Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 809: Luo Sanyang

Luo Sanyang was also a little confused, looking at the young man in front of him. He never thought that someone would say such things to him.

He has always been arrogant, and he did not expect this person to be more arrogant than him. The most important thing is that I just felt his breath, it should be the other side.

It is really amazing to be able to reach the other side at this age, but he is the true king, and the strong among the true kings.

He is in the other side, standing in his own territory and threatening himself?

Made! Luo Sanyang was furious!

How could he endure his violent temper, he shouted to several warriors around him: "Man King, Mantis King, you go try this kid's depth, and see if his skill is as proud as his mouth. horizontal."

While speaking, Luo Sanyang locked onto King Cang Yue. Didn't King Cang Yue want to stop him? Then he stopped King Cang Yue. Let his hands go down and try this kid, this kid has no abilities, don't blame him for interrupting his hands and feet and throwing it out.

When did the Fire King suffer this kind of anger? Made! Even if the Li Palace is standing behind you, you can't come to my place to speak cruelly!


The Mantis King and the Mantis King stand up. Although Luo Sanyang was granted eighteen kings, he established himself as a monarch. However, there are not many powerful people in the Transcendent God Realm, and there are only two in the other side realm. This is his right arm.

These two are also ruthless people. They committed a big case back then, and they were chased by the King of Human Beings and had nowhere to come to him. He knows the fierceness and strength of these two people very well, and he believes that they can clean up this kid.

The two stood up, eyes glowing like electricity, staring at Xu Wuzhou. At the same time, the energy on Manking's body is like a volcanic eruption, erupting with a dazzling light, and the whole person’s arm is turned into a saw, with runes spewing, sharp and shimmering with cold light, full of texture, and it makes people startled at the first glance, as if they are close. It will be sawn into two sections.

On the other hand, the mantis king's hair was flying, and the whole person was dazzling. Each hair was like a needle, carrying energy, changing into a spear blade, and the sound of breaking through the air continued to be heard as it trembled.

The two of them looked at each other and joined together, rotating towards Xu Wuzhou, their explosive force crushed the void.

In an instant, the sharpness was fully revealed, and the spear and the sharp saw were simultaneously twisting towards Xu Wuzhou, trying to completely strangle Xu Wuzhou's body into pieces.

Xu Wuzhou looked at them with a bit of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

He stretched out his hand, Shenhai trembled, endless runes intertwined, and energy poured out like an ocean, all over the void, blending with his palm.

The palm of the hand volleyed, constantly getting bigger, and then covering it down, patted the Mantis King vigorously.


Under a terrifying burst of bright and brilliant light, the heavens and the earth became clear and peaceful in vain.

Xu Wuzhou stood there, his figure unchanged.

And the Mantis King in the field, the whole person slumped on the ground, blood oozing from their bodies suffered heavy injuries.

Struggling to get up, but a force directly suppressed it, and then heard the sound of broken bones, he lay on the ground again.

"Is this the king you sealed?" Xu Wuzhou looked at Luo Sanyang and sneered.

Not only Luo Sanyang, but also King Cang Yue's eyes widened. As the true king, he can do it by pressing two people with one palm.

However, Xu Wuzhou is only on the other side, so why?

Doesn't it mean that this guy has the ability to flex his wrists?

How can it be!

King Cang Yue could not accept this fact!

It's fine to be bullied by Xu Wuzhou in no man's land, but now he is the real king, can this kid be fearless?

Dai Yaoyao squinted at Xu Wuzhou, looking at the two other shores that were suppressed. She knew that Xu Wuzhou was powerful, but he didn't seem to have used any powerful secret techniques before, so he could do this with his energy?

That weak young man in Lin'an who could be killed with one finger, is now so strong?

In comparison, it seems to be stronger than myself.

However, thinking of Xu Wuzhou Shenhai Zhanhuashen's bookworm, I feel that this is nothing.

In the other side of the world, with the war skills like Zhanshu Zhan, even if facing the true king, it will also cut the advantage.

But obviously, Xu Wuzhou did not reach this point.

What does this show? It shows that Xu Wuzhou's thought to cross the two borders is shocking. But the closer the battle was not as exaggerated as the Shenhai Realm.

"That means, if I step into the other side, I can still fight him."

If Xu Wuzhou's Divine Sea Realm was the case, Xu Wuzhou's other shore realm would definitely not fight. But after his thought became the other side, the gap between the same ranks became smaller.

Xu Wuzhou didn't know what they were thinking, but looked at Luo Sanyang's other warriors.

The other warriors were all discolored. They stood on their own side, and these people turned into a big formation, all looking at Xu Wuzhou vigilantly.

Xu Wuzhou glanced at them, looked at Luo Sanyang and said, "With such strength, you can escape from your cottage."

Luo Sanyang's face was blue and white, and King Cang Yue stopped him. Others couldn't stop Dai Yaoyao and this boy.

It's just that this person is too tyrannical.

Mu Jianjia's younger brother? Right! If it were her younger brother, it would be normal to have some evildoers.

With such talent and strength, it should be no problem to reach the true king. When you really stare at him, then he is really troublesome.

This kid is so arrogant and arrogant that he can't help but believe that he is about to bite someone.

He is more afraid of such a person than Mu Jianjia, because he himself is such a person.

Seeing Luo Sanyang's expression changing, Xu Wuzhou smiled. To talk to people, you still have to rely on strength.

No, now this guy pays a little attention, and no longer shouts and screams.

Luo Sanyang took a deep breath, although he was hesitant. But he wouldn't really bow his head. He looked at Xu Wuzhou and said, "I have to peel a layer of skin when you come to my cottage. Do you think you can escape? Although my cottage does not have a military formation, there are other big formations."

Xu Wuzhou looked at Luo Sanyang and said, "You won't do this, because I said that I can satisfy your wishes."

Luo Sanyang found it ridiculous. The three wishes I mentioned just now, you refused very directly.

It seems that he knows what Luo Sanyang is thinking, but Xu Wuzhou said at this time: "As a wish-satisfaction teacher, I naturally want to arrange for you the best wishes for you. What you say is not what you want, what you want That’s what I know."


Luo Sanyang was dizzy, but he probably understood. He was full of sarcasm: Such shameless words can be said, don't you know what you want, it's ridiculous.

At this time, I heard Xu Wuzhou say: "The true king is the true king after all, but he is the real giant if he becomes a great power. You should be thinking about the magic way giant, right?"

Luo Sanyang frowned, looked at Xu Wuzhou and said, "What do you mean?"

"How about helping you become a mighty power?" Xu Wuzhou asked Luo Sanyang.

In a word, not only Luo Sanyang was shocked, but even Dai Yaoyao and King Cang Yue's eyes widened.

Are you kidding me? Power is also something you can control to achieve?


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