Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 829: Start

The northern sky is split! Mighty!

When he was young, he also existed on the 100th show. He has cultivated all the way, and he is one of the few who can reach the power of the 100th show.

He also used to be a true teaching, but before he grew up, there was civil strife in their teaching. After they lost this line, this line was liquidated, he was one of the few disciples who escaped.

Ten years ago, he personally went to the mountain gate to take revenge. He even killed the many elders of that sect, and basically killed the people of his line back then.

This battle made him famous, and the world knows that he has achieved great power.

Such a person's eyes fell on Xu Wuzhou at the moment, and he made no secret of his killing intent.

"I have seen seniors!" Bei Tiancha bowed and saluted the old man with yellow teeth.

The old man Huang Ya looked at him and said, "Xu Wuzhou said that 100,000 foreign races are not the difficulty of the trip to Hanzhou, which seems to be the case. Why? You want to kill the old man?"

"How dare to be disrespectful to the seniors, just being a powerful human being with human beings. I don't want to see human beings smashed. The demons let the blood of the royal family speak, and Xu Wuzhou will not die and they will come and attack the clan."

"What do you want to say?" said the old man with yellow teeth.

"If you die alone, you can change the race for a long time. I think it's worth it."

The old man with yellow teeth sneered and said, "I don't think it is worth it."

"Of course! Dao Zong's high righteousness, naturally will not do things that kill the same family. So this wicked person will do it for me."

When Bei Tian Shou said this, his eyes became more murderous when he looked at Xu Wuzhou, and he said: "You are a young teacher in the world, the true master of Taoism. It is natural to pay for the human race. I think you should have this righteousness. Bar?"

Xu Wuzhou looked at Beitian Crack and said, "Why do you have to find so many excuses if you want to kill me. It's not that I underestimate myself, but I never think that I am a realm from the other side that can kill the demons."

Beitianshou said: "I would rather believe it if you have it or not. If you die, there is naturally no such risk. As a human power, you have to do something for the human race."

Xu Wuzhou looked at Beitian Crack and said, "Obviously, it is because of the internal fighting of the Daoist sect that I want to kill me, so it is so righteous and awe-inspiring.

Forget it, if you want to kill me, you have to have a reason. This is a good reason to kill me for the peace of the human race. I take it seriously. "

Bei Tian Li squinted his eyes and looked at Xu Wuzhou and said, "Then you broke it by yourself?"

"I lied to myself believing that you are already very difficult. But you still have to embarrass me like this. Being a human being, you can't be so unkind."

Bei Tian Crack looked at Xu Wuzhou and said, "Then I can only help you."

"When you do things for others, you must consider the consequences. Don't let yourself in at that time." Xu Wuzhou reminded.

Bei Tian Crack laughed and said, "I will recognize it even if I do something for Human Race."

While he was speaking, he walked towards Xu Wuzhou step by step, the traces on his body flowing, wave after wave swept away, there was a great pressure on the world, and the pressure went straight to Xu Wuzhou, and the earth was collapsed by the raw pressure.

This is the horror of mighty power, and the power of heaven and earth is immense between raising your hands.

However, this pressure did not fall on Xu Wuzhou. The old man with yellow teeth endured this pressure, his body was also surging, and he was about to split away from the northern sky.

Seeing this scene, Bei Tian Ri laughed: "It's a pity that Senior was too proud and too conceited. I failed in a leap into the air. Otherwise, I'm really not Senior's opponent, but now Senior really doesn't see my opponent. ."

The old man Huang Ya said: "Even if the old man failed back then, I think I can still deal with you. Outside of Taiyan Holy Land, haven't I also defeated a mighty power?"

Bei Tiancha nodded and said: "That's right! Although I have confidence, it is really troublesome to fight Senior and kill him. However, for the sake of Human Race, Xu Wuzhou must die. Many powerful people in Human Race have such a consensus."

Between Bei Tian Li's words, another great power came out.

Sacred Star was watching from the side, power is the top combat power, even in the devil's cave, it is rare to see.

Obviously, they must kill Xu Wuzhou. Otherwise, how could such a proud existence like Da Neng join hands?

The old man Huang Ya looked at the power coming out, raised his brow slightly, and looked sideways at Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou said that he wanted to make arrangements, but he didn't know anything about Xu Wuzhou's arrangement.

At this time, he was worried.

This victory is so beautiful. The beautiful Xiange must not sit still. Xiange has been in charge of the Dao Sect for so long, and he really wanted to kill Xu Wuzhou with all his heart. Is Xu Wuzhou's arrangement useful?

The old man with yellow teeth regrets a bit, and should return to Daozong immediately after victory. After that, Xu Wuzhou retreats and will not be born until he can.

Now he takes the initiative as bait, it is very likely to play off.

Just when the old man Huang Ya was thinking about this, he heard Xu Wuzhou sneer and said: "I thought you would want to kill me a long time ago. Do you really think I'm not defensive at all?"

In Xu Wuzhou's words, an old man wearing Baicao Valley clothes came out.

This person came out, the breath blooming on his body was also powerful, and he was facing the other person **** for tat.

When Bei Tian Crack saw this man, he was slightly taken aback. Then he smiled and said: "Even if you had foreign aid a long time ago, but you didn't expect to be from Baicao Valley. What? Baicao Valley's grievances against Dao Sect are gone?"

Baicao Valley’s powerful voice said coldly: "It has nothing to do with Dao Sect, it is only related to the medical skills that Baicao Valley follows. He made a promise with medical skills, and I Baicao Valley will naturally pay him back."

Xu Wuzhou went to Baicao Valley. In addition to the poison, his other bet was that Baicao Valley could make a shot.

Seeing the great power of Baicao Valley, Bei Tian Li smiled and said, "Then try to see which one of us is better. See if you can protect it."

As he spoke, Bei Tian Crack took the lead, his whole body was full of light, and the vast Dao pattern spewed out, connecting the world, and the whole world was trembling.

It seems that there is a avenue formed in the void, and the rules of the surroundings have become him, and his every move seems to be the most reasonable.

This is great power, it has already been said. Although it is impossible to evolve a avenue of heaven and earth, there is a faint embryonic form that can be added by this avenue.

After Beitian Rips shot, the mighty power beside him also shot at the same time, the mighty power burst out, the eyes burst out with a terrifying light, and a long hair that looked withered was flying, but it was like a heavy iron. whip.

Between this person's hair trembling, every strand carries power, trying to pull the sky away.

The two Beitianshou burst into Xu Wuzhou and left. At that moment, the Tianding they trampled directly exploded. The whole person was in front of him instantly like a cannonball.

"Xu Wuzhou, we naturally calculate that you have hired foreign aid and have arrangements. But today, no matter how many arrangements you make, you will die."

While Bei Tian Crack laughed, he smashed his fist fiercely, and he was about to hit Xu Wuzhou's head. The old man with yellow teeth made a shot and slapped it directly, blocking the opponent's fist.

Xu Wuzhou watched the energy gushing around him, and he stood there motionless.

Because he knew very well that even though the four mighty battles are rare in 30,000 states, they are just appetizers and nothing at all.

This battle will change the pattern of the human race, and it will be bigger than expected.


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