chen Feng took a step back, avoiding the opponent's edge, and watched Ruta and the man in black fighting.

In Chen Feng's inspection, this guy named Pang Ming who suddenly appeared had the cultivation of the fourth level of the secret realm, one level higher than Ruta, and more importantly, the opponent was a disciple of Taiyi Sect, so Chen Feng made up his mind to see how strong the opponent was, and also wanted to see what kind of skills Taiyi Sect practiced.

After a breath, Chen Feng was a little disappointed. Although this guy named Pang Ming had the upper hand, he did not show the strength that a disciple of a famous sect should have.

"Is this person an imposter?" Chen Feng doubted.

"Hahahaha, I thought you were so powerful, but it turns out you are just like this. You are not an imposter?" Ruta laughed.

"Hmph, I just used the Spirit Snake Sword, which is just an entry-level sword technique of the Taiyi Sect. I just played with you to warm up. Next, you will see my true strength." Pang Ming sneered.

"Then let me see your so-called true strength. Don't let me beat you to the point where you can't get up." Luta laughed, and the Hun Tian Wu Ji Stick in his hand was used to perfection, opening and closing, blocking Pang Ming's attacks again and again.

The two people fought to narrow their energy within a range, otherwise, the aftermath of the fight would be enough to destroy this small courtyard.

"Do you know why I am called the Earth Demon Sword? Because I practice the Earth Demon Sword Technique." Pang Ming shouted coldly, and the long sword in his hand suddenly burst out with a trace of black light, and at the same time it hummed. At the same time, the breath on Pang Ming's body began to conflict continuously.

"Hey, this is a kind of evil spirit." Chen Feng clearly felt that a large amount of evil spirit was constantly drilling out from the ground, and quickly merged into the long sword in Pang Ming's hand, making the long sword more and more powerful.

"Hahaha, this is the Earthly Evil Sword Technique I practiced. It can absorb the evil spirit underground to enhance my strength." Pang Ming laughed loudly, very proud, because Ruta could no longer resist the attack of the Earthly Evil Sword and seemed to be defeated at any time.

"It turned out to be the Yin Qi in the soil." Chen Feng finally understood what was going on, and then his mind moved, and waves of power waves came out from the magnetic pole points of his feet, and quickly merged into the soil within a radius of dozens of feet.

Sure enough, Pang Ming's face changed next, thinking that there was no trace of Yin Sha Qi flowing out of the ground, and the violent arrogance on Pang Ming's body began to slowly weaken again.

"What's going on?" Pang Ming's face was extremely ugly. He roared and attacked Ruta desperately, trying to get rid of Ruta before the power on the Earthly Evil Sword disappeared.

"I thought it was a very brilliant spell, but it turned out to be relying on external forces. Once there is no external force, you are nothing. If Taiyi Sect is all this kind of flashy spell, then it's really meaningless." Chen Feng shook his head and sneered.

The two had been fighting for a while, and the noise had long attracted the attention of other people around. Chen Feng had already felt several divine senses scanning his courtyard.

"No time to play with you." Chen Feng stomped his feet lightly, and a powerful force blasted through the earth towards Pang Ming.


The ground exploded, and the powerful energy hit Pang Ming hard, making Pang Ming almost jump up.

"Get out." Ruta swept across, and the Hun Tian Wu Ji stick hit Pang Ming. A sound of broken bones sounded, followed by screams mixed with spitting blood.

"You wait, I, the Earth Demon Sword Pang Ming, will not settle with you." Pang Ming took the Earth Demon Sword, spitting blood from his mouth and quickly jumped out of the yard. His figure flashed a few times and disappeared.

Chen Feng and Ruta did not chase him, because if Chen Feng wanted to kill the other party, he would have done it long ago.

"Is this guy really from Taiyi Sect?" Ruta panted. Ruta didn't take advantage in the fight just now, but was always at a disadvantage. He only gave the opponent a hard blow at the end.

"It's possible." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"It's probably that Zhao Quan came again. I didn't expect that we would encounter a series of troubles before entering Taiyi Sect." Chen Feng shook his head and smiled.

"I don't think the opponent is very powerful. If he is always this kind of person, we don't have to be afraid at all." Ruta said indifferently.

"You are right. If the troublemakers are all this kind of people, we can practice often. But this is impossible. There are tens of thousands of disciples in Taiyi Sect, and there are countless masters among them. This time we met only some useless people. If there are really Tianren realm cultivators, we can only flee in panic." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Zhao Quan is an inner sect disciple. I think this Disha Sword is most likely an inner sect disciple. We don't know what kind of disciple will enter Taiyi Sect?" Ruta said on the side.

