Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 956: No reason to harm people

"I am the true king of Venerable Feng, and I shouldn't have discussed Venerable Feng in private. But recently, I heard you say that he is good at calculating, and I have to doubt his purpose."

Ye Min asked puzzledly: "What's the matter?"

Xu Wuzhou asked Ye Min: "I don't know if Brother Ye has heard of the statue of Lingyin You Wang?"

Ye Min was puzzled: "I have never heard of it. What does this have to do with Venerable Feng?"

"Lingyin Youwang Elephant is a divine soul combat skill comparable to the eighth rank. It was given to me by Venerable Feng."

Ye Min exclaimed, Rank 8 combat skills. As a true king, he had never learned, such a secret technique was enough to make countless martial artists robbed and shed blood, and Venerable Feng actually gave it to Xu Wuzhou.

This kind of affection, even if it is a brother, is nothing more than that. Then why did he still say that Venerable Feng counted him.

Ye Min knew that he had something to follow, so he waited for Xu Wuzhou to speak.

Sure enough, I heard Xu Wuzhou say: "Lingyin Youwangxiang is the name of combat skills, but in fact he has a more familiar name, called You Di Nian."

Hearing this name, Ye Min's eyes straightened, and he dared not say anything: "Venerable Feng is crazy, where did he get You Di Nian."

You Huang Nian!

Rumor has it that Youdi, the ancestor of the holy clan, created a combat technique in memory of his deceased elder brother.

When this method is used, a virtual image of Brother Youdi can appear to oppose the enemy.

The saints are hierarchical, even though they are the illusion of the ancestor emperor, how can they be driven by others? Therefore, this method can only be used by the royal family. But it doesn't mean to drive Xuwang, but it means Youwang guards the descendants of his descendants. So even if you are of royal blood, you can't wait to use this method.

Although this method is an eighth-rank combat skill, it represents the ancestors of the royal family and has great symbolic significance. In many cases, royal families who do not know each other use this method to prove their identity.

This is an exclusive combat technique for the royal family, and no one else is allowed to get involved, even the royal family. The royal family kills whoever gets his hands.

"Prince Geng is a royal family, and several of his little princes are royal families, so naturally they can learn this method. Venerable Feng, it should be obtained from a certain little prince."

Ye Min looked weird, and Prince Fageng would definitely not give it to him indiscriminately. Venerable Feng brought it, definitely not obtained through normal channels. And the purpose of sending it to Xu Wuzhou's hands is self-evident.

Xu Wuzhou sighed again: "Perhaps, Venerable Feng really just wanted to give me a set of powerful combat skills. He didn't know that Lingyin Youwangxiang was Youhuangnian. After all, Brother Ye didn't even know when he heard it at first. what."

Ye Min glanced at Xu Wuzhou, thinking that Brother Wei was honest and kind. He didn't know that Lingyin Youwangxiang was Youhuangnian, and he also believed that most people in the world didn't know it. After all, except for the royal family's contact with this method, he knew its name. Outsiders knew him as Youhuangnian.

But Ye Min never believed that Venerable Feng didn't know. For this kind of thing, Venerable Feng could never come from a clean source. Since it's not clean, why don't you give it to Xu Wuzhou?

So Ye Min said: "Brother Wei, you are now the master of the counseling pavilion, and your status is more important than that of ordinary venerables. Venerable Feng is afraid that you will not be controlled by him, so use such a deadly handle to pinch you. If you are After learning You Di Nian, it will be mortal if it is spread out. The royal family under the world will kill you. Even if Prince Geng admires you, he will not be able to keep you."

Listening to Ye Min's words, Xu Wuzhou's face turned blue and white. He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he could only sigh, but couldn't say a word.

A sad mood of my heart illuminating the moon, but the moon illuminating the ditch.

Seeing this, Ye Min sneered: "For such an insidious person, why should Brother Wei be sad. Brother Wei is a real gentleman, why bother with a villain like him."

Ye Min really regarded Xu Wuzhou as a brother at this time, and told him such a deadly handle, how could this be true if he didn't have absolute trust in him.

"Fortunately, my ancestors belonged to the royal family. I knew that You Di Nian was the Lingyin Youwang Elephant, so I didn't learn it. But even so, I collected this secret book, it was a serious sin. Besides, this thing is still unknown. These things can't be reconciled. Prince Geng explained."

Ye Min let out a sigh of relief and said to Xu Wuzhou: "Fortunately, your ancestors knew this method, otherwise, who could resist the temptation of such combat skills. Even though the follow-up is troublesome without learning, there is finally a way out."

Xu Wuzhou glanced at Ye Min, thinking that it is impossible not to learn. How could he miss such supernatural combat skills.

What's more, I didn't know this at the beginning, because I asked about it around the counselor's pavilion. The Senator Pavilion is indeed hiding the dragon and the tiger, and the strongest recruit is the true king, but many people are knowledgeable and capable.

No wonder Prince Geng valued him so much and hoped to educate all these people into his **** supporters.

When I saw Ye Min this time, he needed his identity to do something.

"Hey, if Venerable Feng did not accidentally fail, it would kill me." Xu Wuzhou sighed, looked at Ye Min and said, "Speaking of which, I hope Brother Ye can do me a favor."

"Brother Wei, please say, within the scope of my ability, I will do my best."

Xu Wuzhou said: "If he is really harmful to my heart, I have to guard against it. Only by knowing the enemy and myself can I survive a hundred battles. But although I am the master of the counselor's pavilion, I will send the counselor's pavilion to stare at him, fearing that he will be aware of it. He, I will definitely die.

So I want to ask Brother Ye to send someone to stare at him to see what he wants to do. Brother Ye, you belong to the Venerable Yun family, and there is a gap between Venerable Yun and him, even if your family finds out, he will not be overly sensitive. "

Ye Min nodded, but also showed a look of embarrassment: "After all, he is a sage. Although I have many warriors under my command, I can't keep an eye on him."

Xu Wuzhou said at this moment: "It's okay, just help me stare normally, just tell me what you can get."

One of Venerable Feng's purpose is clear to him, that is, he wants to swallow God's gold alone. Xu Wuzhou guessed that he calculated that it was related to Shenjin.

It's just not clear how he calculated it. So he needs some information. He believes that Venerable Feng's behavior will definitely reveal some clues.

Knowing his plan, this is a good way to deal with it. The most important thing is that Xu Wuzhou also wants to get the gold.

With the **** gold in hand, he is really hopeful.

Otherwise, how long and how long can you achieve the true king by slowly accumulating on your own.


Although Ye Min didn't know what Xu Wuzhou was going to do, he would naturally not refuse such a small favor.

Xu Wuzhou smiled and said, "But it may be that I thought too much. Venerable Feng really didn't mean to harm me. You see that he has been very good to me recently. I have not offended him for many years under his command. He has not. Reason hurts me."

Ye Min looked at Xu Wuzhou like this and couldn't help sighing: Brother Wei just looks at the people of the world so well, does he think that everyone is the same as him?

No reason to harm people!


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