Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 949: Wind Master Calculate

Prince Geng Mansion.

Many warriors sat on both sides, these were all warriors under Prince Geng's command. Prince Geng is one of the most powerful princes, and his martial artists are naturally talented. At this moment, the weakest of the warriors sitting in the hall have reached the level of the real king's high-grade, and there is no lack of great power among them.

The two Venerable Fengyun are not at the top of the seat ranking.

And in such a camp, Wei Ran, as an ordinary true king, was also in attendance. Moreover, the ranking is only below the Venerable.

Prince Geng, who sits high in the main seat, cast his eyes on Xu Wuzhou: "Danger Ran, you will be in charge of the Counselor Pavilion in the future."

This sentence made all the warriors present suddenly look at Xu Wuzhou. Among them was Venerable Feng, which he felt unbelievable.

Prince Geng intends to seek the position of the holy emperor. He has already opened the mansion outside and is all over the world to recruit talents. The recruited talents and those who have the ability to reach major spiritual practitioners will all go to the counselor's office. It is managed and taught by the Counselor's Office, and found particularly good talents, and then recommended to Prince Geng. Generally, the talents recommended by the Counselor's Office will be reused by Prince Geng.

This is an extremely important position. In the past, the people who sat in this position were all venerables. Even the position of many venerables is inferior to the power of the master of the counselor's office.

With such a position, Prince Geng directly gave Wei Ran directly. Wei Ran, by virtue of this identity, even the Venerable can sit on an equal footing.

Xu Wuzhou was also stunned, thinking that although he had made a **** pedigree personality, he did not expect Prince Geng to lift himself to such a high position all at once.

Prince Geng saw that Xu Wuzhou didn't speak, and said, "What? I dare not pick it up?"

"It's not that I don't dare, it's just that I'm too weak in the next stage, and I'm afraid that I will fail the Prince."

Prince Geng shook his head and said: "All the people recruiting into the Counselor's Pavilion are of noble blood. You are of royal blood, so you are naturally better than them. So you can sit in this position. However, this is a reward and a responsibility. I hope to sit in this position. You can lead everyone to recognize your position."

Xu Wuzhou instantly understood why he let himself be in this position. It turned out that he wanted to do the work of ideological construction by himself.

Prince Geng is a leader in adhering to the ancient system and insisting on the purity of the saint ancestry.

He even dared to scold people like the Eagle King, which shows how paranoid pedigrees are. He just needs his own **** pedigree theory to brainwash the people in the council.

So, this position was given to myself.

"Subordinates will live up to their trust." Xu Wuzhou bowed and saluted.

Prince Geng showed a smile on his face, waved his hand and said, "Okay, go down. Venerable Feng, you can tell him in detail about the handover of the counselor's pavilion. From now on, you will serve as my protagonist."

This sentence made Venerable Feng overjoyed. What is a follower? A confidant can be a pro-follower! Although he is not in charge of any matters in the Geng House, his status is extremely high.

Venerable Feng couldn't help but glanced at Xu Wuzhou, but he was blessed by himself.


"Your Honor."

Venerable Feng who had sent Xu Wuzhou out, saw that Xu Wuzhou still treated him respectfully, and he was very happy. Wei Ran did not despise him because of his improved status.

"You are now the master of the counselor's pavilion, how dare I be your lord again."

Xu Wuzhou shook his head and said: "Was his subordinates who crossed the river and demolished the bridge? They used to be under the Lord's command, and then they have always been under the Lord's command."

The smile on Venerable Feng’s face increased: “It’s good if you have this heart. It’s all to do things for Prince Geng. If you still remember my past favors, please help me ask your dozens of true kings. Friends, are there anyone willing to belong to me. In the Battle of the Fallen Land, the true king of my command is dead except you."

"These are all trivial things." Xu Wuzhou looked at Venerable Feng and said, "The counsellor also has a true king."

This sentence made Venerable Feng's eyes light up.

Indeed, Xu Wuzhou is the master of the counselor's pavilion, and he is the protagonist of King Geng. It is not difficult to operate the real king of the counselor's pavilion under his command.

Venerable Feng thought to himself that he and Xu Wuzhou joined forces. In Prince Geng's line, it can be regarded as a strong faction, not weaker than those powerful venerables.

Thinking of this, Venerable Feng glanced at Xu Wuzhou without leaving a trace. It was originally something that was greedy for his royal descendants, but now it seems that he has to wait.

This kid is of great value.


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