Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 826: Daozong Victory

"We surrender!"

The sound rushed out of the mountain stream and reverberated constantly in the sky.

Xu Wuzhou stood there, he was ready to deal with the turtle in the urn slowly. If you give the opponent an hour to surrender, it's just for the poison to exert its maximum effect.

But what I didn't expect was that the other party actually uttered the words of direct surrender.

Is this still alien? It's okay to say other aliens! But as far as he knows, the Demon Race and the Human Race have blood and deep feuds. This hatred is deep in the bones.

Before the ancients, the demons enslaved the human race, and later the human race became stronger. The blood from the two killings flowed into a river. The Human Race did not know how many died in their hands, and the Demon Race did not know how many died in the hands of the Human Race.

Both sides have been soaked in blood that the other side does not know, and there is no room for reconciliation at all.

Under normal circumstances, the demons and human races are together, meeting is endless. In the hands of the opponent, there is only a dead end.

Therefore, the two parties did not surrender at all. It is simply that the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet, until one party is dead.

How can such a race feud surrender?

"We surrender!"

In the sluggishness of everyone, such a sentence came out from the mountain stream.

"What to do?" Sherwin asked Xu Wuzhou, and the other party suddenly surrendered, which disrupted their plan.

"It's best to surrender. Soldiers can take them down without a blade. Otherwise, even if they are poisoned, my Daoist disciples cannot be guaranteed to be unscathed. It's just that they are not really surrendering, but lie to us."

Wu Yao nodded at this moment: "Is that according to the original plan or what?"

Xu Wuzhou said to Wu Yao: "Since I told them to give them an hour to consider surrendering, they also surrendered. Then we must do a comprehensive play. They dare to say surrender, don't I dare to accept it?"

Wu Yao nodded.

Yes, they dare to play tricks, what else can they do now?

"Do you really surrender?" Xu Wuzhou shouted at the mountain stream.

"I'm waiting for surrender!" There was a voice.

"Okay! Since you surrender, then a team of a hundred people, not many are not allowed to sweep, raise your hands and walk out, I will control the Sanyang Profound Fire and make way for you. But dare to lie to me, you know the consequences."

Shanjiannei agreed quickly: "Yes!"

It's so refreshing and more incomprehensible. Xu Wuzhou looked at Wu Yao and said, "We must guard against their conspiracy. Who will go to the mountain pass to receive these soldiers?"

Wu Yaogang wanted to say that he would take people there, but at this time he heard the Nine Yao Army wearing a helmet say: "I will take a hundred people."

Xu Wuzhou glanced at this person. At this time, Dao Sect of them hadn't figured out the origin of the Nine Lights Army.

Moreover, Daozong repeatedly asked them to take off their masks and take a look. But they were all rejected.

Had it not been for them to hold Mo Daoxian's warrant, and it was determined that Mo Daoxian had left behind in Chaoge to protect his disciples, Dao Sect would really not dare to accept them.

Seeing them stand up at this time, Xu Wuzhou was still hesitating and heard him say: "Even if they have any conspiracy, the Nine Lights Army will not be afraid to face the army of a hundred people. With your fire bell behind, we are confident that we will be all over the body. retreat."

At this time, I heard the old man with yellow teeth say: "I will go with them, and if I hold the line, I am not afraid that they will make any waves."


With a powerful force and the Nine Lights Army, Xu Wuzhou believed that he could face an accident.

Sanyang Xuanhuo scattered and gave way to the mountain pass.

Soon, a hundred people walked out of them slowly. The faces of these hundred people were pale and their bodies were weak. After coming out, Dao Zong was extremely vigilant.

But the result surprised everyone, and it really didn't happen at all. Hundreds of people were completely suppressed and blocked and controlled as soldiers.

Teams of people came out, one hundred and one hundred were suppressed and imprisoned.

No one resisted!

They are extremely obedient!

These alien races have several races. They look different, although they all look like people, but they are somewhat different.

Like the wind people, they look thin and have the feeling of a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek.

Like the Ming people, they look dark, but their foreheads are unusually white.

Each of these alien races has talents. The wind people are good at speed and are known for competing with the wind.

Ming people can walk when they are born and can see things at night.

Compared with the human race, they are indeed unique.

The human race is weak and can only walk freely after a few years of birth. This is also the reason why the human race was looked down upon by these races in the past.

Following waves of suppression and reorganization, the demons finally walked out.

Demon, he is a race blessed by heaven. The birth of any demons is the innate realm. The most important thing is that their spirits are special, far surpassing other races in spirits.

Regardless of whether it is Ming or Fengren, they are all races attached to demons. In fact, Ming and Fengren are also considered as demons.

From the appearance of demons and humans, there is no difference. However, the blood of the demons is blue.

There are not many demons coming to the human race here, only a few thousand people.

It can be seen that these people, Daozong, including the old man with yellow teeth, are tightening their nerves. Historically, there has been no demon who surrendered to the human race.

What surprised them was that after these demons appeared, there was no surrender to Daozong.

This made Dao Zong not understand it, and many of the strong human races I saw did not understand it either.

With the complete suppression of the demons, the 100,000 alien races did not make any waves, so they were resolved.

Looking at the empty mountain stream, Xu Wuzhou said to the old man with yellow teeth: "Please also go and look for it and search for any fish that slipped through the net."

The old man with yellow teeth nodded. The demon's surrender also found it difficult for him to understand.

Although they are already the turtles in the urn, the immortal relationship between the two races of humans and demons makes it too weird for them to surrender.

The old man with yellow teeth also felt that they had a purpose in doing this.

The old man with yellow teeth entered the mountain stream, his soul wafting out, searching every inch of the mountain stream. It's just that he searched over and over again and found no abnormalities.

Xu Wuzhou got the answer from the old man with yellow teeth, and asked the Nine Lights Army to search.

The Nine Lights Army led Dao Zong disciples, and they searched again in a sweeping manner, but the vast mountain stream was empty, and indeed they did not find any weirdness.

"Sacred Star?"

Everyone couldn't help thinking of the Saint Cannon Star, if it was really weird. That should be the sacred star.

Da Neng and the crowd can't find the weirdness here, and it is unlikely that there will be a problem here.

"Hmph! Before you had a hundred thousand army as a backing, worried that the Hanzhou human race would not dare to clean up you. Now that one hundred thousand foreign races fall into our hands, it's time to capture you."

Xu Wuzhou thought about this and looked at the 100,000 alien races who had been suppressed and separated. No matter why they surrendered, but fell into their hands, then they won the battle.

The Taoist disciples escorted these alien races out of the mountain stream mightily.

The warriors who saw them all swallowed their saliva.

One hundred thousand foreign races were defeated and captured by Dao Sect.

How crazy will the world be about this news?

This... they couldn't imagine it at all.


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