Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 848: good

Seeing Xu Wuzhou leaving, one of the warriors who accompanied Weng Pingjun couldn’t help but said: “God Lord, the Shoushan line can logically only be in the Jiugong Sanctuary. Is this appropriate?"

Weng Pingjun looked at them and said: "It's just a title of deputy suzerain. We don't participate in disputes between Dao Sect and the outside world. We just take care of the manners and styles, so don't make any fuss."

The warrior smiled bitterly: "The Dao Sect is not quiet now. This time the Dao Sect ringing the Dao Bell must have made a big move. We participate in it, and we are afraid that we will not be able to get out."

Weng Ping Jundao: "The guarding mountain line will never participate in the conflicts of 30,000 states. If it is true that when the Dao Sect and other forces are fighting for life and death, our guarding mountain line will all retreat into the Jiugong Sanctuary. I will not forget our responsibility."

When the warrior saw Weng Pingjun say this, he couldn't say anything. The **** master just remembers this. He is afraid that Weng Pingjun will truly join Dao Sect and will die for Dao Sect when the time comes. Mountain guards have the responsibility of mountain guards, and their responsibilities are equally important.

Weng Pingjun smiled and said: "You don't need to worry, even if I'm really confused, I can't listen to you and persuade you to go your own way. You can just abandon me. Although I am in charge of the mountain temple now, this mountain temple is not mine. It's just The foothold of the mountain guards really conflicts with our responsibilities. Of course, the responsibility of the mountain guards is the main one. You can choose another god."

When the warriors heard Weng Pingjun say this, they also laughed.

Yes, the Mountain Temple is different from other forces. They are not a real power, but the gathering of mountain guards autonomously. The respect of Weng Pingjun as the **** is also because of her high respect. If she really abandons the responsibility of the mountain guards, she will have no choice but to leave the family.

Although joining Daozong is a bit out of date, it doesn't hurt. Their base camp is not 30,000 states. If the 30,000 states can't stay in chaos, then they will return to the Jiugong Sanctuary.

In the Jiugong Sanctuary, the mountain guards are the strongest, and no power in the world is inferior to them.

"It is also a good thing for the **** master to enter the Dao Sect to be the deputy suzerain. The Human Race is indeed a smog now. As one of the world's co-lords, since Dao Zong is willing to stand up to clean up the smog, we should do our best to provide some help. Speaking of which, we should The guardian of the mountain guards the sanctuary of the Nine Palaces, and can be regarded as one of the protectors of the human race."

"Yes! And Xu Wuzhou was inherited by the young masters in the Nine Palaces Sanctuary. This is recognized by the first sages. It is also very related to us, and he can be regarded as his own. But it is ridiculous to say that our mountain guards are not. Knowing that the Nine Palaces Sanctuary Altar and the inheritance of the young masters in the world, it seems that we have a very shallow understanding of the Nine Palaces Sanctuary."

In fact, Weng Pingjun was also very puzzled. There was no record of young teachers in the world at all in Xiansheng's books. Weng Pingjun felt that Xu Wuzhou was talking nonsense.

It's just that everything now tells her that the possibility of nonsense is unlikely. If it is nonsense, can it be recognized by the world, can the emperor recognize it? Who can lie like this!

"The Mountain God Temple will go to Dao Sect for a while, I will be the Deputy Sect Master, and I will be appointed as the elders at that time. Haha, you will cooperate with me to clean up the scum."

The mountain temple warrior snickered, thinking that the **** master still remembered him. But for the person that the **** master likes, it's okay to let him join the line of their guardians.


Wu Yao and Xu Wuzhou left for the Temple of Words.

On the way, Xu Wuzhou said to Wu Yao: "As for the Lord of the Temple of the Mountain God to become the Deputy Sect Master, talk to the peak masters of each peak. Their dojo is arranged next to the old man Huang Ya."

Wu Yao couldn't help but sympathize with the old man with yellow teeth. Weng Pingjun wouldn't use the name of the deputy sect master to pick him up, would he still be able to raise his head in the future?

Of course, what Wu Yao admired Xu Wuzhou was that he opened his mouth and talked nonsense, but it still made the Mountain Temple willing to do things for Dao Zong.

And most importantly, in Xu Wuzhou's nonsense: Everything is for the sake of the temple of the mountain.

"How do you know that he will agree?" Wu Yao clutched his bruised face and couldn't understand it.

"If you know, the fairy peak master should follow you. How would you look at Mo Daoxian differently?" Xu Wuzhou glanced at Wu Yao.

If a straight man asks such a profound question, even if you analyze the cause and effect with you, you can't understand it.

A woman who is still in love, of course wants a man to continue to bow down under his pomegranate skirt. A person with a hard mouth and a soft heart, of course, has to be tough to get dignity, and it is best if the other party can be obedient and apologize for reconciliation.

Do not seek? Then don't blame me for being ruthless! I am ruthless not that I don't love, but ruthless is that you want you to surrender.

Therefore, for a long time the elderly with yellow teeth will have a miserable life.

But what does it matter to him? Who makes you unable to conquer even a woman? Be more interesting, just lick your face and apologize. Isn’t that the best of both worlds?

Seeing Xu Wuzhou ignored him, Wu Yao suddenly felt that he was really a martial artist. After being around Xu Wuzhou for so long, he couldn't understand many things at all, but in the end there was a perfect result.

If Xu Wuzhou had to deal with him, he would have been played to death.

No, it seems to have been played today. At least Xu Wuzhou was not beaten, but he was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face.

"I won't go to the Holy Word Palace." Wu Yao didn't know what Xu Wuzhou was going to do in the Holy Word Palace, but he didn't want to go because he was afraid that he would continue to be beaten.

Xu Wuzhou said: "Don't worry, this time you need to know what Dao Sect needs them to do. You will be responsible for this at that time."

"I'm responsible? What do you want to do?" Wu Yao said.

Xu Wuzhou said: "There are people who care about the style and features of Dao Sect, but nobody cares about the style and features of Dao Sect's exterior.

Dao Zong wants to manage the world's Dao Sects, how can he do without a sword? "

Wu Yao looked at Xu Wuzhou blankly, and he understood these words. But, what is the existence of the Temple of Words, how can it be Daozong's sword?

They only respect the ancestors. Is it because you are a young teacher in the world and will be willing to be your sword? This is impossible!

No matter what Wu Yao thinks, Xu Wuzhou looked at him and said, "How long will it take for you to reach the great power? The holy way is given to you. Isn't it a waste of time to reach it for so long?"

There are too few Daozong powerhouses, and there is no power and deterrence. In fact, it is best for Dao Zong to produce a strong man like a golden body to truly have deterrence.

Otherwise, Wu Yao would always be at a disadvantage when docking with the Temple of Words.

"Mighty power is easy, but there is a holy way. I can't believe it is just stepping into power." When Wu Yao said this, he revealed the firmness of his martial arts straight man.

Xu Wuzhou was stunned when he heard these words: "Want to step into the extreme?"

Wu Yao, who was originally proud, heard these words and said, "How difficult it is to achieve it, even if there is a holy way, it can't be done overnight."

Xu Wuzhou rolled his eyes, not a step into the top, then you are a proud fart.

Regarding martial arts, Wu Yao didn't like Xu Wuzhou's attitude of despising him so much: "You can go to a state of golden body and reach the point where you can hit the top."

"That's okay, how long will it take to achieve?" Xu Wuzhou asked Wu Yao.


Wu Yao's face turned dark, such strength can walk sideways in the world, is it okay in your eyes?

However, thinking of Xu Wuzhou's record, he lost his temper and said with energy and strength: "No accident will be able to break through in half a year."


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