Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 977: Mutual exclusion

The Law of Cohesion was still on Xu Wuzhou's body, and Venerable Beihan waited for Xu Wuzhou to be drained completely.

But his breath has been rising, and his spirit is still as full as ever. This made Venerable Beihan frown slightly. The strength in this person's body is too strong, how can it be so strong that so many laws can be gathered without drying up.

Xu Wuzhou is condensing the laws, a condensing of various laws. The dark clouds in the sky cover Yuxi Mountain, and everyone feels the depression in it.

But even so, the lightning did not fall. The thunder and lightning in the dark clouds are still brewing.

Whether it is a human or a demon warrior, they don't understand it more and more. The other party has already condensed so many laws, it stands to reason that the Scourge should come.

When Xu Wuzhou condensed all the Tao that he had learned and touched the law, the roar of heaven and earth continued to sound, but it still did not fall.

At this moment, the law of the convergence of heaven and earth began to sink into Xu Wuzhou's body one by one.

Watching this scene, Venerable Beihan sneered, thinking that Xu Wuzhou was doing death, and every law represented the rules of heaven and earth, and just blending into it with one brain would be doing death.

"Sit and watch you are mutually repulsed into pieces by the law!"

The laws were integrated into Xu Wuzhou's body, Xu Wuzhou's breath rose wildly, and his whole spirit rose in vain. His whole body exuded a brilliant light, and he stood like a god.

The rising breath made everyone feel depressed. The true kings of the Demon Race felt that their own laws would be suppressed, and they were extremely uncomfortable, and they couldn't help taking a few steps back.

They had to admit that Xu Wuzhou was powerful. If he could completely integrate and not repel each other, he would be regarded as a true king. How many of the true kings were his opponents?

Unfortunately, he is too young and too arrogant, and every law requires countless efforts to fit himself.

They waited for Xu Wuzhou to burst completely.

But what surprised them was that these laws entered Xu Wuzhou's body at the same time, and there was no mutual exclusion and explosion.

What is self, self is my independence from the world, not interfering with others, allowing and respecting the existence of others.

At this time, everyone discovered that a strange law was pouring out of Xu Wuzhou's body. This law does not blend with heaven and earth, only resonates with his body.

This law does not absorb the aura of heaven and earth, nor does it absorb the rhyme of heaven and earth. Only absorb Xu Wuzhou's own energy and Dao Yun.

In Xu Wuzhou's gods, the gurgling Taoist rhyme composes this law.

This law was formed in Xu Wuzhou's body, and at this moment, Xu Wuzhou's body was carrying a strange breath.

He is aloof and independent.

He's a misty rain and Ren Ping's life!

He stands in this world, but is isolated from this world.

He became a world by himself, and merged into it.

He was bustling with hustle and bustle around him, but he also stood in a corner and enjoyed the quiet.

This is the law Xu Wuzhou really wants to achieve, the law of the Dao of Self.

Avenue to Jane!

His way is very simple. Everyone on earth has heard this sentence: Everyone is a free individual. They have their own emotions, anger, sorrow, and their own dreams and pursuits. We must recognize and respect them. Point to other people's lives.

At this moment, Xu Wuzhou's Dao Law is like this.

His law is the id, independent in the world, but he can also tolerate the existence of other laws. The mind is like a sea, inclusive of all rivers.

The path of self is not to confront the world, but to live in harmony with the world, tolerate their existence, and maintain one's own nature.

The demon warriors felt that the suppression of the previous laws disappeared. They looked at Xu Wuzhou and felt his independence from the dust. It did not bring them a sense of oppression, just like Xu Wuzhou is like a tree and a grass next to it, not at all. Will care about it.

What is the law?

Everyone was puzzled, and it was really hard to understand.

But they all could see that this was Xu Wuzhou's real law. The previous laws are just the foreshadowing of this law.

What kind of law is it? We need to use so many terrifying laws to pave the way. For example, the law of sword energy, they had never seen such a terrifying law. There is also the law of the meaning of the sword, that is the road that the outstanding person walks.

Each of these is peerless. But all this is just to pave the way for his body's self-generation?

"Boom! Boom!"

The thunder light in the dark clouds finally burst out rumblingly, and huge thunder and lightning in buckets of water appeared in everyone's eyes.

Obviously, the appearance of Xu Wuzhou's law caused the scourge to descend.

Venerable Beihan stared at Xu Wuzhou, watched many laws submerging into Xu Wuzhou's body, and watched Xu Wuzhou's transcendental laws containing many laws.

But Xu Wuzhou's various laws are too strong, even if Xu Wuzhou accommodates them with transcendent laws. But the unruly law still trembles violently, and it is obvious that we have to get rid of the self law.

If Xu Wuzhou’s self-rule is the sea, it will be inclusive of all rivers. Then they would jump out of the sea and tear Xu Wuzhou apart.

After all, these laws are mutually exclusive.

Venerable Beihan looked at this scene with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

It is really whimsical, taking oneself as the world, transcending the law of heaven and earth. Is this a crazy idea? But how can this be done!

Xu Wuzhou looked calm, and he was not worried about it. Because there was too much liquid in the black bowl, Dao Shen Jin provided him with unlimited resources.

Countless liquids melted into Xu Wuzhou's body, nourishing his soul, nourishing his avenue, and providing energy.

He regards himself as a world, then he himself is a world.

Even if ordinary people have this kind of talent, they can't really evolve. But Xu Wuzhou has a black bowl, which gives him the possibility.

Under the nourishment of his self-avenue, it became more and more profound and mysterious, powerful and terrifying. Dadao truly blended with Xu Wuzhou, and thoroughly blended with Xu Wuzhou.

Xu Wuzhou's whole person has evolved into a law.

When everyone looked at Xu Wuzhou, the more they felt that he was left alone. Standing there, the heaven and the earth disappeared, and the scourge disappeared, leaving only Xu Wuzhou.

If it weren't for the mutual exclusion of various famous avenues and the violent impact on Xu Wuzhou's law, everyone would think that Xu Wuzhou was really a feathered immortal.

Jian Qi, Dao Mang, Mountain Tower, Qiong Qi...

These laws are violent together, mutually exclusive to get rid of Xu Wuzhou. They are the same laws, and they are also rebellious, how can they follow Xu Wuzhou's self-rule.

"What is the id, although I respect everyone. But when others hurt me, I also have thunderous anger. There is a low-brow Bodhisattva, and I have an angry vajra!"

Wherever you are, you can only hope to keep yourself if you are strong enough. Do what you want.

In an instant, Xu Wuzhou's original and independent temperament suddenly became domineering and fierce. Everyone felt a powerful oppression, which was terrifying and terrifying.

All kinds of laws have also suffered the impact of Xu Wuzhou's laws.

In an instant, his laws fell into mutual exclusion.

Venerable Beihan snorted when he saw this. Without three breaths, the young man must be torn to death by the law.


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