Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 881: Nostoc

The two women in Xuan Nv Palace are very beautiful, both dressed in white clothes, their bodies are shining, their bodies are shining, ethereal and refined, they are all like immortals, and even their breath is the same. Although they are not of the same generation, they have similar temperaments, like sisters.

These two women are naturally two generations of Xuannv, Luo Mi and Zhou Si.

Zhou Si's beautiful eyes fell on Xu Wuzhou's body, staring in a daze for a long time.

Seeing Zhou Si in a trance, Luo Mi sighed, "What happened to you and Xu Wuzhou?"

Zhou Si turned to look at Luo Mi, and bit her teeth for a while and said: "In Jiugong Sanctuary, something happened to me and him."

Luo Mi asked: "Like him?"

Zhou Si shook her head, then nodded, and finally shook her head with a complicated expression: "I don't know either."

Luo Mi sighed: "Although we are Xuan Nv, we are the masters of the Jade Lake and Xuan Nv Palace. But we are also a canary. If we live in the cage according to the rules they set, then we are the noble goddess. . But if you don’t follow the path set by them, that’s a heinous crime. Your master and my sister are a lesson from the past.”

Zhou Si pursed her mouth, her lips like rose petals pressed tightly.

Upon seeing this, Luo Mi said again: "What's more, Xu Wuzhou is the true biography of Dao Sect, and now he is the master of Dao Sect. The Tao we practice does not allow too much involvement with Dao Sect."

Zhou Si looked at Luo Mi and said, "It's not going to be cut."

Luo Mi said: "Then you should train your mind even more. If you can let go of it alone, it will be of great benefit to your practice after you have gone through this tragedy."

Zhou Si was silent.

If there is no such a disaster before the scholar Taoist temple. She can be sure that she can go through the catastrophe, even if she really likes Xu Wuzhou, she can go through the catastrophe normally. This is her self-confidence as a mysterious girl, and it is also the reason why she dared to gamble with Dai Yaoyao.

It's just that after the relationship happened, how calm did you treat Xu Wuzhou?

If it were the past, Dai Yaoyao took out the verses written by Xu Wuzhou to shake her heart. The bet is serious, and she promises a lot of money. Although she will be shaken, but she will not reflect so fiercely. After the big deal, she lived in seclusion with a bet, which was what she had always wanted to do.

If you are willing to fulfill the bet, your heart will not be shaken too seriously if you lose the bet.

But the relationship between her and Xu Wuzhou, plus this verse. Everything is different, and her Dao heart is shaking fiercely.

Knowing that Dai Yaoyao's poems may be obtained by means, not necessarily sincere, but she still has to determine the answer.

So I wrote such a sentence.

Naturally, she was not pregnant. She just used "I don't want" to mislead Xu Wuzhou to prove that Dai Yaoyao lost.

Otherwise, she will lose in the first battle.

Failure may be an abyss for her.

When Luo Mi saw Zhou Si lost her mind again, she was puzzled. Zhou Si had always dared to face her own Dao Heart. This time she felt her Dao Heart evading.

Even if she liked Xu Wuzhou very much, she wouldn't be like that.

"He doesn't hesitate to break into the Jade Lake, you look like this again, what is there between you?"

Seeing Luo Mi staring at her, Zhou Si opened her mouth and said nothing in the end.

When Luo Mi saw this, he also became a little worried. Sister Sister was tragic because of a man. Isn't Zhou Si going to follow in the footsteps?

"Go and see him." Luo Mi sighed and said to Zhou Si, "Only by facing the problem can we solve the problem."

Zhou Si looked at the man on the bridge, the rain was still falling, hitting him, and his clothes were all stuck to him.

"Seeing or not, it doesn't make sense. I don't know what to say when I see me. Also, Yaochi doesn't want to see me having anything to do with men."

Luo Mi said: "I will find a reason to help you prevaricate, and will not make Yaochi think too much."

