Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 914: Break open rule

"Under the law, you are an ant."

As Wei Ran spoke, the world gave birth to spikes out of thin air. These spikes pierced the void, and all gathered in the whistling. Following Wei Ran's movements, he exploded towards Xu Wuzhou.

Wei Ran's eyes were cold, Dao Wen trembled, and the law was instilled into his every move, and the whole person carried the power of heaven and earth.

Fighting skills exploded, sharp spikes revealed, and terrifying power, no one can ignore.

But with such a terrible move, Xu Wuzhou didn't avoid it, his expression remained the same. He used his combat skills, and his body was spouting with five colors of brilliance. These five energies gathered together, like a heavenly fault, forming a huge vortex with Xu Wuzhou.

"Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Jue!"

Ning Yao stared at Xu Wuzhou with round eyes. This was originally a secret technique of Qiantian Ancient Sect, but it was lost due to the departure of Qianli Patriarch.

But now Xu Wuzhou actually showed it in front of her, where did he learn it?

Ning Yao was full of doubts, but this method was strong. But after all, the true king used the law, and this law can't get rid of the suppression of the law.

"act recklessly!"

Wei Ran sneered, after the real king moved the rules. How to resist under the true king?

His combat skills rushed forward, and Xu Wuzhou was hit with a single blow.

But the picture of Xu Wuzhou vomiting blood in his memory did not appear. The sacred clouds created by the Five Qi Dynasty Yuanhua cut through the sky, with the power of nothing unbreakable, and rushed together with the sharp spear.

The spear was directly shattered by the energy of Shenxia, ​​and the remaining energy rushed away.

Wei Ran had never imagined that this would happen, but as the true king, he reacted hurriedly but quickly, his body burst out with energy, his fists swept out, and the law fusion energy blasted out, obliterating the Shenxia that Xu Wuzhou rushed out.

But because of this, he also took dozens of steps backwards, every step on the ground was like a bomb, and the soil burst and exploded.

Wei Ran couldn't imagine that Xu Wuzhou could still explode with such power under his laws, but Xu Wuzhou did not stay.

The Dao seeds in his gods erupted, and his whole body was completely covered by runes, and the ferocious aura erupted from his body, and a fierce beast began to appear in him.

"Poor strange method!"

Xu Wuzhou was fierce and awe-inspiring at this moment, and there was a power that was hard to stop. He rushed forward, moving towards Wei Ran to kill him.

Frightening, but he can become a true king, naturally he is not an ordinary person. He also performs secret skills, and the tower in his hand merges with him. With the penetration of the law, the whole person is like an unstoppable human form. beast.

His combat skills exploded, raising his hands, making moves, and at the same time carrying the laws of heaven and earth, and every blow made the heaven and earth change color.

Xu Wuzhou was fearless, confronted the opponent with the Qiqi method, superficially surging.

The two battled in the void, fiercely fierce, and the side of the fight continued to erupt with loud explosions.

The people below have already been stunned.

"Goddess of Heaven, how does he feel that he is not affected by the law, but he is more brave as he fights."

The warriors of the human race asked Ning Yao, and this scene shocked their hearts. I wanted it not for the true king to have the law to bless him, so that he could use the power of heaven and earth to fight, fearing that he would have been defeated by Xu Wuzhou.

But even so, it was just as good as Xu Wuzhou's battle.

How can this be done in a realm beyond.

Ning Yao was surprised that Xu Wuzhou was able to fight the real king, but it was not unacceptable. After all, Xu Wuzhou's record has been outstanding.

But Xu Wuzhou is not affected by the law, which is beyond her cognition. She has never seen such a warrior.

Not only Ning Yao and the others were shocked, even Wei Ran could not accept it.

He is the real king!

What is the king!

You can set rules for others to be king. And this rule is the law!

But what appears now? A realm from the other shore is not affected by his laws.

Wei Ran felt that even the nine idiots of the human race would never be able to do this. If the other side is not affected by the true king's law, then the other side and the law state can be directly transformed into a big realm.

But no matter what he thought in his heart, Xu Wuzhou Qiong Qifa's continuous murders caused him to resist with twelve points of spirit.

He was almost killed by Xu Wuzhou several times.

If he was killed by a realm from the other side, it would definitely be a shame among the true kings.

Wei Ran thought of this, the Shenhai trembled, and the spirit condensed into a spiritual attack. With an invisible ability, it turned into a slap and slapped Xu Wuzhou fiercely.

The advantage of the demons is that their spiritual power surpasses other races. The method of divine soul attack is not comparable to other warriors.

Through the interference of mental power, he wanted to use this to seriously hurt Xu Wuzhou.

But with this palm of his hand, Xu Wuzhou was helpless. Instead, he felt that the soul attack that swept Xu Wuzhou was directly beaten to pieces.

Made! What kind of evildoer is this!

Wei Ran wanted to scold his mother, what kind of otherworldly this is. His spirit attack was directly beaten to pieces. What does this mean? Explain that the other party's spirit is not worse than him.

He is the true king, he is one level higher than the other party. In addition, he is a member of the demons, how can a human race be comparable to him.

Wei Ran's sneak attack was fruitless, and he could only explode with strength, wave after wave, and his combat skills continued to kill Xu Wuzhou with awe-inspiring combat skills.

It's just that every fierce and powerful attack was blocked by Xu Wuzhou.

He is a real king, and he fought extremely frustrated in this battle. With this kind of battle going on, it would be difficult to win Xu Wuzhou at all.

Fortunately, he has the advantage of law. Although Xu Wuzhou can't be affected by the law, but with the help of the law and the heaven and the earth, his own strength can be improved. In the short term, just drag Xu Wuzhou.

This is the territory of the demons, and the fierce battles here should attract others. After a long time of fighting, there should be other strong people coming, and then it will be nothing to win Xu Wuzhou.

Thinking of this, Wei Ran's runes spewed, intertwined into Dao patterns and boiled, and he used his Dao to the extreme.

"I watched the mountain tower and entered the Tao. Watching the mountain tower becomes the law. Today I will use the mountain tower to town you!"

Dangerously roared, the whole person was completely transformed into a mountain tower, and the mountain tower dragged in his hand also spewed runes. This law of heaven and earth intertwined into the shape of a mountain tower.

The aura of heaven and earth poured into Wei Ran's body, he shot again and again, constantly forcing Xu Wuzhou to go away.

This is a vast force that can shake the earth, the gust of wind roars, and makes people palpitate.

"In my Demon Race domain, you can't make waves!"

Wei Ran looked at Xu Wuzhou coldly, and continued to use his killer moves.

Xu Wuzhou felt the pressure and confronted the opponent with the Qiqi method. The two shocked together, and the two of them kept separating and fighting again.

Wei Ran thought of trapping him. Xu Wuzhou naturally wanted to get it. In other people's territory, the more unfavorable the Vietnam War.

Although he is not afraid, he is not willing to waste another opportunity to use the black bowl old man.

Thinking of this, Xu Wuzhou looked at Wei Ran coldly and said, "Do you think I can't break your law?"


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