Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 940: Return to no man's land


The mi word jue in the six-character mantra of Buddhism. The Sanskrit sound of Jinbo is the rhyme flowing from this mantra.

I have never felt this mantra, and heard the sanskrit sound only feel annoying and noisy, but after I have felt the mantra, hearing the sanskrit sound will remove worries and gain a sense of purity. The whole person has a sense of detachment, and feels more physically and mentally.

After comprehending this method, Xu Wuzhou knew that this mantra had the power to purify the five turbidities. This method is of great benefit to stabilizing the Taoist heart. Just to purify, it will naturally cause people's five turbidity disorders, naturally shake their souls, and cause people to be upset.

Only by knowing the essence of mantra can the Taoist heart be stabilized by this.

So this method is a purification method, and it is also a method that shakes the soul.

The people of the saints have powerful spirits, so they are more sensitive to this method.

Mastering this method, Xu Wuzhou held a golden bowl. I want to drive the golden bowl with mantra, and he can also borrow the power of the golden bowl. It's just that, for a treasure like the Golden Bowl, it is extremely soul-consuming to drive, and Xu Wuzhou's realm at this moment is extremely reluctant to drive.

But despite the hard work, it is also a killer.


The land of decline is a treasure, and a group of people continue to search for various treasures.

During this period, Xu Wuzhou discovered a metal mine. He wished to organize people to mine and forge, but he also knew that it was not reliable to do such a thing in the Saint Clan.

There was no news about the **** gold that everyone was looking for, until they learned a news.

The sacred gold reappeared, and several sages shot together to **** it. In the end, a number of Venerables were wounded, and one Venerable died as a result.

In the end, Venerable Feng suggested that in order to grab the red eyes of the Venerables, and to prevent more Venerables from participating in the snatch, he could take care of them and return to the Holy Clan for distribution.

With the repeated promises of Venerable Feng, the Venerables finally agreed to this proposal.

After the venerables received the gold, they no longer missed this place, and they all gave orders to their subordinates to leave.

Xu Wuzhou and the others were very puzzled when they received this order, thinking about such a precious place, they were getting mixed up like a fish, what a loss it would be to leave at this time.

But soon the true kings had to leave, because they saw a picture, a picture that made them horrified.

Between the sky and the earth, the gray sky poured down, covering the entire declining place, sweeping like a sandstorm, spreading continuously.

In this turbid and gray sky erosion, wherever it passes, the aura instantly disappears, the vegetation becomes sluggish, and the vegetation that originally had ample aura, at this moment the aura is completely melted, withered and withered.

Those fierce beasts in the jungle, powerful beasts that can compete with the true king, are eroded by the gray sky, the spiritual energy in the body instantly melts, and they become ordinary beasts with no energy and only blood. Many of them are beasts. Not used to it, just fell directly to the ground and could only wait for death there.

The land that was originally like a savage forest has become desolate and desolate in vain, as if from a lush summer to a withered autumn.

This is a world-destroying picture. Although it is not the skyrocketing and extinction of planets colliding, it is like the extinction of the world with a blunt knife.

Where the gray turbid color spreads, all the vitality is disappearing.

All the warriors no longer want to search for resources, they use extreme speed, all rushed to the space crack, and they wanted to leave.

At this time, the land of decline is full of space cracks.

If an egg is added to this declining place, the egg shell is now cracking, and the ink outside has completely infiltrated and swallowed the egg.

Xu Wuzhou had seen such a scene before.

The secret realm that had obtained the eight or nine profound arts at the beginning was also broken and eroded in the same way.

It's just that that secret realm is no better than a place of decline. Here is more like a world, a world.

But even so, the gray and turbid sky rushed down, and everything became barren.

"No Man's Land!"

Xu Wuzhou heard many warriors chanting this word in horror.

Obviously, they all know that this is no man's land swallowing the world. We must turn this world into a no-man's land.

In no man's land, Xu Wuzhou was fearless. He has a black bowl of liquid, and he can recover to his peak in a flash.

However, at this time, he was trapped by dozens of true kings, so he could only rush with them, and then found a space crack, and rushed into the space crack together with them.

But the no-man’s land at this time directly eroded this square of heaven and earth, and this square of heaven and earth returned to no-man’s land and became a no-man’s land.

Of course, everyone looked back and saw a strange scene.

In this world of no man’s land, suddenly there was a long river running across it. The long river was glowing with fluorescent light. The corpses in the river suddenly burned, and the burning corpses ignited the entire river. The river water turned into oil at this moment, and the raging fire was extremely terrifying.

The gray sky that was enough to swallow everything was blocked at this moment. The fire was shining, but a giant axe appeared in the hands of those corpses.

This giant axe slashed towards the turbid sky, as if opening up the sky in the chaos, it cut out infinite clear colors, a channel appeared, and the Nether River flowed in along this clear color channel, and then disappeared.

Between heaven and earth, endless runes burst out suddenly.

In no man’s land, cut the way and cut the energy, how could there be a rune gushing out of the avenue. This scene stunned countless people.

Xu Wuzhou looked at this scene, thinking of the axe cut out of those corpses just now, and he was also shocked.

"Master Feng, those adults, ordered us to leave as soon as possible. I think they knew the result."

"Such a world has become a no-man's land."

"You just saw that there was no barrier between the ground and that day. The barrier that broke like an eggshell should be the blessing power of the avenue. The barrier does not exist, so it was swallowed by the no man's land."

"My Saint Race Continent, I heard that it was also opened in no man's land. Some ancestors have said that sooner or later we will return to no man's land."

In one word, countless people were silent. Thinking of the picture just now, I really want the Saint Race Continent to become a no-man's land. They are just a group of ants waiting to die.

Xu Wuzhou also thought of Terran's 30,000 prefecture, which was rumored to have been opened up in no man's land. Is there a risk of returning to no man’s land in those 30,000 states?

Moreover, the Saint Race has similarities with the Human Race, and it is actually opened up in no man's land.

Xu Wuzhou thought about the land of the declining land again, wondering whether this land of declining was also opened up by the strong? It's just that this strong man is far inferior to the human ancestors, so the world he opened up is directly returned by the impact of no man's land.

The more Xu Wuzhou thought about it, the more he felt that this guess was more reliable. But, what secrets exist in no man's land? Why will everything return to no man's land again!

"Those sages should know something. Otherwise, how could they predict what is about to happen in the Land of Decline so accurately."


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