Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 878: Let me go

The old man with yellow teeth was fed some pill, which was made by Xu Wuzhou with a black bowl of liquid, to nourish his spirit.

Under Xu Wuzhou's repeated treatments, the condition of the old man with yellow teeth also stabilized.

Everyone withdrew, sat down in the hall, and heard the Lord of the Mountain God Temple speak: "I caused his injury. I'm going to Xuannv Palace to ask for Dao Xin Xuan Zong."

"You are in charge of the Dao Sect's righteousness and discipline, and you are not partial because he is too elder. I admire him for being so upright. Therefore, I can't blame you for his failure."

Although every time she troubled the old man with yellow teeth, she made excuses. But the old woman knows that Xu Wuzhou knows her heart and knows that she is still defending her at this moment, which is to maintain the prestige of the mountain temple.

"Nevertheless, I don't want to beat him like this. After all, my mountain temple is the guardian of the Jiugong Sanctuary. I have a bit of face in the Xuannv Palace. They may agree to ask for Dao Xin Xuanzhong."

Xu Wuzhou thought for a while, the mountain temple inherited ancient times, maybe the Xuannv Palace would give face. I just wanted to agree to let the mountain temple go to try.

But a disciple came in from outside, whispering in Xu Wuzhou's ear: "A warrior in Yanzhou said that he was entrusted by his deceased to send you a letter."

Xu Wuzhou was puzzled, and asked, "Why do you believe it?"

"We said it could be handed over to you, but he said that he had to be entrusted by the master to deliver it to you personally."

After hearing this, the fairy peak master said to Xu Wuzhou: "Since the old friend is so cautious, you'd better go take a look."

Xu Wuzhou nodded and saw the warrior in the outer hall. When the warrior saw Xu Wuzhou, he respectfully saluted, and handed out a letter of apology: "This is a letter from Xuan Nv asking me to send it, and it is about Xuan Nv. I dare not personally deliver it to the Taoist master, but also ask. Lord forgive."

Xu Wuzhou was shocked: The letter Zhou Si sent me? What did she send me the letter for?

After receiving the letter, there is power to seal the letter. This is not a problem for Xu Wuzhou, wiping out the power on it. He opened the letter and was wondering what she was going to do, but the above content made Xu Wuzhou stay in place.

The letter is very simple, just one sentence!

"After thinking for a long time, I still have to tell you: I don't want it!"

Xu Wuzhou's head buzzed, staring blankly at the text on the letter.

Does Zhou Si have it? And want to hit this kid?

Just once, you won the bid? When have I been so strong!

Xu Wuzhou held this letter like petrification, and couldn't accept it at all for a while.

"Tao Master!" The warrior whispered Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou came back to his senses, and said anxiously to him: "Where is she now? When did you send the letter!"

The excitement sounded like thunder, which shocked the Daozongmen present. They looked at Xu Wuzhou suspiciously, thinking about what was written in the letter that made Xu Wuzhou so gloomy.

The warrior also panicked and said anxiously: "He is now in Fengcheng, Yanzhou. I rushed through the domain gate when I got the letter, but Fengcheng was a little far away from the domain gate, and it took a day."

That should be in time!

Xu Wuzhou sighed lightly, took out a piece of paper, wrote three words on it, then sealed it with an envelope, and handed it to the warrior, saying, "I’m sorry you rush to Fengcheng and give this letter to her. . Tell her, wait for me to go to Fengcheng!"

The warrior nodded and agreed, and left immediately after receiving the letter.

Xu Wuzhou squeezed the letter in his hand and looked at the text on it, and his whole body was lost again.

Daozongmen were puzzled, but had to remind Xu Wuzhou: "The peak master and elders are still waiting for you."

Xu Wuzhou glanced at the letter in his hand again. The letter ignited spontaneously, and he sighed lightly.

Stepping into the hall, the fairy peak master asked Xu Wuzhou: "What's the urgency?"

"Oh! It's nothing. The messenger is afraid of the master's blame, so he must deliver it to me personally. It's just asking me to help him enlighten." Hearing Xu Wuzhou's words, everyone didn't doubt it.

"By the way, where did you just say it? The Mountain Temple is going to the Xuannv Palace to ask for the Taoist Profound Seed?" Xu Wuzhou refused.

The Lord of the Mountain Temple naturally knows that, as the treasure of the Profound Girl Palace, how can it be easily passed on to outsiders? The guardian has thin noodles, but this thin noodles may not be able to exchange for this secret technique, but she can't help but try it, is it impossible to see him die?

At this time, I heard Xu Wuzhou say: "I always belong to the world's Taoist master, the world's young teacher. Let me go."

The fairy peak said: "Although the lord is considered one of the co-lords of the human race, the secluded sects of the Xuannv Palace who are aloof don't care too much about this identity. Unless the emperor gives a holy command, and it is related to the survival of the human race. They will listen to the emperor’s order because of the reason."

Xu Wuzhou nodded and said: "I know! But after all, the status of the young human teacher and the Taoist master of the world is still very valuable. What's more, Senior is a lot of age. How can you easily ask others? Plus Senior is right, this is me Dao Sect’s own problems should be my Dao Sect’s contribution."

Fairy Peak advocated opening her mouth and wanted to say something, but she was interrupted by Xu Wuzhou: "Okay! This is the decision. I will definitely bring Dao Xin Xuan Zong. You should also find out where there is a big difference. The magic medicine to increase vitality. There are these two kinds, and this is hopeful to cure him."

After speaking, Xu Wuzhou didn't care about everyone's reaction, shouting Xuanwei: "You come out."

Seeing Xu Wuzhou leaving, several elders in the Mountain Temple looked at Xu Wuzhou and nodded secretly: Daozong praised him as a responsible gentleman. Looking at it now, it really is so.


In the Dao Zong side hall, Qin Qing was looking at the book, Xu Wuzhou walked to the door and stopped, letting a smile appear on his face, and then stepped in: "Dao Zong has a lot of things, I haven't been with you much, sorry what."

Qin Qingmu quietly smiled at Xu Wuzhou and shook his head, "You are at your own disposal!"

Xu Wuzhou smiled and said: "But his injury has stabilized. There should be nothing wrong with these days. I'll accompany you to Lin'an. I haven't seen my father-in-law for a long time, and I miss them too."

Qin Qingmou nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Well, I'll let people prepare. It happens that Dao Sect will send a group of disciples to Lin'an. Just set off together. I can't help but feel happy when I think of being able to truly enjoy the two-person world with you in Lin'an."

When Qin Qing's eyes heard Xu Wuzhou's words, his face was flushed, but his heart was very sweet.

Soon, the disciples who were going to Lin'an were ready, and Xu Wuzhou ordered many things from the Taoist clans, and then he took Qin Qingmu's hand and smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go."

But at this moment, Xuanwei rushed over and shouted to Xu Wuzhou: "The Tai elder's injury suddenly repeated. The Lord of the Mountain God Temple said that only by going to the Xuannv Palace to ask for a Taoist Profound Seed can he stabilize his injury. , To ask for this thing, you must go as the young master and Taoist master of the world to be possible. When do you think you will start?"


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