Eternal Existence

Chapter 180 Demon Core

Soon, Chen Feng and the other two were disappointed.

The cave here is very spacious. I don’t know what kind of magic formula is used to directly refract the sunlight from the outside world. The walls are densely inlaid with fist-sized night pearls. These things are rare treasures worth a fortune in the secular world, but they are just simple decorations here.

In the cave, the air is clear and the space is clear, just like outside. However, Chen Feng and the other two started to walk from the foot of the mountain and walked all the way to the middle of the mountain. Chen Feng felt a little helpless.

Although the things here are very complete, there is nothing that Chen Feng can take a fancy to. Although there are occasionally some rare herbs, or some human-level elixirs, or some fourth- and fifth-grade magic weapons or robes, which are good for these outer disciples, but for Chen Feng, it is useless. With treasures on his body, will he care about these magic weapons?

"It seems that we will be disappointed again today." Chen Feng shook his head. Although Chen Feng did see someone selling magic arrays just now, the power of the magic array, tut tut, even the inner disciples can't resist it.

However, when he was about to reach the top of the mountain, Chen Feng finally encountered something that interested him, a demon core.

"What is this?" Chen Feng pointed to a crystal in front of him and asked. In fact, Chen Feng was not concerned about this crystal, but the thing sealed in the crystal.

The thing in the crystal was half the size of a fist, red, round, and looked like solidified liquid at first glance.

Just now, Chen Feng sensed a trace of powerful breath, and then he locked his eyes on the thing in front of him.

Who knew that after Chen Feng asked, the other party did not respond, and seemed to not want to pay attention to Chen Feng and the others at all.

"I'm asking you a question, are you deaf?" Ruta said loudly.

"Why ask, can you afford it?" A young man sitting behind a table glanced at Chen Feng and the others and said disdainfully.

"Oh, really, it turns out that you look down on us outer disciples." Chen Feng sneered and stretched out his hand to take the crystal in his hand.

Chen Feng's action immediately inflamed the young man, who immediately slammed the table and stood up to get angry, but after seeing the clothes of Chen Feng and the other two, his face immediately showed a surprised expression, and then he smiled again. The speed of his change of expression surprised Chen Feng.

"Haha, what did you two like?" The young man asked with a smile.

This is a cultivator of the fourth level of the secret realm. He has cultivated to the point of seeing the micro, and is also an inner disciple. Chen Feng naturally understands why this person's expression changed so quickly, all because of the two people's dress.

Wearing a fifth-grade robe and a fifth-grade magic sword hanging from his waist, although his cultivation is not very high, it has already shocked the young man secretly.

"These two people must have a very strong backstage?" The young man thought in his heart.

"I just asked what this is?" Chen Feng asked while playing with the crystal in his hand.

"My two junior brothers are really good at vision. The crystal is sealed with a demon core of a big demon." The young man said immediately.

"The demon core of a great demon." Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and thought of the tree spirit he met in the Black Source Mountains. At that time, he also absorbed part of the essence of the tree spirit, which led to a rapid improvement in his cultivation. At that time, the tree spirit seemed to have survived the thunder tribulation, which was equivalent to the strength of a great demon, and the essence of the tree spirit was equivalent to the demon core of a great demon.

"This is a good thing." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Tower, is this the demon core of a great demon?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Yes, but the essence has been lost in large quantities, leaving less than half of the power." Tower answered quickly.

"Less than half, this is the whole body essence of a great demon, which can be regarded as a good thing. I don't know why the other party wants to sell it. By the way, if I buy it, is it useful?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Yes, you can absorb the demon power in this demon core. This is the essence of the whole body of a great demon. After refining, it can greatly improve your strength." Tower said lightly.

"Then why doesn't this person refine and absorb it?" Chen Feng was a little puzzled.

"Do you think that human cultivators can absorb and refine this kind of demon core at will? It's not that simple. You can absorb it because you practiced the Changsheng Zhenjing. It's just a dream for these ordinary cultivators to refine this kind of demon core." Ta said disdainfully.

"It's difficult for human cultivators to refine it, so can other demon beasts refine this kind of demon core?" Chen Feng suddenly had an idea and asked.

"We are all demons, so of course we can." Ta said simply.

"Excuse me, what kind of demon core is this?" Chen Feng looked at

"Hehe, I don't know either. I got this demon core by chance." The young man had a smile on his face and spoke very politely.

Originally, the young man wanted to keep this kind of thing for himself, but later he found that he couldn't refine and absorb it, so he had no choice but to take it out to exchange for something.

"I want this demon core. Name a price." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This one?" When he heard that Chen Feng wanted to buy it, the young man's eyes immediately began to turn.

