Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 936: Command the King

Great Road God Gold!

This made dozens of real kings straighten their eyes. This is the top material for refining tools. If you can use this to refine a kind of saint soldier that lives with each other, then you can quickly master a avenue, and your strength will advance by leaps and bounds. The value is even more precious than the golden bowl.

The crowd couldn't bear it and ran over together.

At this time, Chen Ang was attacking Venerable Feng, displaying his combat skills, and his hands turned into sharp eagle claws, accompanied by red light, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

Venerable Feng's expression changed drastically. He suppressed Shen Jin. At this time, the Dao was constrained by the Shen Jin Dao, and his strength was limited, so he did not dare to take his move.

He turned around to avoid the blow, but he saw the distance, and he happened to see one of his acquaintances.

Looking at the man, and then at the dozens of people around him. He was slightly surprised! Is he saved today?

Chen Ang wanted to continue his action, but he heard Venerable Feng sneer at this time: "Chen Ang, I advise you to leave at this moment. I'm afraid you won't be able to leave after a while."

Chen Ang laughed loudly and said, "I still talk big when I die, Venerable Feng, I will take the life of God Jin and you."

As he spoke, he was just about to make a move. But I heard bursts of Sanskrit sounds.

This made Chen Ang slightly startled, his eyes suddenly looked at the source of the sound, only to see a man holding a golden bowl, and dozens of true kings behind him.

This scene condensed Chen Ang slightly, because he knew the man holding the golden bowl. When he competed with his father for powerful resources, his father was killed by himself.

At the beginning, he wanted to cut the grass and remove the roots, and Venerable Feng took him as his subordinates, which saved his life.

At this moment, he actually brought dozens of people here. Also, is that Buddha treasure in his hand?

A group of true kings rushed to see two venerable figures fighting, and the ardent heart suddenly cooled. The Venerable is too strong, they can't give birth to the heart of grabbing at all.

Xu Wuzhou looked at Dadao Shenjin, his eyes almost straightened. The **** gold that contains the great road, this is the treasure. If the black bowl is enough to repair another layer, the black bowl does not know how much liquid can be spit out.

His energy to break through to the true king is enough!

Of course, he also saw two great abilities. Although he hadn't seen it before, Xu Wuzhou also analyzed from various news that he was Venerable Feng, and he was his immediate superior.

Therefore, Xu Wuzhou shouted loudly: "Subordinates are in danger, I have seen the Venerable."

"Good, good! Dangerous! You are right here!"

Venerable Feng really came to life from a desperate situation, and never dreamed that this would be the case. When he found the land of decline, he sent people to gather all his subordinates. Wei Ran did not wait for him because he had been sent to hunt down the thieves of the human race before and didn't know where he was.

Unexpectedly, he brought dozens of true kings to save himself.

There are several true kings under him, and Wei Ran has always been out of color, but this moment gave him a great surprise.

Chen Ang's complexion changed drastically, and dozens of true kings were enough to change the situation of the battle. Even if he is powerful, facing dozens of true kings, he feels a headache.

However, seeing some familiar faces among dozens of true kings, he slightly frowned. Some of them were lone rangers, and some were under other venerables. How could these people help Venerable Feng somehow.

Wouldn't it be that they happened to be beside them and were attracted by the **** of gold?

Thinking of this, Chen Ang tentatively said: "The deity wants to kill Venerable Feng. If you don't want to be misunderstood, stay away."

With this sentence, a group of true kings couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Venerable Feng's expression changed instantly when he saw this scene. He also reacted, how could Wei Ran recruit so many true kings to rescue him, he hasn't had such an arrangement yet.

Seeing this, Chen Ang laughed at Venerable Feng and said, "It seems that you must die today."

Venerable Feng's face was gloomy. He wanted to get rid of the **** gold, but he could suppress the confrontation between the **** gold and the **** gold avenue, and he couldn't get rid of it for a while.

Chen Ang looked at Xu Wuzhou again, and grunted coldly: "I let you escape a catastrophe back then, and I will send you to see your father today."

Xu Wuzhou checked Wei Ran's life, so his words let Xu Wuzhou understand Chen Ang's identity. This is the noble one who killed Wei Ran's father.

"I have always wanted to kill you for revenge, but I didn't expect to have a chance today."

This sentence made Chen Ang feel ridiculous, and he didn't want to talk nonsense with Xu Wuzhou, looking at the two true kings under him: "Go! Kill him!"

The two true kings walked towards Xu Wuzhou with awe-inspiring killing intent. Upon seeing this, Xu Wuzhou laughed and shouted at the surrounding true kings: "Everyone, everyone will kill them together."

This sentence made everyone look at each other, wondering who you are. Want to order us?

Chen Ang saw that everyone was unmoved and couldn't help but sneer. The Venerable couldn't order so many true kings. What are you doing and want dozens of true kings to help you?

However, his ridicule did not last long, and he heard him shout again: "If I die, how will the Golden Bowl Conference be held? This thing will definitely fall into their hands."

This sentence made dozens of real kings' eyes condensed. But thinking of the Venerable in front of him, he still didn't want to make a move.

At this time, I heard Xu Wuzhou saying: "Venerable Feng is the one who serves under him. As long as everyone can help me, I promised to reward him on behalf of Venerable Feng.

If you don't help me, Jinbo will be robbed and let alone. There is no venerable against Chen Ang, who of us is his opponent? When the time comes, he will kill, who can stop it? Our hearts are not so together! It is good for dozens of true kings to fight against the venerable, but a lack of heart can only be a dead end! "

This sentence gave a group of true kings a glimpse of each other. Looking at the golden bowl in Xu Wuzhou's hand, I thought it was true.

At this time, you have to stand in line, or wait for the opponent to solve Venerable Feng, then come to **** the golden bowl and kill them, who can stop it?

God gold, not to mention their share.

Thinking of this, I looked at the two true kings who had been killed.

Xiong Yibing and Xin Yunhu took the lead. They had a very good relationship with Xu Wuzhou, and naturally they would not watch Xu Wuzhou being killed.

Seeing someone shot, the other true kings were not idle.

As a result, more than twenty true kings all shot.

How did the two real kings think that this picture would be like this, although they are strong. It was enough to block a few true kings, but the ultimate moves of more than twenty true kings went down together. They can't stop it at all.

In an instant, he was blown up by the true king, and the blood rain was falling and flying. The divine form wants to escape, but it can be rolled by the aftermath, and it is also obliterated.

This scene did not occur to Venerable Chen Ang and Feng.

Suddenly, these true kings really helped Danger Ran. What's happening here?

However, Xu Wuzhou's following sentence changed Chen Ang's expression drastically.

"Everyone will follow me and solve the other true kings."

Xin Yunhu and Xiong Yibing thought that since they have already taken action, then don't look forward and backward. If you offend the Venerable, you will be offended. It is best to kill the Venerable, and there will be no future troubles.

So they also shouted: "Killing one is also killing. It's better to kill all of them."

While talking, they took the lead in killing the true king under Chen Ang.

The other true kings looked at each other, and after all they followed Xin Yunhu and killed them together.

Dozens of true kings played against several true kings, there was no suspense at all, these true kings were quickly destroyed.

Venerable Chen Ang and Feng stood there, all a little messy in the wind.

This sudden change made them a little unresponsive.

Of course, one was furious and frightened, and the other was ecstatic.

Similarly, looking at Xu Wuzhou, who was holding the golden bowl in his hand, suppressing the Sanskrit sound of the golden bowl. They also found it unbelievable. How could an ordinary true king have the ability to order kings?


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