Eternal Existence

Chapter 196 Lessons

Seeing Chen Feng put his hand on his shoulder like lightning, Pang Ban's face suddenly changed. He wanted to resist but felt that the other party's true energy was pouring into his body like the Yangtze River, making his whole body tremble constantly. He didn't even have the slightest strength to resist. .

"court death."

When Zhao Xiang and Liu Yu saw this scene, they were furious. They immediately stretched out their hands and hit Chen Feng with a thunderous sound.


Chen Feng's other hand quickly stretched out and pressed it on Liu Yu's body. Powerful Qi surged into Liu Yu's body like broken bamboo. Liu Yu's whole body was shaken and he immediately became like Pang Ban, raising his palm and moving No.


With a crisp sound, Zhao Qiang hit Chen Feng on the chest with his palm. He felt happy in his heart, but soon he felt a strong suction force coming from Chen Feng's body, sucking his palm firmly.

Chen Feng easily restrained the three of them.

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that the three senior brothers were seriously injured. They only have such a little strength. It's really disappointing." Chen Feng smiled lightly, and the powerful infuriating energy continued to wash through the opponent's body, along the place He wandered through his meridians over and over again, trying to find out the techniques practiced by the three of them.

"Hmph, the soul fire will roast you to death. No matter how powerful you are, you can't stop the soul attacks of the three of us." The three of Pang Ban used this method at the same time. Three powerful soul fires followed the meridians in the body, and quickly He charged towards Chen Feng.

With the cultivation of these three people, if they released the soul fire, they could melt the hills and dry up the rivers. However, after these three people rushed the soul fire into Chen Feng's body, they immediately felt bad.

Because a more solid and huge flame roared and burned in Chen Feng's body. After seeing the soul fire of Pang Ban and the others, he quickly twisted and turned into a humanoid face, and then opened his mouth to face the souls of the three. The power swallowed it up.

"This guy is crazy. Does he want to devour our soul fire? I'm not afraid of killing you." Although Pang Ban and the other three were shocked, they still felt that this kind of thing was a bit ridiculous. They all sneered and used soul magic to step forward. Fighting with Chen Feng.

The three of them are no longer a match for Chen Feng in terms of Qi, and now they can only rely on the fire of their souls to fight Chen Feng.

After all, the long body zhenqi cultivated by Chen Feng is of an extremely high level, which is far beyond what these people can compare with. Coupled with the hundreds of years of skill gained through other means, it is not a problem to fight one against three, so under Chen Feng Under Feng's powerful infuriating energy, these three people barely had the strength to struggle, and were controlled by Chen Feng. Chen Feng was now checking the direction of the infuriating energy of the three people, while activating the soul fire to target them. People attacked.

Chen Feng naturally knew that with the power of his own soul, it was impossible to swallow up the soul fire of the three people. I am afraid that even if Chen Feng advanced to several realms, he would not be able to achieve this level. All Chen Feng has to do now is to attack the other party. , it would be better if it could swallow up some of the opponent's soul fire.

Pang Ban and the others had not recovered from their injuries, especially Pang Ban's soul, which was even more damaged. Naturally, Chen Feng would not let go of such a good opportunity. Although they can't kill the opponent, it's okay to let these three people suffer some losses, and also make the other party not dare to provoke them in the future.

The fight on Chen Feng's side had already alarmed the other Taiyi Sect disciples in the small town, but when these disciples arrived, they saw that Chen Feng had even beaten the inner disciples who were acting as guards. Who among these disciples dared to meddle in other people's business? Looking at these embarrassed inner disciples, some disciples were a little gloating about their misfortune, but in short, everyone just wanted to watch the fun.

"What is Senior Brother Chen doing? Nothing will happen. After all, Senior Brother Pang and the others are also elite disciples." An outer disciple said in a low voice.

"You are already an elite disciple. If there is a conflict, Senior Brother Chen will be the one who suffers." Someone next to him retorted.

"That's not necessarily true. Although Senior Brother Chen is an outer disciple, he has advanced cultivation. Didn't you see that all these inner disciples were beaten?" Someone interrupted.

"Well done. These inner disciples have been bullying us all day long. They deserved it this time. I hope Senior Brother Chen will beat up the three elite disciples inside as well."

"Impossible. This is an elite disciple. He will soon reach the realm of heavenly beings. How can a disciple of our level be able to compete with him?"

Although everyone did not leave, no one entered the building. Even the few true disciples who had just arrived were waiting outside with strange expressions, wondering what Chen Feng was up to.

There was no sound when Chen Feng entered the house. After waiting for a long time, several true disciples outside finally couldn't bear it any longer, and after some discussion, they planned to go in and take a look.

Just when several true disciples wanted to go in, Chen Feng walked out calmly, with an expressionless face and a smooth face. He looked exactly the same as when he went in, as if nothing happened.

