Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 802: I do not believe

Saint Can Star struggled hard, trying to get out of Xu Wuzhou's hands, but Xu Wuzhou's hand was placed on him, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of it.

He is calm and calm, and pressing him is like pressing an ant.

Saint Canxing's heart is chilling. Ask the other side, are he and Xu Wuzhou so far apart?

He didn't resist when he was suppressed by one move? What kind of strength is this? This is not a strong one, it is an absolute crush.

He is the sage Tianjiao, with royal blood. It stands to reason that there is no fear in the face of any Tianjiao of the ten thousand races, let alone the human race that is not brilliant.

However, it was this human race who was not good at anything, and slapped him on the ground and couldn't move.

"Are you convinced?"

Xu Wuzhou looked at him indifferently, and Saint Canxing saw disappointment in his eyes.

This life stabbed Saint Can Xing, his entire face flushed. The pride of the past is gone at this moment.

Seeing this, Xu Wuzhou was satisfied in his heart. This was exactly the effect he wanted.

Is the Saint Can Star strong?

Nature is strong!

In fact, they are both on the other side, although there is a gap between them, they have never been so far apart.

In the Shenhai Realm, he refines the Shenhai as a god, so even though he is not a god, he is also a god. Therefore, Shenhai's defeat of God can also be regarded as a controversy of the same level in a certain sense.

But the refining of the Shenhai realm straight into the other shore realm, for others, it crossed two big realms, but for Xu Wuzhou it was a big realm improvement.

Xu Wuzhou pressed the Saint Remnant Star with one hand, relying on more than just stepping into the other shore. The same relied on the Dao Master's order, which allowed him to ascend to the fullest, and all his conditions skyrocketed, and then suppressed by the Zhaotian Seal, there was such a picture.

"The Demon Race Tianjiao, but so, it seems that the Demon Race has no one."

Xu Wuzhou looked down at the Saint Remnant Star, and his words seemed to be familiar. All the people present were excited. These were the words of Saint Canary Star before, but they were returned to him intact now.

Everyone looked at Xu Wuzhou with admiration. In the future, who would dare to have the face to say that the human race has no one?

He glanced at Saint Can Xing again, and let go of the hand that suppressed Saint Can Xing.

The pressure of Saint Cannon disappeared in vain, and he burst out from the mud. His body was full of scars, bloodstains seeping out, but his blood was not red, but a kind of blue.

People of the demons, blood is blue!

"Let's go." Xu Wuzhou said to Saint Can Star.

This sentence made the people of the tribe condensed, and they looked at Xu Wuzhou without understanding. The enemy of the human race, how could he easily let him go.

"You let me go? Aren't you afraid to let the tiger go back to the mountain?" Saint Canxing stared at Xu Wuzhou coldly.

Xu Wuzhou sneered and said, "That would have to be a tiger. As for you, if you can raise your hand to suppress you once, you can raise your hand to suppress you a second time."

Saint Can Xing stared at Xu Wuzhou for a long time, he wanted to speak harshly. But I couldn't say anything to my lips.

He turned around and left, secretly making a decision in his heart that he must make Xu Wuzhou regret it.


Xu Wuzhou suddenly shouted.

Saint Can Star turned around, mocking Xu Wuzhou and said: "What? I regret not wanting to let me go?"

Xu Wuzhou said: "I just want to spread a word to those 100,000 people, either get out of the human race, or wait for them to be killed one by one. They don't have a third way to go."

"Then give it a try."

Xu Wuzhou shook his head and said: "No need to try, this is the land of my human race, how can you set foot on it. My strong human race will definitely kill you all."

"Then you have to find it." Sheng Canxing laughed suddenly, and the decadence of the failure was swept away, staring at Xu Wuzhoudao, "Put a nail in your human land, and this nail will be everywhere. It's possible to pierce your feet, isn't this a very interesting thing?"

Xu Wuzhou said: "The nails that cannot be found will pierce people's feet, and the nails that are seen can only be taken if they are pulled out."

Saint Can Star frowned slightly when he heard Xu Wuzhou's words, "What do you mean?"

"Do you think you are hiding deeply? It's ridiculous. Where are you hiding, when we don't know?"

"Do you think you deceived me?"

Xu Wuzhou laughed and looked at Saint Can Star and said: "Do you want me to tell you that they are hiding next to a certain city, so you will believe it?"

Saint Can Star heard Xu Wuzhou's words, and was uncertain in his heart.

Xu Wuzhou sneered: "I didn't kill you just because this is the land of my human race, and I don't want a war on the land of my human race, because the war injured is my human race.

And your identity can bring them a sentence, let them go from where to go. To fight, a battle in the magic cave. My human race will accompany you at any time. "

Saint Canxing stared at Xu Wuzhou for a while, and finally left without saying anything.

Seeing him leave, Xu Wuzhou said to Wu Yao: "Can the peak master not be found by him and follow him?"

Wu Yao knew what Xu Wuzhou wanted to do, and nodded: "My strength can do it, but he really will go to the hidden alien?"

Xu Wuzhou said: "Yes! I won't look for it now, as long as he perseveres in following him, he will definitely go back and look for it.

Just saying those words just buried a thorn in him. With this thorn, he wanted to see how those aliens were doing. Even if he could endure one day, two days and ten days, he would go there in the end. Or, without him going, someone will come to him.

At that time, you can follow the vines. "

Wu Yao nodded, he didn't understand these things, but Xu Wuzhou said so. You can definitely find it.

When Wu Yao left, Xu Wuzhou glanced at Xuan Wei.

Sherwin knew it, and knew that his navy was going to work.

It is not only about Xu Wuzhou's battle to promote the power of the human race, but more importantly, the need to use the water army to make the thorns of the Saint Remnant Star sharper. Only in this way can he worry about gains and losses, and finally find those alien races.

Only by finding them can we get rid of these restless people.


This battle was lonely and spread from Feiheshan to all parties in Hanzhou.

When they learned that Xu Wuzhou had single-handedly suppressed Saint Canvas, Hanzhou was in an uproar.

The originally suppressed emotions were wiped out, and countless people shouted Xu Wuzhou's name.

Xu Wuzhou's reputation was all the more for a while. Countless people shouted that Xu Wuzhou was a human hero.

There are few teachers in the world, and countless people in Hanzhou recognize the name of the true teachings of Taoism.

Of course, about this battle also spread to Yun Qianzhong's ears.

When he heard the news, the cup of tea fell directly to the ground, and he clenched his fists: " mean he...stepped into the other side in a single thought? And suppressed the holy star with one hand? "

It was confirmed that Yun Qianzhong's eyes were blood red.

Do not! It can't be true!

How could the Shenhai Realm cross two great realms in one thought!

"Check! Check it out! Don't spread any false news to me. I don't believe that there are people in this world who can cross two realms with one thought. Never believe it!"

Yun Qianzhong roared, grabbed the teapot and slammed it at the disciple.


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