Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 979: Became

The sacred capital is not a short distance from Yuxi Mountain, but such a vision of heaven and earth still makes some powerful people feel it.

Some of them are powerful and can't help but want to take a look.

But as soon as he arrived at the east of the city, he saw Prince Geng's counselor's pavilion guarding at the east city gate.

Seeing Da Neng, the counselor's warrior respectfully said: "Where do you go out of the city? His Excellency? I will wait for the order to remind those who go out of the city to not set foot on Yuxi Mountain at will. There is a secret happening in Yuxi Mountain."

The warrior who had originally planned to take a look stopped at this time. Turned around and went back to the city, originally curious to see what caused the world to move.

But now it seems that it is very likely that several princes are fighting again.

Several princes fought openly and secretly, they had long known who would easily participate in it.


The sky and the earth were full of thunder, rumbling down, and although the direction of the pouring was Xu Wuzhou, everyone felt depressed.

As Xu Wuzhou moved, the vast thunder and lightning fell crazily and began to roll towards the demon martial artist.

The demon martial artist's expression changed drastically, and they fled madly, trying to avoid these lightning.

But Xu Wuzhou stepped on the vague steps, his speed was too fast, and he quickly rushed into the Mozu warrior.


The thunder python smashed down and fell on the demon martial artist. The angry eyes of these demon warriors were blood-red, and their eyes were cracking, but despite the heart of slashing Xu Wuzhou thousands of times, at this moment they had to drive their own secret techniques with all their strength to resist the flood of heavenly condemnation thunder and lightning.

Because of the participation of outsiders, the Scourge of Thunder and Lightning seemed to be angered. The aura of many demon warriors caused the thunder and lightning in the dark clouds to become more violent, and the shuttle thunder and lightning became more and more violent. The raging thunder and smashed Xu Wuzhou. The sky was distorted wherever it passed.

The demon warriors fled frantically, although they were not the center, but because Xu Wuzhou was too close to them, the pond fish was affected.


The lightning fell on them, and the defense they showed their full strength was instantly shattered, like glass hitting a heavy hammer. The lightning fell on them, and their bodies were scorched to the ground, screaming and falling to the ground. Burn directly.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the dark clouds, and endless thunder and lightning continued to fall, forming a huge thunder pool with Xu Wuzhou as the center.

Xu Wuzhou took this thunder pond and rushed frantically towards the demon martial artist.

"Why hasn't he been killed yet, how can he still have the strength to move!"

"Ah! Save me, what a terrible thunder and lightning, I can't stop it!"

"Run away, don't let him come near us!"

"He is trying to pull us to death!"

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

"Your Honor, stop him!"


Many demon warriors were frightened by the thunder and lightning, and they wailed and fled again and again.

Venerable Beihan stared at the thunder and lightning, he didn't want to come close. If he is in it, he will soon evolve into a mighty scourge. His state could not withstand the mighty scourge.

However, what he didn't understand was why Xu Wuzhou hadn't died in such a terrifying Lei Hai attack.

At this moment, Xu Wuzhou was struck by countless thunder and lightning. The eight-nine profound arts were turned to the extreme by him, the whole person's energy and spirit were fully mobilized, and the black bowl of liquid was consumed wildly, allowing him to maintain his peak state.

This thunder and lightning is indeed terrifying, if he does not maintain the peak state at all times, he will not be able to hold it for long.

At this moment, with the black bowl of liquid, he resisted waves of thunder and lightning. Thinking of the difficulty of practicing the Eight-Nine Profound Art, I took advantage of this opportunity to quench the body with lightning and let the Eight-Nine Profound Art go further.

The Eight-Nine Profound Art is the ancestral emperor's method, and it is extremely difficult to practice. At this moment, through thunder and lightning, it happens to be able to quench the body to the fullest extent of sublimation.

Of course, this behavior is dangerous. Therefore, Xu Wuzhou didn't dare to look down upon it in the slightest. Although it hurts to consume the black bowl of liquid, he still consumes it desperately.

Fortunately, there is such a treasure as Dao Shen Jin, otherwise the liquid he stored would have disappeared long ago.

Thunder and lightning fell one by one!

Xu Wuzhou rushed towards the demon martial artist with thunder and lightning, and he chose the strong one to approach. With mystery steps, it is very difficult for them to escape.

The two true kings were locked by Xu Wuzhou. The living being was bombarded by thunder and pythons, although he had never directly died, but suffered heavy losses.

Of course, not all Demon Warrior Xu Wuzhou can deal with it. Many demon martial artists hid behind the human race, Xu Wuzhou could only abandon them.

These human warriors were suppressed, and if he rushed over with thunder and lightning, they would all have to die.

But even so, the demon martial artist was also cleaned up by Xu Wuzhou a lot.

Venerable Beihan's face was already very ugly, because the thunder and lightning between heaven and earth had begun to slowly dissipate.

In a short period of time, nine heavy punishments were poured out, each of which he thought the opponent would die, but in the end he persisted.

Venerable Beihan is really hard to understand, how could it be possible to step into the true king. According to the intensity of the nine-fold thunder tribulation, as a mighty man, he couldn't resist it.

What secret is hidden in this human youth, and why can he show such a secret technique.

Similarly, Venerable Beihan was also puzzled. With such a vision of heaven and earth, why didn't it attract a strong person to come here?

The thunder and lightning dissipated, the dark clouds moved away, and the sun shot down from it, falling on Xu Wuzhou's body, shining on his whole body and exuding golden light, as if it were a golden armored god.

At this moment, Xu Wuzhou had no tyrannical aura on his body. Standing there is like an ordinary person, his detachment and domineering before he was promoted to become a true king disappeared at this moment.

His breath is like the A, B, C, D and D people walking on the street. It is harmless!

But the more so, the more dignified the expression of Venerable Beihan.

This guy has to clean up, I'm afraid it will take some tricks.

Fortunately, he is only a true king, and his realm is an absolute advantage. If you are promoted to the great power, then you don't need to fight in this battle, just surrender directly.

Of course, as your majesty's deputy commander of the Forbidden Army, just in case. He whispered to a warrior beside him in a low voice: "Go to the holy capital and tell what happened here!"

The warrior nodded and ran away quickly.

Xu Wuzhou didn't stop him because he knew he couldn't stop him. Venerable Beihan's breath has locked him.

The power is too strong, even if he becomes a true king, it is impossible to kill the opponent under his protection. What's more, so many demon martial artists can't be killed.

"Achieving such a big movement in the Law of Achievement Realm is very surprising to the deity. But, after all, it is only a Law Realm. How strong can it be?" Venerable Beihan stared at Xu Wuzhou, looking at the scattered dark clouds, the sun above his head was somewhat It's dazzling, it's close at noon.

Xu Wuzhou fulfilled the law, and the movement was great, but it didn't take much time.

"How strong I am, you will know if you try." Xu Wuzhou stared at Venerable Beihan and smiled.

Venerable Beihan shouted to the demon martial artist: "Be optimistic about these human race martial artists. At noon, don't care if I take him down or not, you just kill the dozen or so people."

"Yes!" The demon martial artist shouted in unison, they were full of anger, wishing Wuzhou would be broken into pieces.


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