Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 951: what do you want?

In the Demon Race Continent, his avenue is also extremely active. Xu Wuzhou always had doubts about this. Although the place is different, the avenue is different from the thing, so that the entire Terran avenue is easy. This obviously has an unknown secret.

However, Xu Wuzhou was also happy to do it, which was one of the reasons why he didn't want to leave the Demon Race Continent.

Immersed in his divine sea, the divine sea is the shape of a god. The heavens and stars are shining, and the self-contained system is endless. At this moment, the sea of ​​God without a boat is like a lonely, borderless universe.

In each star, there is a phantom of Xu Wuzhou sitting cross-legged, he is his own way of understanding.

The sea of ​​gods came out, the stars appeared, and the superimposed marks of thousands of imprints were not only the accumulation of energy to the point where it could not be added, but also the superposition of countless idols.

This is Xu Wuzhou's approaching combat skills. At the beginning, only Zhou Si was suppressed.

Zhou Si and other peerless Tianjiao were directly suppressed under this Taoist method. Thousands of stars blended into his phantom of the Great Dao, the energy and the Great Dao suppressed, as powerful as a mysterious girl, unable to resist.

This is because she is a mysterious girl, afraid of hurting the child. Otherwise, Xu Wuzhou has absolute confidence to suppress severely injured Zhou Si.

Thousands of things are fused together, the world is only me, and all beings are eclipsed as a foil.

Although Xu Wuzhou's approach to Taoism is not a realm, it is better than a realm.

In these years, Xu Wuzhou seemed to have done nothing. But still perfecting Shenhai, lighting the stars. Shenhai is increasing day by day.

Compared to when he first entered the crypt, he didn't know how much he was stronger and how much deeper his background was.

He is confident, although he is still on the other side at the moment. But even if he had a fair fight with Shangguanhong, he would win.

However, with the help of Wei Ran's identity, he did not dare to explode with all his strength.

Feel the profound energy of Shenhai, and the endless rhyme permeated in it. Everything is almost accumulated, what's missing is to transform these Dao rhymes into rules.

For him, the common law can be achieved at will. Even if it is the law of the sword domain of the Nirvana Sword, he can achieve it.

The enlightened sacred law Tianlongzhen law can be achieved if he wants.

But none of this was what Xu Wuzhou wanted.

Xu Wuzhou was in the holy building at the beginning, and the stone stele of the ancestor of Guan Mo Dao directly explained the way.

The reason why Jiu Chi is Jiu Chi is because of their early understanding. Ming Dao early means that you only need to accumulate along the way, and there is no bottleneck in breaking through the realm along the way.

In fact, Xu Wuzhou wants to break through the realm as well. But whether it was Jiu Chi and Xu Wuzhou, they didn't want to make a breakthrough because they didn't want to be rough. What they wanted was excellence.

Just like Xu Wuzhou, he wants to condense the law, directly blending the rhyme with Tao, and the quantitative change can cause the qualitative change to condense the law.

But with such a cohesive law, he has no confidence to suppress everything, and the road is only self.

Therefore, Xu Wuzhou has been thinking about how to take his road further and how to sublimate it as much as possible.

These days in the Demon Race Continent, Dadao is active, and he has a faint feeling.

Looking at the imaginary reflections of the heavens and stars in the sea of ​​God, Xu Wuzhou let out a sigh of relief. He found the way, but to get out of this way, the resources that need to be consumed are massive.

Three pure gold Buddha statues, the metal that robbed the Eagle King, the metal that was exchanged for Banye City, the metal that was exchanged for dozens of real kings...

If this were to be changed to the past, such a quantity of metal would definitely make him ecstatic, and it would be enough for him to use it for a long, long time.

But if the law is fulfilled according to his ideas, he feels that it is not enough.

"If you can swallow that avenue of **** gold, that's more than enough."

Xu Wuzhou couldn't help but think of the avenue **** gold in his mind. If the avenue **** gold is not mistaken, it should have been taken by several powers of Venerable Feng and brought back to the holy capital.

Several powerful abilities are controlled together, unless it is directly catching the strength of the black bowl old man. Otherwise, it would be difficult to take it away from them.

But he doesn't want to use it. First, this is the holy capital. His use was to put Ning Yao and others in a dangerous situation.

The second is, is it worth using such a hole card for the sake of a great gold?

He sighed lightly and withdrew from his practice. His gaze fell on Shi Xiong and the others. At this moment, his body was flowing, and the faint Shenhai had the form of a **** to become.

The black bowl liquid has the effect of nourishing souls and being active on the Demon Continental Avenue, which means that Shi Xiong and their talents have directly increased by a lot. What a waste.

It is possible that someone who has cultivated to the Divine Sea Realm in the Human Race Continent is a waste?

In fact, Shi Xiong and their hearts were shocked. What kind of pill the Dao Master gave them, it has such a miraculous effect, it directly pushes up their cultivation base, and after taking it, the perception of the Dao reached an inhuman level.

At this moment, Shi Xiong had an illusion that he felt that he was a talented arrogant comparable to Jiu Mo.

Seeing that their cultivation was on the right track, Xu Wuzhou took out a lot of pills and placed them next to Shi Xiong and others.

He doesn't need to practice in retreat like Shi Xiong and walk into the hall. A group of true kings are surrounding the golden bowl to comprehend the Sanskrit sounds.

The Sanskrit sounds make them upset, and it is difficult to immerse themselves in the Sanskrit sounds to understand the rhyme of Taoism.

But even so, they are still insisting.

Even if you can't comprehend anything, if you listen more and become resistant, you won't be so passive when facing Buddhism in the future.

Taking a look at the golden bowl, Xu Wuzhou wanted to swallow the golden bowl before. But now when I think about it, swallowing it is not enough for him to become a true king. That being the case, let them feel it first.

For the next few days, this group of people felt Jinbo. Some people with high understanding gradually realized some clues.

Dozens of people were originally enemies fighting for the golden bowl. But now they are extremely harmonious, and some people have realized something, and even brought it out to communicate directly with everyone. This has also led to more and more people with dozens of people realized clues.

Upon seeing this, Xu Wuzhou thought that dozens of people would work together to realize it. It is really possible to realize the six-character mantra.

The people of the demons have realized the six-character mantra. When the time comes to fight against Buddhism, what will it look like?

Xu Wuzhou made up his mind and couldn't help laughing.

Thinking of the errands that Prince Geng had given to the Counselor's Court, I thought that I had rested for a few days, and it was time to take over.

It's just that he saw Venerable Feng approaching before he left the mansion.

Seeing Xu Wuzhou, Venerable Feng said bluntly: "In the Land of Decline, you said that what I was fancy to, just tell you, you must give it to me. I don't know this sentence, is it true?"

Xu Wuzhou was taken aback, thinking that he had actually said such a sentence when he was set up in the Declining Land in order to be a person, in front of dozens of true kings and Venerable Feng, and he did not allow him to take the golden bowl.

Venerable Feng's words today, does he have a crush on me?

Thinking of this in his heart, he said very quickly: "Of course, I have never lied to Lord Venerable. I don't know what Lord Venerable wants?"


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