Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 975: Hole cards? !

"I'm not laughing with you." Venerable Beihan stood up, glanced at the sun above his head, and said bluntly, "Your Majesty asks the deity to behead them at noon. Now the time is coming. No matter who you are, now you should catch them with your hands. NS."

As he spoke, his breath locked on Xu Wuzhou, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

The other warriors once again surrounded Xu Wuzhou.

Although Xu Wuzhou killed a few people just now, it was harmless, because he was going to die here in the end.

Xu Wuzhou glanced at Venerable Beihan: "You are not wondering why I dare to save people?"

Venerable Beihan shook his head and said: "There is no interest, because you can't save people in the holy race, and you will soon become a prisoner."

"Then you guys come and try!" Xu Wuzhou stood there, and the aura on his body began to rise, his eyes approaching Venerable Beihan.

Venerable Beihan showed a mocking look, he didn't make a move. Instead, he said to the two true kings: "The breath blends, and directly suppresses with a strong force, to force his self-righteous hole cards out, and I will hold the line for you."

He believed that Xu Wuzhou had other means, but so what? After all, it is the realm of the other shore, can not turn the sky!

The two true kings were also aggrieved, and they led a group of people to besiege a realm on the other side and were actually at a disadvantage, which was a shame and shame.

At this moment, under the orders of Venerable Beihan. They finally stopped working on their own, and they blended together. Faintly connected into a piece, forming a field potential.

The two true kings rushed to the front and killed Xu Wuzhou.

Their combat skills are strong, and they continue to attack Xu Wuzhou. The energy of the body is immense, and every time it is fierce and accurate.

They are indeed not as good as Xu Wuzhou in fighting alone, but at this moment, are they boosted by the breath of the people, as if there is energy burning in the body, the whole body is full of energy, the spirit is surging, and the spirit attack method is displayed at the same time, and they are inexplicably powerful.

They kept attacking in the front, and the other warriors were in the rear, and they attacked when they saw an opportunity. As a great practitioner, it is naturally extraordinary.

Surging their strong combat skills, every blow made Xu Wuzhou careful.

Xu Wuzhou, who had the upper hand, was faintly suppressed under their concerted efforts.

Venerable Beihan stood by, staring at the field, his eyes full of sarcasm. This person may have some hole cards, but they are useless.

If you have any hole cards, you will be forced to play your hole cards. Then, I will give you a fatal blow.

The land of the holy race, how can you allow you to be presumptuous!


The two true kings shook their arms, and the two laws merged into them, sending out strong waves, and the runes flooded the world and swept Xu Wuzhou away, like two sky whips.

Xu Wuzhou reacted very quickly, but because he had just resisted the combat skills of several warriors, he was inevitable and could only face the two true kings.

There was a loud bang.

Xu Wuzhou collided with the tyrannical force carrying the law, and the two true kings made a full blow to tyrannize themselves.

His strength is indeed strong, and he is not afraid to face the two true kings together. However, his realm was indeed inferior to the two true kings, and he was suppressed under the full eruption of the law.

The two true kings also discovered this, and Xu Wuzhou relied on the terrifying energy and superb combat skills to make them tired to face under the fact that they had not used the rules.

But as long as the rules are used, their advantages become extremely powerful. The law greatly weakened Xu Wuzhou's combat power.

The two true kings were overjoyed, and the rules became more and more crazy, evolving various combat skills, and constantly attacking Xu Wuzhou.

The two turned into a swift phantom, their combat skills continued to be displayed, and they continued to kill from all directions like lightning.

The two true kings are shining in their bodies, spewing runes, and they are more courageous as they fought.

They used their combat power to the extreme, cutting down the rules continuously, to completely cut off Xu Wuzhou's head, and retrieve the shame that Xu Wuzhou had just suppressed them.


Xu Wuzhou hit them again, and his body flew out. As tyrannical as him, facing the joint blow of many warriors, the corners of his mouth were also shocked by bleeding.

"It seems you can't save people."

The two true kings stared at Xu Wuzhou and said with a mockery: "No matter how strong the other side is, it is also the other side."

Xu Wuzhou sighed, nodded and said, "Yes! The other side is only the other side after all, I know."

Everyone was slightly taken aback when they heard Xu Wuzhou's words, and wondered what this meant?

"Then don't be the other side."

While talking, Xu Wuzhou's body was flowing out of runes, and his body was surging with light, and suddenly the breath on his body began to soar, and he stood there as if he were a god.

Between heaven and earth, a sword sound suddenly appeared. In the sword ming, with Xu Wuzhou as the center, the sword aura rippled in all directions, and the void quivered, and then an aura of silence swept across all directions, making people look at Xu Wuzhou with an illusion, as if he was like a hell, and everything was going to die. .

Venerable Beihan frowned, thinking that this is the trump card Xu Wuzhou said?

This scene is to be a rule.

His swordsmanship is very strong, and if you become a law, you will step into the realm of the true king. Then his combat power will skyrocket, and his men are indeed not opponents.

"Do you think you have any hole cards? It turned out to be the edge of suppressing the breakthrough, but now you want to break directly?"

The two true kings sneered and looked at Xu Wuzhou and said, "Do you think we will let you break through smoothly?"

As they spoke, the two true kings exploded the law, evolved a kind of treasure, exuding precious light, and turned into a huge law giant fist, penetrated the void, and directly smashed at Xu Wuzhou.

Breaking through the true king, who is not cautious, afraid of being disturbed and going crazy. If you dare to break through in front of them, then you will have a taste of the sinful consequences of being backlashed by the law.

The giant fists of the two true kings slew over, and in an instant, the sword energy of heaven and earth exploded directly, wringing toward the giant fist.

At this moment, Xu Wuzhou's sword aura was extremely strong, and the two true kings' full blows were easily wiped out.

This scene caused the pupils of the two true kings to shrink slightly. Such a strong rule, this is the first prototype, and it can easily obliterate their full-strength combat skills. If this allows him to fully condense the law, does it still need to be beaten? They must be killed within ten moves!

Imagination is too, the other side realm can show such strength, really want to be the same level as them, it is absolutely crushing for them.

The two true kings looked at Venerable Beihan, hoping that he would take action at this moment.

The Great Dao of Might is suppressed, and his laws are directly obliterated.

Venerable Beihan obviously understood this, and Xu Wuzhou was not afraid of becoming the true king. It's just that I don't want to waste energy to deal with it. It takes more effort to become a true king.

So, he shot.

The Great Dao of Might was suppressed, and Xu Wuzhou, despite the horror of his sword aura, was so powerful. The laws he had just developed began to crack. This was a level difference, and it was as powerful as the Sword of Nirvana.

"Want to become a true king in front of the deity, when the deity is dead?"

Venerable Beihan is full of sarcasm, is this your trump card? Then this hole card is not very good!


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