"Don't think about asking for a high price. To tell you the truth, this demon core is less than half of its power." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Hey, I want to exchange for a flying sword of the sixth-grade magic weapon level." The young man gritted his teeth and said.

"Haha, you have a big appetite. Let's put it this way. I am only willing to give you a flying sword of the fifth-grade magic weapon level." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand, and a flying sword kept circling in his palm.

"Fifth-grade flying sword."

Looking at the flying sword in Chen Feng's hand, the young man's eyes suddenly showed a fiery look.

"Okay, deal." The young man gritted his teeth and said.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the flying sword flew out and landed in the other party's hand, and he quickly collected the crystal.

Then Chen Feng did not stop, but separated a trace of consciousness into the Longevity Tower.

"Si Er, I'll give you a good thing." Chen Feng's voice sounded in the Longevity Tower, and the crystal just purchased was directly cracked in front of the four-eared monkey, and a powerful demonic power emanated from it.

"Hey, it's a demon core." The purple lightning silver light Jiao rushed over at the first time, just wanting to swallow this demon core in one bite.

"Back off." Chen Feng shouted coldly, and the purple lightning silver light Jiao suddenly felt a shock in his soul and involuntarily stepped aside.

"Si Er, you are a demon beast, you should be able to refine this demon core of the big demon, right?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, yes, it can be refined." Si Er excitedly communicated with Chen Feng with his consciousness, looking at the demon core floating in front of him and jumping excitedly.

"Well, I'll give you this demon core. I hope you can improve one or two levels after refining it. Then I'll let you out to watch the mountain gate for me." Chen Feng said this and retracted his consciousness.

The four-eared monkey was still jumping around the demon core. Only the purple lightning silver dragon kept humming a few times, but he didn't dare to say anything. He looked at the demon core with envy and then went to sleep.

"You kid actually gave this demon core to that little monkey." Ta was a little surprised.

"Yes, I am now practicing the Changsheng Zhenjing with all my heart. If I refine this demon core again, I will definitely be distracted. Besides, isn't it just right to refine this kind of thing for the demon beast?" Chen Feng smiled.

"This is the last cave. I don't know if there will be any good things. I have made a wasted trip this time." Ruta was a little dejected.

"Huh! There are so many metal ores on this level?" As soon as Chen Feng entered the cave, he saw pieces of rare metal ores on the counter, on the ground, and even on the wall.

"Tower, aren't you badly damaged? There are a lot of ores here. Do you think you can use them?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Humph, what do you think I am? Do you think I am a magic weapon or a treasure? How can such rubbish enter my eyes?" Tower said somewhat unhappily.

"Then help me pick some better metal ores." Chen Feng said.

"Why did you buy this thing? There is nothing good here." Tower said disdainfully.

"It is better to be prepared. Store some metal ores in advance. When my cultivation is sufficient in the future, I will practice the method of refining weapons." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Well, let me pick some for you. Well, this is Daluo refined iron, the grade is good, buy it."

"And that black ore is called black gold stone, it's not bad, suitable for you, buy it."

"Here are star steel and black iron refined steel. Tsk tsk, here is also a spiritual stone, although the grade is not high, it's not bad."

"This is refined iron marrow, this is iron fantasy sand, and this is a piece of Moro stone."


Listening to the tower constantly reporting metal ores, Chen Feng immediately stepped forward to ask the price, then bargained and bought. Soon, more than a dozen metal ores were loaded into the Longevity Tower.

"Oh my God, this is purple copper essence. How can there be such a thing here? Boy, you must buy this piece of purple copper essence. If you really can't do it, you can rob it." Suddenly, the tower's voice fluctuated, some surprised and excited, and even more happy.

"What purple copper essence, are you talking about this piece of purple copper ore? It looks very ordinary to me." Chen Feng asked, looking at a fist-sized purple copper lump placed on the wall.

"What copper ore? This is a good thing. It is also valuable in the fairy world." Ta couldn't help but said.

"No way, you won't lie to me?" Chen Feng was a little skeptical, but he began to plan to buy it.

"Brother, please bring that piece of copper ore over here." Chen Feng pointed to the copper ore in front of him and said.

"Oh, you want to buy this piece of ore?" The owner of this piece of ore is a middle-aged man who looks a little kind. He has the realm of the fifth level of the secret realm and is looking at Chen Feng curiously at this time.

"Yes, I want to see it." Chen Feng nodded.

"Okay, take it yourself." The middle-aged man smiled.

So Chen Feng stepped forward, stretched out his hand, but couldn't move it. He tried hard, but still couldn't move it.

"Hey, it's so heavy." Chen Feng was a little surprised and began to gradually increase his strength. Finally, this fist-sized copper ore was picked up by Chen Feng.

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