Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 854: Can't

"What? The Taoist knows that there is an alien invasion?"

"Dao Master died to go to the foreign race to investigate news?"

"what is happening?"


This news shocked many warriors, and excitedly asked what was going on, and the chamber suddenly became noisy.

"Dao...The young teacher in the world, please elaborate on the details, what is going on?" A warrior stood up and asked Xu Wuzhou solemnly.

"Not long ago, someone sent me a message to Dao Sect, saying that the door had power and alien races to collude to invade 30,000 states. At first, my Dao Sect didn’t believe this. Externally, the interests of the human race have always been the first priority. Even the people in the magic way will not violate this, let alone my way.

It's just that the news that was passed to me of Dao Sect was rigorous, and the person who passed the news was also a person with status and status. Just in case, the lord decided to go to the alien race to investigate.

At this point, the emperor can take control. Because the Taoist master went to a foreign race, just to ask the people borrowed the Tao. "

Xu Wuzhou knew where Mo Daoxian had gone from the old man with Huang Fang, and of course he had to use it at this time.

Sure enough, when Xu Wuzhou said this sentence, everyone believed it 80%.

Xu Wuzhou dared to tell the emperor to testify, that would definitely not be a lie.

And some people who know the inside story do know that Mo Daoxian lived in the human palace for a period of time, and one day the human palace was shaking.

This is also confirmed by Xu Wuzhou's words.

"So courageous! As a human, I actually eat inside and out. Asshole, who is it?" Some warriors with a sense of justice shouted outrageously.

Many of the warriors present were also extremely angry. Although they were fighting each other, they didn't forget that they were individuals. They weren't the sons of man when they were doing this, and they would dare to do such things that were condemned by the heavens.

Xu Wuzhou said: "Who are the specific people? I have doubts in Dao Sect, but without real evidence, I will not bite indiscriminately. We will investigate this matter. If we find out, we will naturally inform the world."

Many forces present, the first reaction is Xiange. But I also felt that Xiange wouldn't do such a frenzied thing.

When Xu Wuzhou said so, even though they were unwilling, they nodded. Many forces even felt that Dao Zong was so energetic and graceful that they did not take this opportunity to suppress the fairy pavilion.

At this time, as long as they said they doubted the fairy pavilion, that fairy pavilion would be a big trouble.

Only the forces of the fairy pavilion side condensed their hearts. Xu Wuzhou didn't point to the fairy pavilion at such a good opportunity, which meant that Xu Wuzhou felt that tidying up the fairy pavilion was a trivial matter, and he had a bigger purpose.

Sure enough, they heard Xu Wuzhou say: "As a human race, as a Dao Sect force, but frustrated to eat inside and out, it can be seen that the Dao Sect is rotten. As the leader of the Dao Sect, this is the responsibility of my Dao Sect. Originally, the Dao Sect experienced a catastrophe. Want to hide in Yuzhou to recuperate.

But now the Dao Sects dare to betray even the human race. If the Dao Sect as the leader is still hiding, how can it be worthy of the people of the world?

It is the responsibility of our Taoist school, and we still have to take it after all. For this reason, my Dao Sect does not hesitate to break the bones, just to return the world to a clear sky. "

When everyone heard Xu Wuzhou's words, they all looked solemn.

Even those powers that respect Dao Sect, at this moment have stopped being filled with righteous indignation. Everyone knows that Xu Wuzhou's words are the purpose of this grand event.

In other words, Dao Zong will once again take charge of the Dao Sect.

The forces on the Zunxian Pavilion side are cold at this moment.

Dao Zong's method is too harsh: using alien invasion as evidence, using Dao Sect to eat inside and outside as the excuse, directly sit down and become famous.

Everything is for the human race.

What could be more correct than this reason?

Many Daoist forces have become accustomed to being the emperor of the earth. Who wants to be ruled again? They all want to resist! But... Under such great righteousness, who would dare to come forward? Doesn't it make people think that they are colluding with other races?

Respecting the forces on the side of the fairy pavilion, they also secretly anxious. Why didn't the fairy pavilion send anyone here? At this time, the fairy pavilion needs to be at the forefront.

Xu Wuzhou glanced over some forces and sneered. I thought that Xiange was in trouble now, and didn't have the mood and ability to manage this grand event at all. You forces, without the center of the fairy pavilion, it is a mess of scattered sand.

Someone asked Xu Wuzhou: "In recent years, Dao Sect has indeed a lot of ethos that has become rotten. My Feng Yuzong has long seen it in my eyes and anxious in my heart. It's just that my Feng Yuzong has limited abilities and cannot change these customs. Dao Sect is willing to stand. Coming out, I can't help it. I just don't know how Dao Sect wants to clear the Dao Sect atmosphere?"

Xu Wuzhou glanced at this person, thinking that it was a good one.

"Among the sects, I believe that most of them are still good. It's just that there is some mouse shit. But even if it's just a handful of rat shit, we can't let them break my sect, nor can we ruin me because of them. Terran.

So I thought of a way, how to change the current trend. "

"Wish to hear the details." Someone said.

Xu Wuzhou said: "Supervise each other, and prevent criminals, crimes, and insults."

"What is mutual supervision?" Someone didn't understand.

"All of you present are representatives of the various sects. I hope that each of your sects will set up a wind suppression department. In this department, three elder-level major practitioners will be the worst. Come to rectify the Taoist customs."

This sentence made everyone stunned: "Does the Taoist want us to clear our own sect? This is not difficult."

At this time Xu Wuzhou shook his head and said: "Let you rectify your own sect, how can this be truly selfless. I'm talking about mutual supervision, and naturally you are supervising each other.

The Suppression Department, composed of Taoist religious forces in 30,000 prefectures, cross-exchanged and supervised the forces of other families. "

When this sentence was spoken, countless forces on the scene had their faces changed drastically, including the Daoist Sect's forces, they all shouted at this moment: "No!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

"This won't work!"


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