Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 846: Betrayal of Taoism

"What are you doing here?" Wu Yao wondered. When Xu Wuzhou arrived at Chaoge, the first stop was actually the Mountain Temple.

The Jiugong Sanctuary is the holy land of the human race, among which there are mountain guards, who have been passed down from generation to generation. In the beginning, the guardian stayed in the Jiugong Sanctuary until his death.

But as the territories of the human race became larger and larger, the more algebras passed down by the guardians. Finally someone couldn't help but walk out of the Jiugong Sanctuary.

The descendants of the mountain guards traveled to 30,000 states, and they created the temple of the mountain for the sake of convenience.

The Temple of the Mountain has also become a camp for the mountain guards in Sanwanzhou.

The mountain guards of the past are not weak, so the mountain temple is very strong.

The descendants of the mountain guards are still guarding the mountains and rivers of the Jiugong Sanctuary, so they are not deeply involved with the human forces.

The Temple of the Mountain is considered to be a hidden family of humans.

Therefore, the mountain temple was very cold, and most of the people who came to visit were rejected.

Of course, it would be fine if it was only rejected by the mountain temple. The main reason is that the **** lord of the generation of the mountain temple still has a bad relationship with Dao Sect.

The scumbag of Dao Zong's yellow teeth was swaying in his heart when he was young, but he was not responsible behind him. This led to a swearing oath: "I will swear by him, but anyone who can teach him to vent his anger for me, I owe him favor, and I want him to live better than death in this life."

Therefore, the Mountain Temple has always been particularly unfriendly to Dao Sect. Many times, when I saw the Dao Zongmen, I just cleaned it up, and every time I was beaten, my face was bruised and swollen.

Xu Wuzhou is here, isn't this uncomfortable?

But Xu Wuzhou no matter what Wu Yao thinks, he walked to the mountain temple and said to the gatekeeper: "I have an appointment with your god, you go to report."

The gatekeeper was puzzled, but quickly went to report. Immediately he ran out and let Xu Wuzhou in.

Wu Yao looked at Xu Wuzhou suspiciously: "When did you make an appointment with her?"

Xu Wuzhou said to the golden body: "Senior Tuoba, go to Taoist Palace by yourself."

Seeing the golden body nodded and left, Xu Wuzhou walked inside with Wu Yao, and said at the same time: "Let Sherwin bring the letter."

Wu Yao suddenly said: "That was really lucky, she happened to be singing. Many times, she was in the Jiugong Sanctuary."

Xu Wuzhou glanced at Wu Yao, thinking that Wu Yao really couldn't be a scumbag. I thought he was actually innocent and she happened to be singing.

Appointment in advance is just a test. If you come today, she will not be here. Then everything must be considered long-term. Since she is here, Xu Wuzhou is 80% sure of achieving the goal.

Soon, Xu Wuzhou saw the old woman. The old woman is still the same as she saw in the Jiugong Sanctuary, but the expressions on Xu Wuzhou and Wu Yao are very cold.

"You Dao Sect people still dare to jump in front of me, mountain springs and rocks, you two will break their legs and throw them out." The old woman shouted at the two martial artists next to him. Xu Wuzhou glanced at them. The warrior of the king's breath.

Seeing the two pounced on Xu Wuzhou, he quickly hid behind Wu Yao. Wu Yao wanted to explode with strength to resist, but Xu Wuzhou shouted: "Peak Master, no shots are allowed."

Wu Yao was drunk by Xu Wuzhou, and the two fists smashed into his face.

Wu Yao was anxious. Just about to shake the two away, Xu Wuzhou yelled: "Peak Master, as his disciple, what happened to you being beaten by the teacher? You still can't resist?"

Wu Yao thought that Huang Ya was his uncle, not his master. And what do you call her to do for your wife? Didn't this make her mad.

Sure enough, Wu Yao heard her angrily said: "Who is your sister, beat me, beat me severely. If you dare to resist, I will personally shoot."

Wu Yao wanted to cry, and the fists of the two true kings fell on him like raindrops. Soon Wu Yao's nose and face were swollen, but he really couldn't resist.

The one in front of him, although not invincible, is only one step away from the absolute peak.

But at this time, Xu Wuzhou was still adding fuel to the fire, only to hear him say: "Master wants to beat him, but he dare to resist? He dare not!"

Sure enough, Xu Wuzhou's words irritated her, and she was furious again: "Dare to talk nonsense, I will knock out your teeth. Hit, give me a hard hit, you didn't eat."

Xu Wuzhou stood aside, secretly laughing. Originally, it was enough to come alone, but Wu Yao could be brought here just to help myself consume the firepower.

Women, always have to go down the stairs. If she was really the same, she wouldn't just let the two fight Wu Yao and forget about herself.

Soon, Wu Yao was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, lying on the ground looking at Xu Wuzhou. I want to know that I will be beaten, so what are you doing here?

But when I saw Xu Wuzhou said at this time: "Senior, coming this time is the kindness of Senior Xie's help in the Jiugong Sanctuary."

"Well, I don't want to see Daozong people, you can go." She hummed.

Xu Wuzhou said, "I know that seniors don't like Dao Sect people. He is the peak master of one of the nine peaks of Dao Sect. He is a high-level Taoist sect who is only under the Dao lord. Bringing is to vent his anger to the predecessors.

Moreover, I can't get used to what some Daoist people do, so I'm going to abandon the shadows and join the predecessors. If there is a place in the mountain temple, the predecessors will give me one, and I will not pick it. "

Listening to Xu Wuzhou's words, her face softened a bit, and she looked at Xu Wuzhou and said, "You really think so?"

Xu Wuzhou thought to himself, of course, I have to give you enough steps. As a scumbag, how can you coax a woman along?

"Of course! And in order to show my sincerity, I have already figured out how to deal with Dao Sect. As long as Senior nodded, I will definitely give a sigh of anger for Senior." Xu Wuzhou said.

"Why am I angry?" she hummed.

"I can help you fulfill the vows that the predecessors made back then. This is a meeting ceremony for me to betray Daozong and join the predecessors." Xu Wuzhou said to her.

She looked at Xu Wuzhou and asked, "Tell me."

After saying this, he looked at Wu Yaodao: "Tao Sect is really not good anymore, and even the true teachings of the teachings will betray you."

Wu Yao looked at Xu Wuzhou blankly, what the **** was he doing?


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