Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 954: Knife

In a well in Weifu, there is a narrow stone gate on the wall of the well, and the stone gate and the wall of the well are connected together. If you don't look carefully, you can't see that it is Shimen.

Shi Xiongneng discovered that it was because after he became a major practitioner, his aura was unstable and he was afraid of revealing his identity. So I thought about hiding in the well and coming out again.

What he didn't expect was that the breath he had leaked spread to the wall of the well, and the wall of the well was actually rippling to resist the breath, and he was only able to discover it.

At this time, Xu Wuzhou and Shi Xiong Ningyao went down to the well and found the stone gate Shi Xiong said.

At first glance, Shimen thought it was an ordinary stone, but when I observed it carefully, I could see the Taoist rhyme in it.

Ning Yao looked at it and said, "The rhyme of Taoism is all over the stone gates and the walls of the well, and they are connected as a whole. To open this door, I am afraid that it is necessary to understand the Tao, so as to find out the rhyme of the Tao, and then forcefully break it. You and I have reached the Mingdao. , But they don’t have the strength of Ming Dao. Even if you find Dao Wen’s veins, it’s difficult to break it open."

Xu Wuzhou glanced at Ning Yao, then at Shimen, pressing his hand directly on it.

Ning Yao frowned, she believed that giving Xu Wuzhou time would definitely find the thread. But this is that no matter how powerful it is, it will not be able to pinpoint the context, not to mention that Xu Wuzhou's strength at the moment is not enough.

If he pushes forcibly, it is easy to collapse this place directly, which is of no avail.

"do not……"

Ning Yao wanted to remind Xu Wuzhou, but suddenly felt that her whole body was chopped off and she was about to fall into the well water, but Xu Wuzhou held her waist.

Of course, compared with Ning Yao. Shi Xiong fell directly into the well water with a thump.

Ning Yao was held tightly by Xu Wuzhou's hands, and pushed him away with a red face, only to see Xu Wuzhou pushing Shimen open.

Seeing this, she was shocked. Only then did I remember that Xu Wuzhou had a way to cut the avenue, and the world was mundane.

Since it was an obstacle set by the avenue, he cut everything into the ordinary, so naturally he couldn't hinder him, he just opened the door directly.

Thinking of her own stop just now, Ning Yao shut up, feeling like a clown is her own.

Forget it, I won't comment on this guy in the future. He can't treat it with common sense at all.

Pushing open the Shimen, holding Ning Yao's waist with his hands, Xu Wuzhou muttered in his heart, this small waist, this touch feels awkward, alas, last night I drank with Xin Yunhu and others, as if they were drinking a hundred whip wine.

Shi Xiong resumed his way, and the lasing shot from the water also fell into Shimen. Seeing Xu Wuzhou hugging Ning Yao, and thinking about falling into the well just now, he laughed.

Ning Yao's face was flushed, and she gave Xu Wuzhou a bitter look, but she was helpless.

Forget it, the Mozu has no reputation anyway. Being promoted by this guy, who doesn't know that she is his favorite girl. Most importantly, Shi Xiong and the others also felt that they were unclear. If this was passed back to the Human Race, how would she explain it.

But when I think of Terran, I think of Ma Jinqiao. With the help of the younger brother, it seems that what he originally passed on is not clear to Xu Wuzhou.

Ning Yao felt that Nie Yuan had accepted her fate, so thinking about it, she didn't bother to care about Xu Wuzhou's waist. You can't resist anyway.

When Shi Xiong saw that Ning Yao was being held by Xu Wuzhou obediently, the smile on his face widened.

Hehe, sure enough, the saint used to pretend to be reserved in front of her, but in fact she had a relationship with the Taoist master a long time ago. It seems that she doesn't hide me as her own person.

Shi Xiong couldn't help being proud. There were several people in her group, and she was the first to be recognized by the saint and Taoist. This is because he can be a human being, and the most important thing is to flatter the Taoist master and the saint.

How should Shi Xiong hug the thighs of the saint woman and the Taoist master tightly after his brain repair, but Xu Wuzhou and Ning Yao continued to walk inside.

This one is a crypt, the crypt is not big, you can see the head at a glance. In the catacombs, there are piles of jade boxes in large numbers.

Xu Wuzhou opened a jade box at will. The jade box contained medicine pills.

"Yang Dao Dan!"

Seeing this pill, Ning Yao felt dry and dry.

Shi Xiong's eyes went straight. This kind of pill is extremely precious, and it can only be exercised with the magical medicine of the Great Dao. After the pill is used, it can nourish the Great Dao, and the pill will instill the power of heaven and earth every moment. It is of great benefit to the existence of great power.

Every moment of this is a sky-high price for them.

With so many jade boxes in front of me, how many pieces do you need? It is enough to support the practitioner to achieve great power.

Ning Yao calmed down and opened the jade box in other locations. The discoveries are precious medicines that can be used for great power practice.

These medicinal herbs are of different varieties, but the quantity is extremely large. Ning Yao thought to herself, if she was in the realm of great power, she would not have any suspense to use these pills to reach the top.

Under normal circumstances, Absolute Power can be achieved not only with the help of resources, but also with the talent of a warrior.

But Ning Yao felt that with these pills, as long as the other party's talents were okay, there would be 50% hope of reaching the top.

"It deserves to be a royal family." Xu Wuzhou sighed lightly. It is not surprising that Wei's family has so many resources. The saint royal family is equivalent to the top princes of the human race, and it is not surprising to have these.

"It's a pity that Wei Ran is only a true king. If he has enough talent to achieve great power, then he will have the opportunity to reach the sky in one step." Ning Yao also said.

Xu Wuzhou nodded, judging from all this. He understood the purpose of the ancestors of the Wei family. This Shimen said Wei Ran didn't know, Xu Wuzhou didn't believe it.

Why he can't get in is because of his lack of strength. His ancestors opened the door and set it to great power. Only the younger generations who reached the power could come in. This stone gate used these resources to make the dangerous family reach the top again, in order to maximize the most reasonable use of these resources without being squandered.

It's just that I didn't expect that the dangerous family was not up to date, and every one of the younger generations couldn't reach the power level and couldn't enter, and finally made them cheaper.

After sweeping away all these jade boxes, Xu Wuzhou was finally attracted by a knife in the center of the cave.

This knife is not big, only the size of a palm. It looks like a knife for children.

But from the first sight, Xu Wuzhou knew that this knife was extraordinary. Because this knife is small, but simple and mysterious.

Although I don’t know what kind of metal it is made of, Xu Wuzhou’s knowledge of metals is definitely an extremely rare kind of **** gold. The most important thing is that the simple texture on it looks natural, but I feel it carefully. , You will find that these textures are deeply hidden Dao patterns.

Under the knife, there is a scroll pressed down. This scroll is different from the simplicity of the knife. He exudes a violent impact. But this rage, under the pressure of the knife, was like a silent roaring beast, although it was rage, it couldn't rush out, and the blade's light was completely restrained.

Xu Wuzhou looked at the knife and scroll, and thought of Venerable Feng: "This is what he is looking for."


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