Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 856: Look at

Set up a supervision department to exchange supervision in different places.

This is undoubtedly a major event related to the Dao Sect in the whole world, and they support the forces that have the heart to the human race to change the status quo of the Dao Sect.

But many Daoist forces are also opposed. Among them are not only anti-Daoist forces, but also many neutral and even pro-Daoist forces. Because it means that they can no longer act as freely as they used to be.

However, the shortcomings of Xiange's absence were revealed. Without a leader, no one stood up to refute Dao Zong for a while, waiting for others to speak.

Xu Wuzhou didn't give them too much reaction time, and he said directly: "After today's grand meeting, just organize according to this requirement. Luo Qi, let people have tea again."

At this time, someone finally couldn't sit still, and several people stood up and said: "The world is a young teacher, wait a minute!"

Xu Wuzhou looked at the people who stood up, and glanced at them: "In the sixty-seventh year of Xin Qi, a warrior of the Innate Realm strayed into a secret realm. He obtained a set of mountain spring technique and combat skills. , Robbed of his combat skills, raised that innate martial artist in captivity, and kept asking him where his secret realm was."

"In the winter of Xin Qi's 67th year, Qing Yanzong suspected that there were spirit mines under a village. So he formed a warrior and drove everyone out of the village, but those who did not leave were severely injured. These ordinary people depended on them. The surviving houses and land were completely pushed out. After a month of excavation, it was found that there was no spirit mine at all."

"In the spring of Xin Qi's 68th year, the Sanwenzong conquered Liufengzong, because Liufengzong killed your disciples. In fact, it was the Yuanjing Mine who coveted Liufengzong. Originally, Liufengzong had a relationship with you. In a hurry, the Yuanjing Mine was destroyed directly. This battle resulted in numerous deaths and injuries to both of you and Taoist disciples, and the loss of important human resources for cultivation."


Xu Wuzhou looked at this person, his gaze swept over, with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

Everyone who had stood up, their expressions changed at this time, and every sect that Xu Wuzhou said corresponded to them.

These things are done as they are done. Usually there is no major event. After all, it is not like the world before. But such a thing must be carefully considered in accordance with the rules established by the Taoist school, and that is a big crime.

Xu Wuzhou swept through the chamber indifferently, and finally fell on these people: "You have done more than this, but in my opinion, for the sake of being a Daoist sect, I have not declared some more excessive and heinous things to the world. You reject it. Being supervised, are you going to continue to do evil in the world?"

The faces of these people were blue and white, and the reasons they wanted to say were all blocked in their mouths, and they couldn't speak at all.

Xu Wuzhou no longer looked at them, but said: "I declare the crimes of your sects, not to indefinitely hold you accountable. How the atmosphere in this world is known by Dao Sect does not mean that the atmosphere is like this, then everyone must always Continue like this.

At the beginning of Daomen's establishment, it was a human race. But what has fallen into now? If this continues, Dao Sect will be completely rotten. Daomen is no longer a Daomen respected by the world, but a demon who does no evil.

Therefore, this trend must be corrected. My Dao Sect is not born. Since I was born, as a leader, my Dao Sect will shoulder this responsibility.

Today, I express my opinion on behalf of Daozong. The policy of mutual supervision must be implemented. Even if the road ahead is a cliff of ten thousand feet, my Daoist must move forward. "

This sentence made all the people present with solemn faces.

When Xu Wuzhou said these words, there was no room for discussion. This is a strong exercise of the power and responsibility of the Taoist leader.

But, does Dao Zong think he still has the same ability to suppress all dissent as before?

But Xu Wuzhou didn't care about this, his eyes suddenly turned in one direction and said, "Five Elements Ancient Religion, what do you think?"

Many people took a cold breath, and no one thought that Xu Wuzhou would take the initiative to attack. This was to force the ancient teaching of the Five Elements to make a statement.

The ancient teachings of the Five Elements, the top ancient teachings. Daomen's status is only below the ten holy places, he and Qiantian Gujiao are at the same level of existence.

Similarly, the ancient teachings of the Five Elements are the right arm of Xiange. They have always stood on the side of the fairy pavilion. It is the most powerful one in the fairy pavilion family.

Now, Xu Wuzhou actually forced to question the ancient teachings of the Five Elements, which is a radical contradiction.

Sure enough, the elder True King who saw the Five Elements Ancient Sect stood up and said: "The Five Elements Ancient Sect feels that Taoism is very good, and there is no need for rectification, and naturally there is no need for supervision."

Xu Wuzhou looked at the elders of the Five Elements Ancient Sect and said, "You have to think clearly. I said before that I don't want to be held accountable indefinitely for the sins of the Taoist schools. In other words, everything before today can be zeroed. But you If you don’t agree, you will be held accountable."

The elder of the Five Elements Ancient Sect sneered and said, "Are you threatening my Five Elements Ancient Sect?"

Xu Wuzhou looked at him and said, "As a leader, Dao Zong doesn't need to threaten, just tell you a fact."

The elder of the Five Elements Ancient Sect looked at Jin Tidao: "Dao Zong has been in a state of failure for many years, can it be possible to suppress the world with one more superpower?"

Speaking of this, he sneered and bowed his hands again: "Farewell, it doesn't matter if you don't participate in this grand event!"

After speaking, he stood up first and walked out of the chamber.

Xu Wuzhou watched him leave. Seeing that some forces were about to stand up and leave, he smiled and said, "Don't rush to express your position. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to make a statement after you have separated a result?"

Everyone looked at Xu Wuzhou without understanding.

At this time, I heard Xu Wuzhou say: "Xin Qi's fifty-four years, fifty-eight years, sixty-four years, killed my Dao Sect Tianjiao. It violated the edict that the human race Tianjiao should not be killed in the first sanctuary. This time. , And directly went out of the door. Such a serious crime is unforgivable.

From now on, Dao Zong conquered the ancient teachings of the Five Elements. "

In a word, the world was in an uproar. They looked at Xu Wuzhou blankly, unable to believe that this was what Xu Wuzhou said.

What is the existence of the Five Elements Ancient Religion? It is one of the thirty-six ancient religions in the world. This kind of ancient religion is absolutely shocking to the world. There is definitely more than one saint born before. Its strong background is beyond imagination.

Although the golden body is powerful, it has even surpassed the ultimate power. But even so, it would definitely not be able to shake the ancient religion.

For example, one of the foundations of the Five Elements Sect is the Five Elements Ring, a peerless saint soldier, which is only heard to be under the ancestor emperor's weapon. This class of sage soldiers, even if a true king gets it, can fight an extraordinary power.

With this peerless saint, the ancient teachings of the Five Elements are basically unbreakable. In addition to the ten holy places, who else in this gate can break the ancient teachings of the Five Elements?

Even the top ten sacred sites would have to pay a great price to break.

As powerful as the ancient teachings of the Five Elements, even a saint can resist it.

Wu Yao was also shocked by Xu Wuzhou's words. Does he know the meaning of top ancient religion?

But at this time, I heard Xu Wuzhou say: "I know that in this world, there are still many people who despise my Dao Sect. I proposed this plan. Many people laughed in their hearts and felt that my Dao Sect was not qualified to do so.

What is the righteousness, what is the human race. In your opinion, it is not as important as a fist.

My Taoist school has never liked to use fists to solve problems, which is not in line with my Taoist style.

But if you think you can listen to whoever has the big fist, then follow the fist.

Let's see if an ancient teaching of the Five Elements can make you home. If it doesn't work, let's talk slowly. "


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