Zhou Si still shook her head: "It's best not to meet."

Luo Mi didn't persuade anymore, there must be something he didn't understand. Looking at Zhou Si, she said again, and on the bridge, the young man was in the wind and rain.


As time passed by, the wind and rain hit Xu Wuzhou. He stood there calmly, his face calm, without sorrow or joy.

From the pouring rain, it slowly turned into light rain. He stopped on the bridge, not going forward or retreating.

The Yaochi martial artists did not dare to leave without authorization, they were afraid that Xu Wuzhou would forcibly enter the Xuannv Palace. Many people were watching Xu Wuzhou in the eaves under the trees and waiting in the pavilions. Some people could not help but move their hands and feet because they stood for too long.

Seeing that the sky was getting late, the Yaochi martial artist guarding Xu Wuzhou was also a little impatient, and he kept cursing Xu Wuzhou in his heart.

"Standing there for a few hours." Luo Mi reminded Zhou Si.

Zhou Si looked at the figure standing there like a sculpture, and sighed slightly: "He will go eventually."

Luo Mi glanced at Zhou Si. People do go, but you definitely don't look like you.

When Luo Mi was thinking about this, he saw a girl walking in the distance.

The girl is holding a vegetable basket in one hand and a paper umbrella in the other. She is holding a princess's bun in one hand. On the bun is a beaded hairpin with tassels hanging on it. When she walks, the tassels are swaying, She is not very tall, she looks very petite, her face is beautiful and refined, she stepped on the rain, and the ripples spread under her feet, and she was as beautiful as a painting.

The girl didn't know what was happening in Yaochi, and she bounced around carrying the basket all the way. When I approached, I found that there were three people standing on the bridge blocking the way. At the same time, I found that there were a lot of people around the door, which was different from the past.

The girl was puzzled, ready to go to the bridge.

But he was pulled anxiously by a man standing under the tree: "What are you doing here? Go back!"

The girl said inexplicably: "Of course I am looking for Senior Sister Zhou Si, Senior Brother Liu, what are you doing? Why are you standing still in the rain."

Senior Brother Liu couldn't explain what he was doing at this time. He just said, "Come back to her later."

The girl raised the vegetable basket in her hand, and whispered with a happy face: "I brought Sister Zhou Si's favorite sweet potato.

And have you seen the green stuff in my basket? This thing is so strange that it grows on the ground without roots and shoots, and it only grows after it has rained. Even the villagers don't know what it is called.

Senior Sister Zhou Si is the best at cooking wild vegetables, and giving this to her will definitely be a delicacy. "

While she was talking, the girl was about to cross the bridge to go to the Xuannv Palace to find Zhou Si.

Seeing this, Senior Brother Liu could only tell the truth: "The road was blocked by someone, not from Yaochi."

The girl was startled slightly. She thought it was a little weird before, but she didn't think too much about it, because this is Yaochi! But now someone told her that someone was blocking the way of Xuan Nv Palace.

If you make trouble in the Xuannv Palace, it is an enemy or not a friend, and Yaochi dare not do anything. Obviously these people are not easy to provoke.

The girl looked at the vegetable basket in her hand. It would not be a pity if the dishes that had been picked up for a long time and washed for a long time were not delivered to Senior Sister Zhou Si.

This kind of wild vegetables that hadn't been seen before, Senior Sister Zhou would definitely be able to work out the most suitable way to eat it, and it would definitely be better than those cooked in water from the villagers.

"I also said to the villagers: I will teach them when I find a delicious recipe."

The girl was a little bit disappointed while standing there carrying the basket, but she didn't dare to interfere with events in Yaochi.

At this moment, Xu Wuzhou, who had been standing still, suddenly moved.

He walked down the stone bridge hurriedly, moving with great strides. This sudden action made everyone in Yaochi frightened their heartbeat a few steps faster, and even some warriors couldn't help but back up a few steps.

Xu Wuzhou didn't glance at these people, and walked straight in the direction of the girl.

