Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 832: disappoint others

"Brother Tuoba, since you don't know each other, let's learn about the power of the golden body."

Between Niuwu's mouth, two speeds of light shot out from his eyes, and his body was densely covered with runes, exploding out of gust of weather.

He is very powerful, his arms are shaking, really like a bull, there is a horrible sight of crashing into the mountains.

He went straight to the golden body, the ground under his feet exploded, and the energy flooded the surroundings of the golden body.

He is absolutely terrifying, reaching his level, he can run rampant in these 30,000 states.

The golden body's expression is also solemn, his whole body is glowing, the golden light is brilliant and dazzling, he goes straight forward to kill. The golden body erupts, and its power is amazing.

The golden body didn't retain it. It showed the power of physique as soon as he shot it. The body was like an endless golden light poured out, and he was like the same golden sun.

He rushed to Niu Wu in a flash, his arms swept away, and a golden energy spear evolved.


The two powerful powers broke out and shouted at the same time, and slammed together.

Endless runes collided, splashing directly on the sky, sparks, and finally burned, the energy vented straight into the sky, the sky was twisted, and it was constantly trembling.

The earth cracked on its own, and the cracks were frightening.

But this was just the beginning, the two collided together less than a breath apart, and then hit each other again the next moment. In a short period of time, they fought dozens of blows. With every blow, energy billowed and runes spurted into the sky.

Just a simple confrontation, this piece of heaven and earth is like an explosion, with energy smashing into the four directions, and bombs are directly thrown everywhere, the mud is flying horizontally, and large pits frequently appear.

And with the two men's shots, the great powers of Beitian Crack also culled Xiang Xu Wuzhou. Although the Northern Sky Crack was severely wounded by Golden, it was a powerful force after all, and that kind of injury was not enough to make him useless.

The old man with yellow teeth and Baicao Valley Da Neng naturally greeted them and fought with them.

Numerous powerful abilities fought into a ball, and the energy in the field raged wildly, like a scene of destruction of the world. The land on this side has been completely ravaged in a state of disrepair.

The warrior watched this scene from a distance, and they were shocked to the extreme. It's hard to believe the picture before me.

There are so many powerful abilities to fight together, and there are such horrible powers as the golden body.

This kind of thing hasn't happened in the Thirty Thousand State of the Human Race for many years. Usually it is difficult to see the confrontation between two ordinary powers.

"Go to hell!"

Niu Wu roared, he was holding a divine tool and practicing with energy, suddenly his power skyrocketed. The artifact turned into a horn, blessed on him, it was terrifying.

The golden body is not afraid, he snorted coldly: "Let you know what a golden body is!"

As the golden body spoke, his golden light became more and more dazzling, and his body really turned into gold like iron.

With a roar, he actually slammed his fist against the opponent's divine weapon, resisting it physically.


Metal crashing sounded through the sky and sparks exploded. The gold body was really like a copper wall and an iron wall, shaking back Niu Wu.

Niu Wu held the artifact and looked at the golden body with cold eyes. It's not surprising that this strong man had learned during his youth.

It's just that such a physique makes him envious, his artifact is a foreign object. But the golden body's own physical body is equivalent to an artifact.


Niu Wu was not afraid, and killed him again. Having not seen him for many years, he does not believe that gold can surpass him in physical strength.

The two fought together again sonorously, constantly colliding.

The two played against each other, and they were evenly matched, and no one could help each other in a short time.

The old man Guiyi stood aside before, just when he saw the golden body being shaken off, he caught this gap and suddenly shot.

He put his hands together and pushed forward abruptly, as if a huge shock wave appeared out of thin air, this shock wave turned into a whirlpool, rotating and shattering everything in front of him.

Upon seeing the golden body, his expression condensed, and he suddenly shot, facing the energy.


The golden body was shaken and even withdrew, blood was blasted out of his mouth.

It's just that the gold body is the gold body, despite the damage. But the golden body still held up most of the energy.

"A person with a special physique is worthy of being blessed by the heavens. To change it to the situation where I was just now, this blow is enough to cause me a heavy blow." The old man Guiyi sighed.

The golden body said: "If you fight alone, the final victory must be me."

Niu Wu was silent for a while. His combat power is not worse than that of a golden body, and his strength can be regarded as equal. However, taking advantage of the physique advantage, the golden body must persist for a longer period of time, and it will definitely suffer more from injury for injury.

Looking at it this way, the longer he fights, the more obvious his advantage.

"Brother Tuoba makes sense, but for people like you and me, it's not all about the fight. The victory or defeat may be completely reversed with a mistake. So if you say you will definitely win, I'm still not convinced."

Golden Body laughed: "If you are not convinced, then fight alone, why bother to besiege me."

"Oh! If you can fight on weekdays, of course. But not today, unless you let us kill Xu Wuzhou." Niu Wudao.

The old man Guiyi also said: "You and us are no more than equal. How can you stop us both?"

"I promised that he will do his best without fighting. If he can't stop you after doing his best, that's his own problem." Golden Body said that, the momentum locked the two of them.

Niu Wu and the old man Guiyi glanced at each other, then broke out again, and slew towards the golden body.

The golden body erupted, and the energy spewed like a tsunami, rushing toward the two people, and they had to fight hard with one person's strength.

But the two are not weak, their fighting strength is extremely strong. Together, they show invincible power.

Even the golden body is suppressed and constantly beaten up. But every time he forcibly exploded energy, he bluntly restrained the two of them.

The golden body is indeed strong, and the two of them are held back by him in this way.

Seven powerful players played against each other, and lightning flashed and thundered in this place.

This was a terrifying battle, and all the warriors who I saw were shocked.

The combat skills passed through the void, bursting out the most brilliant and violent energy, and in the end they could only see the figure jumping.


The golden body was suppressed and retreated again. When he just wanted to forcibly suppress the tossing blood and slaughter the old man Guiyi, Niu Wu rushed up from one place, the artifact exploded, and he was completely turned into a horn on his head.

"After all, it is the true biography of Dao Zong. In order to avoid Ye Changmeng, you quickly kill him. I hold the golden body."


The old man Guiyi also felt that the golden body was difficult to deal with. He had long wanted to kill Xu Wuzhou first. But he was held back several times.

"You can't go!" The golden body roared, and he exploded with the golden speed of light trying to restrain him.

However, Niu Wu was completely violent, struggling to get wounded, and slammed his head away. At the same time, the avenue broke out, wrapped in the golden body, and did not give him a chance to avoid it. This was an injury-for-injury style of play.

The existence of Niu Wu insisted on holding the golden body in this way, and finally got rid of the golden body for the old man Guiyi.

The old man Guiyi fights for this time and takes a step forward.

At the same time, he traced the runes with his fingers.


He yelled, the runes affected the heaven and the earth, and the aura of the heaven and the earth rushed to him like a tide. The most brilliant killing and killing aura erupted, and it fell towards Xu Wuzhou's life.

He didn't keep his hands, showing the ultimate killer move he could show.

Killing Xu Wuzhou was the main purpose, and he wanted this trick to directly solve the matter.


The moment the old man Guiyi shot down, a smile appeared on his face.

There was a true king standing next to Xu Wuzhou, but even the two of them joined forces. In the face of this trick, he can only be crushed, and he will definitely die.

The old man Guiyi couldn't help but want to see Xu Wuzhou's horrified expression. But his eyes fell on Xu Wuzhou, only to see him standing there still calm.

If there must be any emotions, the old man Guiyi saw some of his disappointment and sighs.

The old man Guiyi didn't understand, shouldn't this kid be afraid?


What is he disappointed?


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