Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 883: When will it start

The elder Yaochi looked at Xu Wuzhou. He had never expected that Xu Wuzhou was so clean and tidy, he didn't even have a polite, and he would change Dao Xin Xuan Zong bluntly.

"Dao Xin Xuan Zong is a secret technique in the Xuan Nv Palace, which cannot be spread. I also look to the Taoist Master..."

Elder Yaochi spoke, but he hasn't finished it yet. Xu Wuzhou bluntly interrupted: "Don't rush to refuse. My Taoist school is not a bully. Since it is an exchange, it is naturally a convincing exchange. You should listen to my terms first."

Elder Yaochi and others were silent, but they didn't care about it.

Xu Wuzhou took a thing from the bracelet and put it on the table, looking at the people in Yaochi and saying, "This is a five-element ring, and I won't explain it much. This is the first condition to exchange your Dao Heart Profound Seed."

The elders looked at the five-element ring Xu Wuzhou placed on the table. They took a breath and stared at Xu Wuzhou blankly.

Wu Yao and Huang Jinbo also stared at Xu Wuzhou with round eyes, never thought that he would take out this kind of thing to change Dao Xin XuanZhong.

Five elements ring! This is the sage soldier of the town education! The ancient teachings of the Five Elements have been passed down forever because of its existence. This thing can no longer be measured by value.

Although Daoxin Profound Seed is precious, it is only a secret technique after all, and it is difficult to say how far it can be.

In a sense, the value of the five-element ring of the treasure of Zhenjiao should surpass the Taoist Xuanzhong.

Therefore, when Xu Wuzhou took out this thing, Elder Yaochi was silent.

Xu Wuzhou said that Zong wanted to make people happy and convincing, but he had never expected it to be so grand.

"The second condition is: the saint left me a special pill for no man’s land. The pill can instantly restore strength in no man’s land. I can provide the pill, which can help the peak to recover three times. ."

Both the elders of Yaochi and the golden body looked at Xu Wuzhou with weird expressions: Where is the no-man's land, the pill that can instantly restore strength, this is simply a pill against the sky. You know, the saints will be affected by it. Where does this pill come from?

Xu Wuzhou seemed to know what they were thinking: "If you don't believe me, you can ask the Profound Girl Palace Master."

Luo Mi saw that everyone turned their eyes to her, nodded and said: "He does have, I can prove that."

Seeing that Luo Mi said so, everyone believed it. I was so envious in my heart, I didn't think that the ancestors had even left Xu Wuzhou with such a heaven-defying pill. This kind of heaven-defying pill, even the first saints, not everyone has it.

Of course, this condition also makes them uneasy. The pill that can instantly restore strength three times, that means that Yaochi is almost invincible in the no man's land. No man's land is very important. With such a guarantee, Yaochi can do a lot of attempts.

The price that Dao Zong offered to change Dao Xin Xuan Seed was indeed full of sincerity. only……

"Yao Chi has rules, Daoxin Profound Seed should not be spread. Although I am also excited, but I dare not violate the rules of Yao Chi."

Xu Wuzhou shook his head and said, "Listen to the third condition."

"Please say."

"Dao Xin Xuan Zong cannot be spread outside. I respect your rules. Therefore, my Dao Sect allows the Huang Fang elder to become the elder of Yaochi. I think an elder who can become you should be qualified. Although he joined halfway, I If he can make a promise, he will abide by the rules of Yaochi, and he will definitely regard Yaochi as a sect."

Elder Yaochi was stunned, and couldn't help asking: "He entered the Yaochi? Dao Zongtai elder entered the Yaochi?"

"Is there any problem?" Xu Wuzhou asked back.

"He was once the successor of the Taoist Lord, and he understands many Taoist secrets. Entering my Jade Lake, aren't you afraid to pass the Taoist secrets to Yaochi in the future?"

Xu Wuzhou looked at the other party and said, "I Dao Sect has never had the idea of ​​cherishing a broom. As long as Yaochi disciples are talented, what about Dao Sect secret techniques? I can also tell you clearly that if he becomes the elder of Yaochi, that is true. The elder of Yaochi is not just a secret. Even if your Yaochi and my Dao Sect are enemies, he will at best avoid it and will never take action against you. What about this promise?"

So bold!

The elders of Yaochi couldn't help but sighed in their hearts. Looking at Xu Wuzhou's young face, it is hard to imagine that he could make such a choice.

"Palace Master." The elder Yaochi looked at Luo Mi, Xu Wuzhou offered such a condition, and the world would not accept Yaochi's rules again.

Luo Mi said: "I originally should have helped me in saving people, but Daoxin Profound Seed is my teaching mystery and cannot be passed on lightly. Since Dao Sect has the courage to make him an elder in Yaochi, I can be accommodating in Yaochi. Everyone. Elder, what do you think?"

Elder Yaochi glanced at each other, and one of them stood up and said, "The Lord of the Palace is right. Dao Sect has such a condition, and if he refuses this condition, the world will scold me. He can become the elder of the two sects and the Taoist Xuanzhong. He can pass it on. But we want him to promise that he will never pass it on to others. This method is our ancestral motto that people from the Yaochi Sect cannot learn."

"Yes!" Xu Wuzhou agreed.

After speaking, Xu Wuzhou took out another jade box and put it together with the five-element ring.

"In a few days, I will send someone to send him to Yaochi."

After saying this, Xu Wuzhou did not stay for a moment, and left without hesitation.

Elder Yaochi looked at the five-element ring and the jade box, and then at Xu Wuzhou's back, they breathed out lightly.

It is worthy of being a Taoist master. Although he is young, his courage is amazing, and the conditions such as the five-element ring are not procrastinated.

Under such conditions, who can refuse?

Wu Yao and Gold Body became more and more puzzled. Yao Chi couldn't refuse the price Xu Wuzhou paid. But in that case, what are you doing in Chuang Yao Chi?

Xu Wuzhou's actions are really unpredictable! My IQ is not enough!

At this time, an agreement was reached, but I still couldn't figure out the deep meaning.


Dai Yaoyao exploded in anger!

I thought it could shake Zhou Si's Taoism, but Zhou Si had a note. Xu Wuzhou came over here and even went straight to Yaochi.

She didn't dare to enter the Jade Lake, so she didn't know what happened in the Jade Lake.

Do you still need to know?

Zhou Si said that she had lost from the beginning, isn't that the end?

He used to make fun of Xu Wuzhou. He called himself a scumbag and found it funny at that time.

But at this time, Dai Yaoyao couldn't help cursing: "Scumbag, scumbag, why don't you die!"

This dead man! Where did you lose?

Dai Yaoyao felt that her Dao heart was unstable. How to fight this battle?

Just as Dai Yaoyao was drinking the dull wine, she saw the dead man walk in.

Dai Yaoyao didn't want to take care of this person anymore, so she slammed the cup in her hand severely.

But the next moment, she stopped her hand.

Because the first sentence the scumbag came in was: "You are old enemies, when will the fight start? I don't think you should wait anymore, fight as soon as possible!"


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