Eternal Existence

Chapter 189 Fighting

At this time, the phantom beast had several wounds on its body, and black blood was constantly flowing out. These were all left by the Haoran Zhengang Sword. Although the magic beast had super strong defense, it was not strong enough after all, so how could it block the sharpness of the treasure.

"Still not surrender." Chen Feng shouted coldly.

"You humans only know how to rely on the power of weapons. If you have the ability, fight me bare-handed." This is what the phantom beast said unconvinced. During the fight, the phantom beast hid in space several times, but was finally found by Chen Feng.


A hard and upright bone spur on the phantom beast was cut off by the sword energy, and the breath of the phantom beast began to weaken immediately.

"Oh, I understand, it turns out that these bone spurs are the source of your power. What would happen if I cut off all the bone spurs on your body?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

After hearing this, the phantom beast became even more panicked, and began to utter waves of strange syllables.

Chen Feng thought that this should be the language of the demon world.

"Boy, the other party is calling for companions." At this time, Ta reminded.

"Calling for companions, are there any phantom beasts or bloodthirsty demons here?" Chen Feng was surprised.

"Of course there are, and I also know that you are being followed." Ta laughed.

"What, someone is following, why didn't you say it earlier?" Chen Feng was a little dissatisfied.

"Why should I tell you." Ta said as a matter of course.

"It seems that we have to deal with this phantom beast in front of us as soon as possible." Chen Feng said that the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword that flew out suddenly increased its power, and directly chopped the phantom beast to death. Then Chen Feng stretched out his hand and took the phantom beast into the Changsheng Tower to suppress it.

Just after putting away the phantom beast, Chen Feng felt a strong bloodthirsty breath approaching him quickly.

"So many bloodthirsty demons." Chen Feng was finally surprised. In Chen Feng's perception, there were at least ten bloodthirsty demons around.

At the same time, Chen Feng felt a little lucky. If there were a few more bloodthirsty demon fangs that night, the Taiyi Sect disciples in the small town would probably be killed.

"Is there a passage to the demon world here?" Chen Feng guessed in his heart, and at the same time took out the magic weapon Blood Soul. Blood Soul is a magic weapon, and it should be effective against these demon beasts.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two bloodthirsty demon fangs pounced on Chen Feng at the same time, and their sharp fangs and sharp claws flashed with cold light and cut through the space, making a sharp whistling sound.


Chen Feng's figure flashed quickly, dodged diagonally, and then the blood soul in his hand turned into a blood light and stabbed one of the bloodthirsty demon fangs.

Although Chen Feng could not exert the full power of the blood soul, because of the grade of the blood spear itself, once it was used, it exuded a strong bloodthirsty aura and the evil and domineering thoughts unique to the magic weapon.


With a slight sound, one of the bloodthirsty demon fangs was pierced by Chen Feng's spear. Then Chen Feng felt that the blood soul stimulated a strong suction force. The blood essence in the bloodthirsty demon fang hanging on the blood spear quickly lost its blood and was absorbed clean in the blink of an eye. This bloodthirsty monster that usually sucked human blood was sucked dry and turned into a mummy.

Chen Feng opened his mouth wide and looked at this scene in surprise.

It was not because of the blood soul's ability to suck blood, but because when the blood spear was about to pierce the bloodthirsty demon fang, this fierce demon beast actually trembled, obviously frightened, and it was because of this hesitation that it was stabbed to death by Chen Feng's spear.


The strong wind around him squeezed towards Chen Feng from all directions. Chen Feng reacted and knew that it was not the time to be stunned. The blood soul in his hand quickly circled around him. After absorbing the opponent's blood, the blood soul became more violent, and it seemed that the power in his body was gradually recovering.

After sensing the breath of the blood soul, the bloodthirsty demon fangs that besieged Chen Feng all showed fear in their eyes, and two of them even stopped their forward momentum.

Puff! Puff!

Two consecutive light sounds, and two more bloodthirsty demon fangs were stabbed by Chen Feng.

The blood of two more monsters was devoured, and Chen Feng felt the blood soul in his hand vibrate violently. A stream of bloodthirsty and soul-devouring thoughts constantly impacted his sea of ​​consciousness, making him a little violent.


At this time, a hard fist suddenly shot out from the void and hit Chen Feng's shoulder heavily. Chen Feng, who was in a violent state, did not dodge this time. Although several major acupoints in his body autonomously emitted suction at the critical moment, they still did not completely dissolve the power that invaded Chen Feng's body.

Crack! Crack!

Chen Feng only felt that half of his body was paralyzed, and even heard a sound of bones breaking from his shoulder.


Under the powerful impact, Chen Feng opened his mouth and spit out a blood arrow, and the blood soul in his hand quickly stabbed back.

Unfortunately, it stabbed in vain.

"Oh no, there is another phantom beast hiding in the dark." Chen Feng's heart jumped.

In fact, in Chen Feng's mind, this kind of bloodthirsty demon fangs that confront head-on are not scary, what is scary is the phantom beasts hiding around and launching sneak attacks at any time.

Although the blood soul improves the combat power, Chen Feng is still caught in a bloody battle. After being attacked by the phantom beast, Chen Feng's skills began to decline. Not long after being attacked, one of the bloodthirsty demon fangs took the opportunity to leave a mark on his body, and at the same time, a trace of demonic energy drilled into his body through the wound.

This may be troublesome for other cultivators, but it is nothing for Chen Feng who can refine the demonic energy. While refining the demonic energy in his body quickly, Chen Feng began to interrupt the breakout.

