Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 970: Kill human warriors

"The Devil Cave is obviously suitable for cultivation, and it has resources such as real Dao marks, but why the warriors are not willing to come in." The mountain **** temple master asked everyone.

"The devil's cave is dangerous. It is very easy to be killed by the people of the demon clan and turn into a dao mark to become the cultivation nutrient of the opponent. Therefore, if it is not unpleasant, normal warriors are not willing to enter the devil's cave."

"Yeah! In the Demon Cave, the human race martial artist died and disappeared, and its scars would become the cultivation nutrient of the demons. But you don’t know one thing, that is...the human race warrior does not die, as long as you drive its avenue, Dao scars can also be born in the Demon Race Continent."

This sentence caused Yu Feng and others' pupils to shrink slightly: "Senior, what do you mean?"

"You younger generation don't know this Mixin. The Demon Race and the Human Race Continent have complementary abilities. Therefore, when entering the other side's land, the avenue will be extremely active, and its avenue is extremely easy to form Dao marks. And it is precisely for this reason that the demon Both the tribe and the human race like to catch the warriors who own the avenue and raise them in captivity, in order to make the other side a steady stream of dao marks.

Therefore, the warriors of our human race in the demon cave were beheaded and killed, but some of them were also captured and confined in the demon clan. Just like some big forces of our human race, in fact, they have also banned the demons. "

Speaking of this, the Lord of the Mountain God Temple looked at the power of Qiantian Gujiao. With the power of Qiantian Ancient Religion, it should be able to capture the strong demons and raise them in captivity.

The Qiantian Gujiao nodded and said: "The Qiantian Gujiao circle has banned three true king-level demon powerhouses. But these three have not many lifespans, and they have passed away last year."

The Lord of the Mountain God Temple said, "Xu Wuzhou certainly didn't know this, so he traded Ning Yao for the Saint Remnant Star. If he knew that the Demon Race still banned many warriors from our Human Race, he would not make such a decision.

The demons pride themselves on being superior, and our human race captures the demons to mine. How can the demons not clean up my human race? Those human warriors who have been banned are afraid of being tortured and humiliated. "

Dao Sect has fallen in recent years, and has never been in a magic cave. Not much is known about these things.

But at this time, after the Lord of the Mountain Temple said it was broken, he also felt trouble.

First of all: Human race warriors fought against foreign races in the Demon Cave, and now they are tortured and tortured because of Xu Wuzhou. This is why Xu Wuzhou is sorry for them.

Secondly: This is detrimental to Dao Sect's righteousness, and it is very troublesome for Dao Sect, which is still stable at this moment.

"Can you ask the demon martial artist banned by my human race to change to the human martial artist banned by the demon race?" Wu Yao asked.

The mountain **** temple master said: "Which power can you come to these warriors?"

Wu Yao was silent, let alone coming. I don't know how many banned by anyone.

Xu Meteoxing said: "Then exchange one hundred thousand alien races for my Terran warriors?"

This sentence, everyone directly ignored.

How can the demon race's pedigree race care about the life and death of that 100,000 alien races? All they care about is their own face!

As long as the face is found, the 100,000 people of the Saint Remnant Star don't care at all, after all, they are not of aristocratic blood.

And to find face, it is enough to humiliate the strong human race. You know, the strong human races that can be banned are definitely tyrannical existences, and those who are placed in the demon race are all aristocrats.

"It's useless to think too much. Let's change Ning Yao back first. Shi Xiong, what about you guys?"

"The Taoist has made arrangements. We will not take off the skin for the time being, because it is useless without the Taoist to put it on. After changing Ning Yao, we will find a reason to leave the demons. Then we will take off again. Painted skin returns to the human race."

"Okay! I'll send someone to meet you at that time."

The crowd quickly asked Shi Xiong to go back, expressing their willingness to talk to the demons.

Wu Yao handed these matters to Sherwin-Williams. When it comes to acting, Xu Wuzhou is not there, so Sherwin will naturally take the big stick.


Holy capital!

Xu Wuzhou has been cultivating, and he has mature ideas on the way to the true king. He has been precipitating himself these days.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye. Xu Wuzhou thought that Ning Yao and others should also return to the human race.

These days, he has been waiting for Venerable Feng to attack. But Venerable Feng was silent, as if he had disappeared.

But this did not make Xu Wuzhou relax his vigilance, on the contrary, he became even more worried.

He was more worried about the poisonous snake hiding in the dark than the sword on the bright side.

Xu Wuzhou still works at the counselor's office these days, and then comes back to drink and brag with Ye Min and his party.

For dozens of true kings, they all understood the mantra of Jinbo because of information sharing.

Dozens of true kings got the six-character mantra of Buddhism, and they were all excited. In their opinion, Xu Wuzhou, who was the only one to avoid suspicion, had never realized the six-character mantra, so they passed on the experience of the sentiment to Xu Wuzhou, and put the golden bowl at Xu Wuzhou's place.

Dozens of true kings have formed extremely deep revolutionary friendship during this time, and naturally they are unwilling to **** the golden bowl in battle.

In their view, this golden bowl is regarded as a common property. And it is natural that their trust is in danger of keeping this shared property.

Xu Wuzhou felt embarrassed at this moment when he saw the golden bowl falling into his hands, even though he always had a temperament that he always refused to resist.

When he came to the Demon Race Continent, these dozens of people were of great help to him.

Therefore, Xu Wuzhou rarely changed his previous style and gave the golden bowl to Xin Yunhu to keep it for him.

There is great gold, and a golden bowl said that the liquid provided, Xu Wuzhou was a little disappointed.

Perhaps the true strength of the golden bowl is the six-character mantra contained in it. But these six-character mantra, Xu Wuzhou has already realized.

However, Xin Yunhu's trust among dozens of true kings is far lower than that of him, and all true kings still hope that he will take care of the golden bowl.

Xu Wuzhou was very helpless, his rare kindness spread, but he never thought that they would push himself so much.

In the end, under the strong request of dozens of real kings, the golden bowl fell into Xu Wuzhou's hands. Moreover, these dozens of true kings gave him their experience, and he must understand the secret technique of six-character mantra as soon as possible.

Xu Wuzhou had no choice but to take it. Then, he gave a lot of Baodan to dozens of real kings as compensation.

Xu Wuzhou's move immediately caused tears to the eyes of dozens of real kings, and he became more and more respectful of Xu Wuzhou.

But when Xu Wuzhou and dozens of real kings were so close to each other as glue, Xu Wuzhou got news by accident.

"What? You said your Majesty collected all the arrested human races from all sides to build a palace for him?"

"What's the matter?" Ye Min looked at Xu Wuzhou suspiciously, "Humans dare to enslave my holy race and dependent races to mine, my holy race will naturally fight back."

Xu Wuzhou was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that the story of Saint Remnant Star would spread, and there would be such consequences.

"Hey, the strong man in the human race built a palace for my holy majesty. Your majesty must live very comfortably. If this is spread to the human race, don't you know if they still have a face? However, I heard that this matter was a bit unsuccessful. "

"Huh?" Xu Wuzhou asked Ye Min.

"It's just that some strong human races with hard bones always shout that even if they die, they will not practice the palace for the emperor of the holy race. This makes the prisoners of the human race less obedient. But it's nothing, your Majesty ordered. Kill these hard bones to start the palace. At that time, the strong human race will naturally be obedient."

When Xu Wuzhou heard these words, his face was very ugly, but he still tried to stay calm, and asked Ye Min, "Where and when is the human warrior killed?"


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