Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 925: Dragon Boat Change

The city of Banye was built on the basis of Banye, which is vast and continuous.

On this river, at this moment, there is a dragon boat, three stories high, magnificent and luxurious. Colorful lanterns are hung on it, with the beauty of neon.

On the dragon boat, Yingying and Yanyan shuttled among them, they were all dressed in wisps, thin shirts looming, very charming.

The beauty of the wine, the neon light and the green, every part of the dragon boat exudes incomparably depressive sound.

This is a gold-selling cave jointly created by the nobles of Banye City, where countless demon nobles are drunk and dreaming.

At this time, Xin Yunhu and Xiong Yibing came here with Xu Wuzhou and his party. The crowd was mighty, leaning on shoulders, and acting like a dude.

Xin Yunhu squeezed his brows at Xu Wuzhou and smiled: "Brother Wei, today I will take you to learn about the land of Fengyue, which is a great collection in Bangye City. Haha, today we will continue to stay drunk."

Xu Wuzhou said to Xin Yunhu: "It's really very happy to have to drink with Brother Xin and Brother Xiong these days. However, there are some nasty rats following, which makes people sick."

Listening to Xu Wuzhou's words, Xin Yunhu looked behind him, knowing that he was talking about the person Fang Quankun sent to follow.

"Brother Wei doesn't care about him, he just dared to send someone to stare at you. With us, he dare not do anything to you."

Xu Wuzhou laughed, looked at Xin Yunhu and said, "I have to be taken care of by my two brothers these days. I also give them a gift?"

"What gift?"

"If you want to come, the two older brothers will often be followed by him. If that's the case, then cut off his hand to see how he stares."

Xin Yunhu listened to Xu Wuzhou's sullen words and shook his head to stop him: "He is the city lord after all. There is no reason why we can't do anything to him. Otherwise, we won't be able to eat and walk with the venerable."

"You don't need two brothers to take action. I will bear all the consequences. It's just that you need two brothers to help you perform a play."

"What play?"

"When I enter the dragon boat, the two brothers find a reason to attack me, and I will pretend to be seriously injured and run away. Think about it, I picked up his city lord mansion, and learned that I was seriously injured, would he not send someone to kill me? , I will help you solve a wave of his subordinates directly. With the abilities of the two brothers, I have solved his wave of powerful subordinates. Can't you still vacate him in this city in the future?"

When the two listened to Xu Wuzhou's words, they did not immediately agree.

At this moment, they heard Xu Wuzhou whispering in their ears: "Besides, I have another purpose for acting like this."

"Huh?" Xin Yunhu asked Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou glanced at Ning Yao secretly, and then whispered: "The two elder brothers also know that I am a little obsessed with her lately. But even though she says to surrender me, she is a saint of human race after all, how dare I really rest assured. So. Although I want her to sleep with me at night, I dare not really let her sleep next to me."

The two nodded, how big the heart was to dare let the saint of the race sleep next to them, not afraid that their heads would be cut off when they fell asleep.

"But ah, brother, I am a little addicted to her, so I want to sleep with her. Therefore, when I specifically suppressed her today, I left a hole. With her strength, I will definitely find a chance to break the seal on my own.

When the time came, the two brothers pretended to hurt me seriously, and I took her to escape to a place, just taking this opportunity to try her loyalty. If she has a double heart, such a rare opportunity will definitely attack me. If you don't have a second heart, then don't...hehehe, two brothers, do you understand. "

The two looked at Xu Wuzhou and smiled: "Brother Wei is a good method."

"It depends on whether the two brothers are willing to do me this favor."

"It's okay to help. If Brother Wei kills Fang Quankun's people again, he will definitely hate you to the bone."

"As aristocrats, we are incompatible with them. Do I still care if he hates me? As long as I can help the two brothers, I will be very happy, and it can be regarded as repaying your care these days."


The group of people talked and laughed and entered the dragon boat. Ning Yao followed Xu Wuzhou and looked around. The dragon boat was full of red-faced images.

Ning Yao's face flushed, she remembered what Xu Wuzhou said to her.

He said let her find a chance to break through the realm today, but what to do here now. How is it suitable for a breakthrough here?

Walked into the cabin and found a good place to take a seat. Soon Yingying Yanyan came, and Xin Yunhu was obviously a regular customer here, and soon arranged arrangements for everyone. A group of people hugged from left to right, and the sea was drinking a blessing.

Soon, Xu Wuzhou, Xin Yunhu and others were blushing.

At this time, Xin Yunhu burped a drink. Then he pointed to the woman in his arms and asked Xu Wuzhou, "Brother Wei, what do you think of her."

This is a very **** and seductive woman. She wears very little. The black lace thin shirt can't hide her scenery. It is very hot if she is half exposed.

Xu Wuzhou praised casually: "Brother Xin has vision."

"Hahaha, Brother Wei likes it. Then she will be yours tonight." While talking, Xin Yunhu pushed the woman into Xu Wuzhou's arms, and then reached out and grabbed Ning Yao.

Xu Wuzhou's expression changed, and he stretched out his hand to stop Xin Yunhu, and said coldly, "Brother Xin, what is this?"

"Hahaha! Human saint, I also like it very much. Brother Wei will not bear it."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand to grab Ning Yao.

Xu Wuzhou pulled Ning Yao upside down and glared at Xin Yunhu and said, "If you dare to reach out, I will chop off your hands and feet."

Xin Yunhu drank too much alcohol. At this moment, his alcoholicity also came up, and he glared at Xu Wuzhou: "Who do you mean to you? I still want her, Mad, just a woman, you care about the ass."

After speaking, Xin Yunhu stretched out his hand to grab Ning Yao again.

Xu Wuzhou furiously pushed Xin Yunhu away. However, Xin Yunhu drank too much, and he was pushed all over his head. The funny appearance made some people present couldn't help laughing.

Hearing the sneer, Xin Yunhu's eyes reddened, and he roared furiously: "You dare to embarrass me because a woman takes action on me."

Xin Yunhu was so angry that he directly exploded with his strongest power and slapped Xu Wuzhou with a palm.

Obviously Xu Wuzhou had never thought that he would do it directly, so he couldn't react in time. He couldn't even avoid it when he was so close, and a palm was actually pressed on him.

The true king shot in a rage, what a powerful force this is. Everyone heard the sound of broken bones, and Xu Wuzhou's body flew out.

This sudden change surprised everyone present.

After Xin Yunhu hit this palm, he was obviously still in a good position, as if he continued to kill Xu Wuzhou.

At this time, Xiong Yibing reacted and hugged Xin Yunhu anxiously and shouted, "Brother Xin, what are you doing?"

"Let go of me, if he dares to push me, I will kill him."

Xu Wuzhou had bleeding in his mouth, his face was pale, and his face was distorted by the severe pain. Seeing Xin Yunhu staring at him with murderous intent, he shouted to Shi Xiong and others: "Go!"

After finishing speaking, he took Ning Yao and others to escape quickly.

Xin Yunhu still wanted to catch up, but was hugged tightly by Xiong Yibing. But he still kept roaring with alcohol and words: "Let go of me, I want the saint of the human race."

Xu Wuzhou still spurted blood in his mouth, and he rushed away when he heard the roar, while leaving a ruthless sentence: "Xin Yunhu, I and you are at odds."


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