Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 821: On their own

In the market town, a young man came.

The young man's jet-black hair is messy, he is dressed in colorful clothes, his eyebrows are always raised, and there is a kind of indifferent disdain in his eyes, and there is a sense of rebellion.

This young man walked along the road, and all the disciples who saw him bowed their faces at this moment, worshiping and saluting as the big brother.

The patients in the market town were originally surrounded by Xu Wuzhou. And with the arrival of this person, these people immediately scattered from Xu Wuzhou's side and turned to embrace the young man.

"Have seen a medical idiot!"

"Have seen a medical idiot!"

"I implore the doctor to treat my illness."


Everyone excitedly called forward and back to the doctor, begging him to heal themselves.

The doctor smirked and took out some medicinal pills from his arms and distributed them to these humanists: "Although the medicinal pills can't cure all diseases, many diseases can be solved, even if they can't be solved, they can be alleviated. You can use them separately. "

The medicinal medicinal pill was well-known, and everyone was excited to take it away.

Yizhi took this opportunity to walk in front of Xu Wuzhou. He glanced at the wheelchair man, a drop of green liquid flew out of his hand, and this drop of liquid melted into the wheelchair man's leg.

The man who was still in the wheelchair screamed in pain, and stood up abruptly. Standing on the ground, he stomped his feet vigorously, as if trying to drive the pain away.

But after stomping for a while, he suddenly woke up and looked at his powerful legs in disbelief.

The others stayed too.

Xu Wuzhou could only help this person stand up tremblingly, but as soon as the medical idiot took action, he was cured instantly. Is this the medical technique of medical idiots?

Everyone's eyes became more and more fierce, and they were eager to help them be healed.

Xu Wuzhou looked at the medical idiot, then looked at the legs of the man in the wheelchair, standing there smiling without saying a word.

The medical idiot dealt with the crowd, looking at Xu Wuzhou and said, "Baicao Valley is not as incompetent as you thought. If you want to step on the Baicao Valley to the top, I'm afraid it won't work!"

Xu Wuzhou smiled and said, "I didn't expect that the medical idiot is a master of poison?"

"Tackling poison with poison is also a medical skill."

"It's good to fight poison with poison, but it's time to attack."

The doctor squinted his eyes and said to Xu Wuzhou: "Your Excellency is always so boring to come to Baicao Valley to treat illnesses and save people, don't you talk about the purpose? By the way! It is impolite to wear a mask to see people."

Xu Wuzhou smiled and said, "I wear a mask because I know that I have a prosperous face, and I am afraid that the female disciples of Baicao Valley will fall in love with me. Do you really want me to take off the mask?"

The first sentence was directly ignored by the medical idiot, but the latter sentence made his brows slightly frowned. He probably guessed who this person was. That being the case, it is really inappropriate to let everyone know his identity.

"What do you want to do?" The medical idiot looked at Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou said, "Baicao Valley is a sacred place for medical treatment. It's a pity that I can't enter it for a look."

This sentence made Bingwen Bingzhi angrily stare at Xu Wuzhou, this **** actually said something like this again.

But what they didn't expect was that the medical idiot said: "Then please go to Baicao Valley and his party to see what you are capable of."

Xu Wuzhou glanced at the man in the wheelchair again, then walked towards the middle of the Baicao Valley with a big smile.

The disciple of Baicao Valley wanted to follow, but was blocked by the medical idiot.

Amidst the people's doubts, they saw that the medical idiot took Xu Wuzhou directly to the place where the owner of the valley lived.

This made everyone's eyes widened, and they looked at the doctor in disbelief. What are you doing here?


Arriving in the main hall, several elders soon came, and an old man with gray hair sat in the middle.

Seeing Xu Wuzhou, one of the elders coldly snorted: "It's really a villain who came to the door."

Xu Wuzhou looked at them and said, "Just to be able to enter the gate of your Baicao Valley."

This sentence caused several elders present to snorted coldly.

If Xu Wuzhou used the identity of Dao Zong's true biography, they would definitely not meet. However, Xu Wuzhou used medical skills to kick the pavilion right in front of his house, how could they ignore it.

The old man sitting in the middle waved his hand, and asked the elders to stop and say, "I want to come, you know the grievances between Baicao Valley and Daozong."

"I don't know!" Xu Wuzhou looked at the old man in the middle blankly.


In a word, the blocking old man was speechless. Because he hadn't thought that someone could still be so brazen, he didn't even know about the things on the face.

Seeing that the Lord Gu was blocked from speaking, someone hummed: "I don't know, do I have to tell you the elder again?"

"Yes! Just talk if you want to." Xu Wuzhou looked at them and said, "I also want to hear, what kind of favor do I have to you from Dao Sect."

"..." In an instant, everyone looked at each other. This is the true biography of this generation of Taoism, the young master of the world?

Don’t they all say that he is a gentleman? How do I feel like a rascal now!

Xu Wuzhou took off the mask, threw it aside and said, "Wearing a mask is really uncomfortable. If it weren't for your Baicao Valley, I wouldn't wear it. Alas, no way. My Dao Sect likes to take care of others from the details like this, I would rather myself uncomfortable.

This has always been the case since ancient times!

Let’s talk about it, what kind of favors do my Dao Sect have to you. "

Several elders were furious, and they just wanted to stand up and scold them, but they were interrupted by the Gu Master: "Dao Zong did have a favor to us, otherwise, how can I be the leader of Baicao Gu Zun. But all the favors, after that incident Just one..."

It’s just that the Valley Master heard Xu Wuzhou’s interrupted voice before he finished speaking, “It’s good to admit that my Dao Sect is kind to you. At this time, my Dao Sect is just a little bit busy and needs your help.

As the so-called dripping grace is reported by the spring, I don’t need a spring. As for the grace of dripping water, you can just give me a little mist.

Isn't this request too much? "

At this moment, even Gu Zhu was dumbfounded. Looking at Xu Wuzhou, he really couldn't say a word.

The Gu Master couldn't help thinking of this generation of Dao Sect Sect Master, the person in front of him seemed even more shameless than that one.

One of the elders couldn't help it anymore and looked at Xu Wuzhou angrily and said, "Even if you break your leg today, you will be responsible for it."

Xu Wuzhou glanced at them and said with a smile: "That's right! There are so many weasels in this world, everywhere. One more Baicao Valley is nothing. Forget it, just treat it as if I didn't say anything."

Speaking of this, Xu Wuzhou looked at the owner of the valley and said: "If you want something, you still have to rely on your own ability to get it yourself. The owner of the valley, right?"


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