Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 928: five minutes

The man's friendship was witnessed by the people in Ban Yecheng at this moment.

The day before, there was a feud in life and death, but today he actually hooked up and ate and drank again. Xu Wuzhou and Xin Yunhu are as good as brothers.

Whenever someone asks, it’s just one sentence: What is it for a brother to be crazy about drinking? Brother Wei and I are both generous people.

Their performance also caused Fang Quankun, who was waiting for him, to panic, and then his worries became a reality.

On that day, I heard Fang Quankun vomiting blood.

Of course, this does not prevent Xu Wuzhou and Xin Yunhu from continuing to drink.

The demon race is hierarchical, and the theory of racial lineage is extremely serious. This has always been the contradiction of the demon race. After learning from the shopkeeper that Fang Quankun and Xin Yunhu were in conflict, Xu Wuzhou had a choice. Because of danger, his ancestors were of royal blood, and he was a pure nobleman.

These days Xu Wuzhou was also reading some books of the Demon Race, and knew that an outstanding genius appeared among the Demon Race common people, who suppressed all the powerful Demon Race and became the ancestor emperor.

During the reign of the ancestor, he vigorously abolished the theory of blood lineage. But despite the legal abolition, the influence of the bloodline system has been deeply cultivated in the hearts of the demons.

However, although he did not completely change the lineage theory of the demons, he also supported a group of new nobles among the common people.

Then, because of the battle for the throne of the demons, in order to win the power of these new nobles, the untouchables and commoners were left as long as they were strong enough to become the mouths of the nobles.

But these new aristocrats are still of low pedigree in the eyes of the old aristocrats, and they simply look down on them. This also led to the contradiction between the new aristocracy and the old aristocracy.

This generation of the old demon emperor, although he came from a nobleman. However, the policy of the ancestor was highly respected, and precisely because of this, the contradictions between the new and old aristocrats of this generation became more intense.

As a scumbag, he naturally knows what kind of situation he should create to his advantage.

It's as if the two women in the bar are torn apart. As a man, the choice at this time should be to choose the one with more beautiful women and big breasts, and stand on their side brainlessly, and you can get their trust in an instant , Think you are a confidant, they can't help but confide to you.

Then I became a male best friend or something, and what happened when I drank too much ‘accidentally’ at night. The next morning you showed regret and uncomfortable expressions, an expression that I just wanted to be a boyfriend with you. The girl will even feel guilty because of this.

And if they are bothering each other, you want to go hand in hand. Haha, that's the way to die. The women on both sides will think that you, a man, will be disgusting, and they will slap you directly with a slap.

Especially high-quality scumbags like yourself, can't wait for their chance to tear up, but should take the initiative to create opportunities for them to tear up, so that the rhythm can be controlled by you.

Thinking of this, Xu Wuzhou suddenly had a deep understanding of his practice.

From the avenue to the Jane, the same goes by different routes.

Xu Wuzhou thought in his heart, thinking that perhaps his law is promising.

But to condense the law, in his current situation, the resources consumed are massive.

So Xu Wuzhou said to Xin Yunhu: "Brother Xin, Brother Xiong. I need to ask both of you for something."

"Haha! Don't hesitate to say that Brother Wei, if we can do it, we will never refuse."

Most of Fang Quankun's strong men died. In this kind of city, the two of them were completely able to lift him up, and they were very grateful to Xu Wuzhou.

"It's not a big deal, even the two brothers knew that I was practicing the Law of the Mountain Tower. Today I have some understanding in my practice, and it is estimated that I will break through."

Xin Yunhu looked at Xu Wuzhou enviously: "Congratulations Brother Wei, Brother He Xiwei. I have been in the law state for some time, but I can't go any further. Brother Wei is really a good talent."

Xiong Yibing's expression was full of envy: "Brother Wei is short of resources. If this is the case, the two of us can raise a portion for you."

Xu Wuzhou hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Resources are scarce, how can I ask for the resources of my two brothers. It's just that my law is related to the mountain tower, so I want to re-train the mountain tower and increase my understanding of the law."

Xin Yunhu looked at Xu Wuzhou suspiciously and said, "Brother Wei, the rules of brother Xiong and I are different from yours. We are afraid that we can't help much if we exercise the mountain tower treasure."