The girl didn't think Xu Wuzhou was here for her, thinking that he was just going in this direction, maybe she was looking for Brother Liu.

However, the next moment Xu Wuzhou walked up to her and stood still in front of her.

Then Xu Wuzhou did something that made everyone dumbfounded. He took the vegetable basket from the girl's hand, picked up the green stuff in it, and said to the girl: "This is called soft ground, and it is also called ground vegetable. It is. There is also a nice name called Nostoc."

The girl stared at Xu Wuzhou blankly, and stared blankly at Xu Wuzhou separating the "floor soft" he said and the sweet potato.

Then, I saw Xu Wuzhou took out the spatula. A very common spatula is a pot that is exchanged in Chaoge with a pill.

Then, he set up the pot on the spot, fetched some firewood that was not wet by the rain, and lighted the fire here.

Everyone was dumbfounded, what is Xu Wuzhou doing? Is he going to cook here?

Luo Mi and Zhou Si watched this scene in Xuan Nv Palace, and they both lost their senses.

Xu Wuzhou had already poured water into the pot, buried the sweet potatoes in the basket in the fire, and washed it again to soften the ground.

"There is a way to eat soft ground. I really like it. I cook it briefly, then drain the pot and stir-fry normally, add some vinegar and dry chili at the end."

While Xu Wuzhou was talking, he did it again with Xingyun Liushui as he said.

Everyone was already stiff, and their eyes fell on Xu Wuzhou, feeling that his head was not enough.

Does Xu Wuzhou know what he is doing?

Come to Yaochi Gujiao to perform cooking?

Xu Wuzhou quickly fryed the ground softly, and when he picked up the pot and placed it on a plate, a fragrance floated out, causing the nearby warrior to take a few more breaths.

The ground was soft and Xu Wuzhou gave it to the girl.

The girl was given a bowl of food in front of so many people, she blushed a little, but she still took it reflexively.

Fearing that she was burning her hands with the bowl that she had just picked up, Xu Wuzhou took out some cloth and made a towel to cushion it, and finally gave her a spoon.

After doing this, Xu Wuzhou turned his eyes to the fire.

He pushed aside the fire and saw a few sweet potatoes in it. Xu Wuzhou took it out, and he carefully peeled off one.

It's just that the sweet potato has not been buried in the fire for long enough. The outer layer is cooked, but the inner layer is still hard.

As if to be sure whether it was really immature, Xu Wuzhou peeled off the other sweet potatoes. He peeled them carefully and carefully, as if it were a treasure, but the results were the same.

"I'm not familiar with it!"

Xu Wuzhou pursed his mouth and muttered to himself, with a sad and lost expression in his eyes. He stared at the half-cooked sweet potato in his hand for a while, and suddenly threw the sweet potato into the unextinguished fire. As he watched, he left Yaochi with a wet suit.

Wu Yao and Gold Body hurriedly followed Xu Wuzhou.

The girl was holding the bowl of soft ground, asked about the fragrance, and then looked at the few unripe sweet potatoes, her mind turned back, looking at Xu Wuzhou's back in a daze.

"Insane!" Senior Brother Liu cursed in a low voice.

The girl turned her head and glanced at Senior Brother Liu, without speaking, feeling the warmth from the bottom of the bowl through the cloth strips.

Luo Mi and Zhou Si stared blankly at Xu Wuzhou's back, especially at the soft ground in the girl's hand and the immature sweet potato.

Thinking of what Xu Wuzhou had just done, it was as if he had waited so long today and had been in the rain for so long, just to cook this meal and roast this meal of sweet potatoes.

The girl's desired food is ready, but the sweet potato he wants is not cooked.

Thinking of Xu Wuzhou's seriousness and meticulousness just now, Luo Mi has a sadness flowing in his heart.

Looking at Xu Wuzhou's missing figure, Zhou Si was still staring blankly, feeling a sudden blockage in his heart.


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