Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 888: Help Witch Town Hyeonnv

"It's too late for you to retreat at this moment." Zhou Si reminded Xu Wuzhou.

"I am invincible in the world." Xu Wuzhou replied bluntly.

"Senior Sister Zhou tells him more, dare to ruin our battle and just kill him directly."

Dai Yaoyao's body began to glow, her hand pinched the Dao pattern, her body was as soft as a snake, and a jade foot suddenly swept Xu Wuzhou away. She used the fifth-rank combat skill, and the jade foot burst out with countless runes, and it was so brilliant that she killed Xu Wuzhou. .

Xu Wuzhou was very calm, and he threw his fist directly, and the energy swept from the jade foot clashed with his fist, and a muffled sound erupted.

It is not surprising that Dai Yaoyao was blocked, and shouted at Zhou Si: "You have to fight quickly to suppress him."

Zhou Si also didn't want to be disturbed by this battle, nodded, his body was equally radiant, and his delicate body was extremely gleaming. He instantly slaughtered Xu Wuzhou, spurting energy from his hand, and curling toward Xu Wuzhou with the Dao Wings.

Dai Yaoyao also killed her from one side, and her waist was swaying, and a seal formed in her hand, and a seal patted Xu Wuzhou.

This Yin Daiyao's ruthless move was a terrifying killer move. The terrible impact caused the sky to tremble, and the agitated storm rushed on the lake. The surface of the lake was like being smashed, with water splashing everywhere.

This little lady is really cruel.

Xu Wuzhou muttered in his heart, but yelled at Zhou Si: "I'm here to help you this time. Taking this opportunity, we have joined forces to solve the witch."

Zhou Si originally planned to attack Xu Wuzhou, but he was paused by Xu Wuzhou's shouting action. Xu Wuzhou ran in Zhou Si's direction, and at the same time used a sly step to avoid Dai Yaoyao's ultimate move.

When Xu Wuzhou avoided this, Dai Yaoyao's ultimate move was naturally directed at Zhou Si.

Zhou Si is powerful, running energy, blocking Dai Yaoyao's palm. The two colliding figures regressed.

At this moment, Xu Wuzhou jumped up and pressed his palm towards Zhou Si.

Xu Wuzhou's palm is like a mountain, containing majestic power, falling from the sky to suppress everything.

"Xu Wuzhou, you beast!"

As a mysterious girl, Zhou Si couldn't help but yelled at this moment.

Didn't you join forces to suppress the witch? I am soft-hearted and never dealt with you. You actually suppressed me with your backhand.

You scumbag!

Xuan Nv Qi's liver was hurting, but it was too late at this time. Because this scumbag man is actually serious, this tyrannical and unbelievable thing is definitely really going to suppress her.

"Dao Xin Xuan Zong!"

Not to mention that ordinary combat skills can't be resisted, even high-grade combat skills can't be resisted. Zhou Si had no choice but to show off her profound knowledge in the Palace of Xuan Nv. In an instant, her body was bright and connected to the heaven and the earth. She borrowed a mighty force from the heaven and the earth.


The tyrannical force made Zhou Si back a few steps, and Xu Wuzhou was also blocked and flew out.

"It's a Xuannv, it's a pity." Xu Wuzhou stood still and sighed.

This sentence made Zhou Si's angry face all blue.

The crowd watching the battle was also stunned. Looking at each other, Xu Wuzhou is going to join forces with the witch to deal with Zhou Si?

He is a member of the Taoist sect. How could he do this? It stands to reason that he should be on the side with Zhou Si.

Dai Yaoyao also looked at Xu Wuzhou in astonishment, because she didn't expect Xu Wuzhou to take action against Zhou Si. If that palm hadn't been for Zhou Si's use of his utmost knowledge, Xu Wuzhou would have succeeded in the sneak attack.

"What the **** is this guy? If he joined forces with him to suppress Zhou Si, then he will also be pointed out by the righteous man."

"Oh, I didn't expect that the dignified Taoist master is such a person who does not speak honesty." Dai Yaoyao looked at Xu Wuzhou with a smile, "Calling to deal with Xuan Nv against me, but secretly shot Xuan Nv, it's despicable."

Xu Wuzhou glanced at Dai Yaoyao and said, "You are sinister and mean, but the Xuan Girl is innocent and innocent. In your first battle, if you want to use conspiracy and tricks, you will lose. For this reason, I have to personally go down and tell her that the world is sinister and let her grow in the future. dessert."

Dai Yaoyao giggled, and asked Xuannv: "Good sister, do you believe his mouth?"

Zhou Si stared at Xu Wuzhou, she believed it to be strange.

But it doesn't matter if they don't believe it, but some people believe it.

"Xuan Nv is indeed as holy as an immortal, conspiracy and tricks are no better than a witch, and it is indeed easy to suffer in this respect."

"The youngest teacher in the world is the youngest teacher in the world, and I don't hesitate to end up personally to make up for this shortcoming of her."


Many people onlookers admired Xu Wuzhou, and did not take the previous attack on Xuannv into heart.

When Xu Wuzhou saw this, he was proud of it. This is the effect brought by the previous set of people.

If it was someone else, no one would believe what he said. But he is a gentleman, a gentleman who is dedicated to the world, the Taoist and the human race, and his words naturally have credibility.

"I learned, you can go now." Zhou Si sighed lightly, just wanting Xu Wuzhou to leave here quickly.

"After we team up to take down the witch, I will go again."

After Xu Wuzhou finished speaking, he didn't wait for Zhou Si to react. Just kill Xiang Daiyao.

Dai Yaoyao snorted, not afraid of Xu Wuzhou, looking at Xu Wuzhou, who was suppressing him with Zhaotian Seal, she showed Ligong's unique mastery.

When he slapped it out, the demonic energy was surging, and the black mist was tumbling, as if there were ghosts and gods in it.

And just when Dai Yaoyao slapped such a palm, she heard Xu Wuzhou's voice transmission: "You are stupid, turn around and play Zhou Si with me."

Dai Yaoyao couldn't react, because he saw Xu Wuzhou's palm that had hit her before, and he really turned and pressed Zhou Si.

"What are you doing, hurry up and suppress her with me."

Dai Yaoyao felt that her head had made choices every year, but her body had already pressed Zhou Si in accordance with Xu Wuzhou's urging.

Suddenly, the Zhaotian Seal was released, suppressing Zhou Si from the left.

Qi Yin's clutches of black mist churned, suppressing Zhou Si from the right.

"Xu Wuzhou!"

Zhou Si's face was green with anger. How could this **** be so scumbag.

But Zhou Si didn't dare to look down upon her at the same time when the two kinds of geniuses hit her. The Daoxin Profound Seed is driven to the extreme, and the whole person seems to be one with the heaven and the earth.

The whole person is silent, but the energy between heaven and earth is borrowed by her.

It seemed that there was a barrier between heaven and earth in front of her.


The attack of the two came in an instant, and Xu Wuzhou and the witch were so powerful that if the two unique skills were defeated, even the pinnacle of Tianjiao would be destroyed.

But Xuan-nv was Xuan-nv, and she was still blocked by Daoxin Xuanzhong, but the barrier was also broken.

Daoxin Xuanzhong is incredible and powerful. Xu Wuzhou couldn't help but be moved at this moment, and wanted to find a reason to cheat from the old man with yellow teeth.

The people watching the battle also looked at Xu Wuzhou blankly. What was this move? Earlier you said that it is the sinister way of teaching Xuan Nv. now what?


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