"Chen Feng, what are you doing?" The true disciple in charge of this small town stepped forward and asked with a frown.

Chen Feng looked at these true disciples and said nothing, but a potential pressure hit their souls.

Kick, kick, kick!

These true disciples felt greatly shocked under Chen Feng's gaze, and couldn't help but take a few steps back. Then they felt that this action was a bit embarrassing, and they were about to step forward again, but heard Chen Feng say lightly; " Senior Brother Pang and the others are asking you to come in."

After Chen Feng left, these true disciples looked at each other and immediately walked into the house. Seeing the scene in front of them, these true disciples were stunned.

The three elite disciples were sitting against the wall with pale faces, their eyes were dull, and they exuded a gray aura.

"Three senior brothers." The person in charge of the small town spoke carefully.

Pang Ban and the other two raised their heads, with a look of resentment in their eyes, which immediately scared several true disciples.

"Get out, who let you in, get out quickly." Pang Ban shouted, and his face was a little breathless after saying this.

Under Pang Ban's scolding, the true disciples immediately retreated.

"What is going on?" Several people looked at each other and frowned.

"It seems that these three senior brothers are seriously injured and cannot recover in a short time. If there are those monsters again, what should we do?"

"I don't know what Chen Feng did in there just now?"

"Forget it, let's not meddle in other people's business. Let's quickly pass the news here to the sect and let the sect send someone else."

In the house, Pang Ban and the other two not only showed resentment in their eyes, but also showed a bitter smile at the corners of their mouths.

"Hey! I didn't expect this Chen Feng to be so powerful. I wouldn't have provoked him if I had known. Now I have lost decades of cultivation. It is still a question whether I can make up for it in the future." Pang Ban said with a wry smile.

"Yes, I have also lost decades of cultivation. The soul fire is much weaker now, and the cultivation method in our body may have been spied by that kid. When we return to the sect, our status among the elite disciples will definitely decline significantly." Liu Yu said.

"This matter cannot be let go." Zhao Xiang gritted his teeth and said.

"Go back and find someone. I must avenge this." The muscles on Pang Ban's face kept beating.

Chen Feng ignored everyone and walked into the small courtyard where he lived slowly. A smile appeared on his face. Through the fight just now, he had already figured out some of the other party's cultivation methods. More importantly, after the soul fire battle just now, Chen Feng swallowed up a lot of soul fire of three people. Once all refined, Chen Feng's soul fire will be strong again. Of course, the strength of Pang Ban and the other two will be greatly reduced.

Chen Feng naturally didn't care about these. Since these three people had bad intentions towards him, he would not be soft-hearted.

"Let me see the exercises these three guys practiced." Chen Feng said, and began to close his eyes and recall the routes of the true qi in the three people's bodies.

"Hey, after practicing the Changsheng Zhenjing, you still have to waste your energy to practice these garbage techniques." Ta was a little disdainful.

"Just learn from it, so that you can have some understanding of the various exercises of Taiyi Sect in advance." Chen Feng smiled.

In the next few days, the small town was calm, and no bloodthirsty demon fangs appeared. Pang Ban and the other two were still hiding in the house to recover from their injuries. The other disciples were all honestly led in the small town. Even if someone went out, they gathered in groups. After all, the bloodthirsty demon fangs that appeared some time ago scared everyone.


no magic beasts appeared in the past few days, everyone was still very worried, especially when Pang Ban and the three elite disciples were injured, so several true disciples in the small town sent a message to Taiyi Sect again, hoping that the sect would send some masters to take charge again.

A few days later, Chen Feng finally took action again. He left the small town quietly and came to the place where he was surrounded by the bloodthirsty demon fangs last time.

"It's a pity that there is no invisibility talisman." Chen Feng shook his head, restrained his breath, and began to move forward along the route he got from the mind of the captured phantom beast.

After just crossing a few hills, Chen Feng came to a fantasy world. He felt his eyes blurred and the scenery in front of him changed.

"It's really a barrier." Chen Feng carefully looked around. The world in front of him was desolate, with almost no vitality. The dry ground was covered with cracks. Not to mention the ground, even the sky was gray, as if this was a dead world.

"This place is more desolate than the desert." Chen Feng was surprised. He looked around and finally found a trace. Chen Feng knew it was left by the bloodthirsty demon fangs and the phantom beast.

"Tsk tsk, kid, are you sure you keep going?" Ta suddenly said with a smile.

"I'm a little curious, just go to see what it is." Chen Feng smiled.

"Then you have to be careful. I can already sense the breath of the Great Demon. It's strange, how could there be something from the Demon Realm here?" Ta was a little confused.

"Great Demon." Chen Feng frowned, knowing that the magic beast that could be called the Great Demon was equivalent to a Great Monster, which was the strength of a cultivator in the Heavenly Realm.

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