Because Chen Feng found a bad situation, that is, the bloodthirsty demons around him began to howl to the sky, just like the howling of wolves, but Chen Feng immediately knew what the other party was going to do, which was to call other companions.

"These guys are so bloodthirsty. If I am surrounded, I will be skinned alive." Chen Feng said in his heart.

So he began to use the art of multitasking, waving the blood soul in his hand and constantly sending out powerful attacks. The Haoran Zhen Gang Sword and the two fifth-grade flying swords began to strangle him frantically under the control of his spiritual consciousness.

In this way, Chen Feng killed out step by step, and at the same time Zhao Qiang and Ma Wu had found Chen Feng, and were hiding in the dark watching Chen Feng and the bloodthirsty demons fighting.

However, the two true disciples of Taiyi Sect were so shocked that their mouths were wide open and could not be closed for a long time.

"Am I seeing things? Is this still an inner sect disciple of our sect?" Ma Wu said nervously.

"This guy is indeed a spy. It turns out that he has been hiding his strength." Zhao Qiang sneered.

"It seems that your information is correct. This guy must have a purpose to enter our Taiyi Sect. Did you see that the spear in his hand is actually a treasure weapon, and there is also a flying sword that is also a treasure weapon. Two treasure weapons, what is this concept." Ma Wu's eyes were a little bloodshot.

"There are not many elite disciples in our sect who have treasure weapons. This kid actually has two in his hand. It's really enviable." Zhao Qiang also felt a little itchy in his throat.

"Two treasure weapons. Fortunately, the two of us followed out today and found out about this." Ma Wu glanced at Zhao Qiang.

"If we have treasure weapons, we should be able to compete with elite disciples, right?" Zhao Qiang licked his lips.

"Of course, maybe we can fight with core disciples." Ma Wu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"In that case, we won't be in a hurry to show up. Let's wait until they finish fighting." The two looked at each other, discussed it, and then secretly followed Chen Feng to chase after him.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Chen Feng burst out with all his strength, and three bloodthirsty demon fangs were pierced and killed in succession, sucking their blood. The other bloodthirsty demon fangs were originally afraid of the breath of the blood soul. Now seeing Chen Feng so fierce, they pushed back unnaturally, which gave Chen Feng a chance. The whole person rushed forward like a sharp arrow.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to soar into the sky, the phantom beasts hidden in the surroundings attacked again, and two hands moved together.

"Hey, I'm waiting for you." Chen Feng sneered, and thick layers of energy quickly spread out from his body, blocking behind him. At the same time, the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword hummed, and dozens of sword energy were shot out in the blink of an eye. Each sword energy could kill a true disciple. This was a move that Chen Feng had been brewing from the beginning.

Bang bang!

Two heavy fists hit Chen Feng, and the sword energy emitted by the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword also smashed the two phantom beasts in the dark into pieces.

As for Chen Feng, he had already rushed into the sky like a cannonball, and then the Haoran Zhen Gang Sword quickly grew larger, carrying Chen Feng and disappearing without a trace, leaving only the bloodthirsty demon fangs that kept roaring on the ground.

"It's bad, this guy actually escaped." At this time, Ma Wu exclaimed.

"Don't worry, if he can't escape, it's really hard for us to do it. Now, it's time for us to do it." Zhao Qiang sneered.

Chen Feng flew for seven or eight hundred miles before landing in a quiet valley.

"Huh, this injury is serious enough." Chen Feng lay flat on a smooth rock. He was not in a hurry to treat his injuries, but was breathing heavily. Chen Feng felt that he had not felt this tired for a long time. He was physically and mentally exhausted, just like the feeling of being chased by a mad dog for three streets.

A wisp of cool breeze kept blowing, making Chen Feng feel a lot cooler, but it soon turned into a strong wind. At this time, Chen Feng felt that the sky was covered with dark clouds, and it turned out that a rainstorm was about to come.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Finally, a series of thunder and lightning snakes flashed in the dark clouds, constantly raging in the sky, as if to tear the sky into cracks.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

The rainstorm began. At first, it was just big raindrops, and then it turned into a series of rapidly falling water lines, a real downpour.

Fortunately, there was a huge ancient tree next to Chen Feng. The trunk of the tree, which could be hugged by two people, the canopy of the tree was as big as a small yard, and the thick branches and leaves temporarily blocked the heavy rain.

Listening to the roar of the heavy rain around him, Chen Feng felt that the whole world was quiet. He quietly felt the injuries that were constantly recovering in his body. Occasionally, a few raindrops fell on his face, which reminded Chen Feng of the experience of being struck by lightning.

That day, it was also such a violent storm, and it was also a bad weather with thunder and lightning. He was still a weak boy, and he broke into the rainstorm alone. In the small valley outside the Black Source City, there was also such a thick ancient tree. He was stunned by thunder and lightning. After waking up, his world had undergone earth-shaking changes. He practiced the Changsheng Sutra, awakened the Changsheng Tower, and then broke free from the title of waste and walked all the way to now.

In this situation, Chen Feng actually fell into deep thought. Facing the violent weather, Chen Feng was not afraid in his heart, but on the contrary, he also bred some wonderful artistic conception.

The thick branches and leaves finally couldn't stop the erosion of the heavy rain, and drops of rain began to penetrate the branches and leaves and sprinkle on Chen Feng's face and body.

Chen Feng didn't deliberately care about these, but let the cold raindrops fall on his body. Finally, Chen Feng slowly sat up, moved, and gently leaned against the thick tree.

"Huh, you guys are still here." Looking at the two people standing in front of him, Chen Feng exhaled softly.

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