"No need to ask, it must be an outer sect disciple." Chen Feng said affirmatively.

For the next ten days, Chen Feng and his companions visited many places in Yiyuan City and got to know the city and Taiyi Sect. However, to their surprise, Zhao Quan and Pang Ming did not come to cause trouble again.

"It is not necessarily a good thing that the other party does not come to cause trouble. Maybe they are trying to deal with us. Now we should set off and go to Taiyi Immortal Mountain." Chen Feng said.

Taiyi Immortal Mountain is actually the general name of the entire Taiyi Sect. The location of Taiyi Sect has a group of mountains with strong spiritual veins, such as Taiqing Mountain, Yuyang Mountain, Taiyi Peak, Wuji Cliff, etc., which are united to form Taiyi Sect. Any one of these immortal mountains is a blessed place and a spiritual root.

In other words, in the entire Beiyuan, only these ten immortal sects can be regarded as the real immortals, and other small and medium-sized forces cannot be compared with them at all.

Chen Feng's understanding of Taiyi Sect is all from books. The news in the books alone has shocked Chen Feng, not to mention that this level of immortal sects has many hidden space barriers, which are powerful forces that are not known to the outside world.

"Tsk tsk, this is the immortal sect." Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Yiyuan City is still more than a thousand miles away from Taiyi Immortal Mountain. Chen Feng and the others flew on swords at a very fast speed. It didn't take long for them to catch up with half the distance.

The flying swords under the feet of the two were naturally newly bought. For the sake of safety, Chen Feng did not want to expose his full strength. Having a trump card is the best way to save his life.

The two met many cultivators on the road. Chen Feng found that most of them were disciples of Taiyi Sect. There were masters among them, but there were more ordinary ones.

Flying in the air, watching the clouds around him constantly floating by, and then looking at the ground, buildings, and mountains that were constantly moving below, as well as the cultivators flying around wrapped in sword light from time to time, Chen Feng sighed, this is the world of cultivators.

Most cultivators fly with swords, and only some cultivators with high cultivation will rely on their physical bodies to break through the air. Chen Feng and the others even saw large manned flying magic weapons shuttle. The powerful aura revealed in it even surprised Chen Feng secretly.

"Tsk tsk, we were really ignorant before. When I was in Heiyuan City, I would be surprised to see a secret realm cultivator flying in the air. Looking at so many secret realm cultivators, I really feel a little emotional." Chen Feng smiled.

"But it's a bit strange. This is one of the ten great immortal sects. How can there be so many low-level disciples?" Ruta was a little curious.

During this period of time, the two had met more than a thousand cultivators, and among them, there were eight or nine hundred cultivators in the first and second levels of the secret realm alone.

"This is normal. After all, masters are only a minority in a sect. These disciples in the first and second levels of the secret realm should be the outer disciples of Taiyi Sect, and also the lowest level disciples. Speaking of which, the most common disciples in these immortal sects are outer disciples. These disciples are at the lowest level of the sect, with the worst treatment, and usually do miscellaneous work. Only by becoming an inner disciple can you be considered a true disciple of the sect." Chen Feng recalled the situation he had learned.

"What about us?" Ruta said.

"Of course we are outer disciples. It depends on whether the other party is willing to accept us." Chen Feng smiled.

"There are so many cultivators along the way. It seems that Zhao Quan will not take action." Ruta shook his head and sighed.

"But I think Zhao Quan is a vengeful guy. There was no hatred, but the other party hired someone to assassinate us. When we arrive at Taiyi Gate, I think the other party will definitely take action." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"Where there are people, there are conflicts and fights. This is an eternal truth. If the other party comes, we will take it." Ruta sneered.

"What a strong momentum." Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes and looked forward.

A series of towering peaks appeared vaguely in Chen Feng's vision. As Chen Feng kept approaching, the scenery in front became clearer and clearer.

Heavy and majestic aura, tall and steep impact, lingering clouds, fairy birds flying, waterfalls like silk, strange peaks and rocks, beautiful scenery, and misty spiritual energy.

A series of rich and atmospheric auras constantly hit Chen Feng, which made Chen Feng have an idea at the first time: This is the place for cultivating immortals.

Taiyi Immortal Mountain, finally arrived.

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