"Brother Xin misunderstood, and I am not afraid to tell the two brothers that my law is like a mountain tower, but the core is very simple, that is, heaviness is the main thing."

Hearing what Xu Wuzhou said, Xin Yunhu and Xiong Yibing were even more moved. The law is extremely important to the martial artist, telling others the inner core is equivalent to telling them the weakness, what kind of trust this is.

At this time, they heard Xu Wuzhou again: "My treasure mountain tower is refined from the other shore realm. With the help of it, I break through to the law realm. Although it is a good treasure, it can't keep up with my realm. So I want to re-train, so as to realize my own laws in order to break through.

Exercising is actually simple, it's mainly heavy. And there is nothing more important than metal materials, so I need a lot of metal materials. The two brothers now master a city. I don't know if they can find the materials they need.

Of course, I also don't let the two brothers help me. I use all the materials in exchange for spiritual resources. "

The two looked at each other and laughed: "We should help Brother Wei for such trivial matters. Let's do this, other quality metals will be given to Brother Wei by the two of us. As for the superb metal such as Shenjin, we need to be dangerous. Brother resources have changed. It's not that I am stingy, but the warriors who have **** gold also have status and status, and we have to come up with good things to exchange."

"That's natural, the two elder brothers just go and get it. I want as much as I want, and I will trade with resources." Xu Wuzhou said, "It's about my promotion, and I'm willing to bankrupt my family."

"Hahaha! More than that, brother, you are going to ruin your family, I will support you in the future."


Xu Wuzhou did not expect that one day, it would be a man who told him the most lethal love story of raising you.

Suddenly, Xu Wuzhou didn't even have the thought of drinking.

"It's trouble for the two brothers, you continue to drink, I'll do something."

After speaking, she pulled up Ning Yao who was sitting next to her while pouring her wine.

Xin Yunhu and Xiong Yibing looked at each other, winked at Xu Wuzhou and smiled: "I understand!"

Xu Wuzhou didn't bother to pay attention to their dirty thoughts. As an upright person, how could he have such thoughts.

Therefore, he pulled Ning Yao into the room.

"You also know that in order for you to break through the reasons why you are not found by the demons. I will definitely sleep in your room tonight, or I will be suspected."

Ning Yao looked at Xu Wuzhou with beautiful eyes, and then asked, "Did you count this step from the beginning?"

Xu Wuzhou cried out injustice: "Heaven and earth conscience! How can Xu Wuzhou be so smart? I can't have such far-reaching calculations. I only think about the consequences now."

Ning Yao let out a sigh of relief: "You go out now."

Xu Wuzhou ignored her, lay down on Ning Yao's bed, and said directly, "Isn't everything going out now when I go out, I don't want to die."

Ning Yao stared at Xu Wuzhou and snorted softly: "Just your deceitful mouth, is it not easy to find a reason to deceive Xin Yunhu and the others?"

"You have a misunderstanding of me!"

Ning Yao stared at Xu Wuzhou, she didn't speak.

Being stared at all the time, Xu Wuzhou felt a little guilty in his heart: "I really couldn't find a reason. I didn't think about this situation at the time. I have already played such a big game. I find any reason to prevaricate. I really can't find it. You. I really thought I had a deceitful mouth."

Seeing Ning Yao still staring at her, Xu Wuzhou said helplessly: "Yes! Don't look at me like this, even if I want to go out, I will have to wait for an hour to make sense."

"Why?" Ning Yao said.

"Drinking, I drag you down the room again. Don't do anything, is it worthy of the kind of personality I covet your beauty?" Xu Wuzhou muttered, "So at this time, they must think we are doing something."

Ning Yao's face was red, and she stared at Xu Wuzhou fiercely and said, "Then don't want an hour for so long."

Xu Wuzhou was angry: "I'm shameless. If I go out in five minutes, they have to talk about me behind my back. Brother Wei, he took five minutes to dress and undress and do errands. I will tell you, One hour is my bottom line."

Ning Yao wanted to sip Xu Wuzhou, but thought of something, and asked Xu Wuzhou, "You five minutes?"

Xu Wuzhou broke the defense all at once, and without thinking about it, he dragged Ning Yao down.

What a shame, who five minutes?


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