Eternal First Son-in-law

Chapter 983: Human race is saved

The second sword, although it caused Venerable Beihan to suffer, it still made him resist it after all, but he kept coughing up blood.

Venerable Beihan suffered repeated traumas, and he was determined to be afraid. If this continues, he might really be taken down by a true king.

And when Venerable Beihan was thinking about this, Xu Wuzhou's third sword fell.

The sword has become a mountain!

At this moment, the sword energy was condensed like a mountain, and it was a mountain and sky, directly falling towards Venerable Beihan.

Venerable Beihan's face changed drastically, and it was hard to believe that Xu Wuzhou could be so strong. Using two consecutive swords like that, he could still display a more powerful sword. What is the point of his kendo?

But this kind of kendo law was suppressed and wiped out by his cohesive law, and he was willing to coexist in his body. What kind of operation is this?

Venerable Beihan was finally full of horror, he wanted to avoid it but couldn't avoid it. He can only explode his own avenue with all his strength, and don't like to burn the avenue, forcibly endure the severely injured body, and forcibly explode the strongest force.

In an instant, the cold exploded, like a vast ocean, the icy breath filled every inch of space.

At this moment, he wants to transform himself into the current realm, and in his area are his Dao patterns. Between the runes gushing, it is extremely flaming.

The sword glow fell like a mountain, devastatingly. Confronted with Venerable Beihan's Dao realm. Sword Qi and the realm constantly collide, and the void oscillates as a result.

Jianshan was blocked outside for a while.

The powerful and powerful, the avenue is extraordinary, has become a realm of its own qualitatively.

But Xu Wuzhou did not worry about this, because he used the law of the id. The law of the id and the mountain fall wrapped around the sword.

Most of the original obstruction dissipated in an instant. Jianshan was able to fall.

Jianshan broke open directly from the inside, and Venerable Beihan's avenue cracked like a glass cover. Jian Shan completely collided with him.

The infinite sword aura and cold aura were colliding, and this huge force made the sky violently shake and almost collapsed.


The blood in Venerable Beihan's mouth continued to spurt out like water, his body split open, and countless blood beads poured out.

He blocked the third sword with the domain, but paid a great price, and the whole person felt like he was going to be torn apart.

Venerable Beihan stared at Xu Wuzhou gloomily, at this moment he had no intention of fighting again. Because if he continues to fight, he will really be killed by the opponent.

So he wanted to escape quickly. In his opinion, Xu Wuzhou must have exhausted his three swords. This also gave him a chance to escape, which was seriously injured.

But the result always made him unacceptable, because the next moment. He heard a dragon chant, and a divine dragon hovered in between, suppressing him.

"Holy Dragon Town!"

Xu Wuzhou used the sacred way combat skills and directly landed on Venerable Beihan. Venerable Beihan screamed, and the whole person was carrying a dragon. The Tao Yun that the dragon had evolved entered his body and was suppressed on the spot.

Naturally, Xu Wuzhou would not miss this opportunity, so the various Dao pattern laws continued to sink into Venerable Beihan's body, intertwined one after another, forming chains that bound her, and completely suppressed Venerable Beihan.

"If you fight desperately, you won't lose so fast, but you have too many flukes."

Xu Wuzhou pressed Venerable Beihan with one hand, and looked at the other demon martial artists. It was noon at this time. According to Venerable Beihan's instructions, those people would kill Pan Jinbao and others.

Xu Wuzhou grabbed Venerable Beihan, flew into them, and flew several warriors, but several of them had never flew.

"Dare to do it, I killed your sire."

This sentence made the Demon Warrior pause. During this meal, Xu Wuzhou's power swept out, snatching over ten people from Pan Jinbao.

When the demon martial artists saw this, their discoloration changed, but some of the demon martial artists who reacted quickly, each holding weapons, directly pressed against hundreds of other human martial artists, and shouted angrily: "Let us go, or we will kill. All of your human races."

Xu Wuzhou looked at the hundreds of human races, and then at the numerous demon warriors, his brows narrowed slightly.

He is strong, but he can't save all the warriors in an instant.

So Xu Wuzhou said: "Yes, you let go of the strong human race, and I let go of your noble ones!"

"You are not qualified to negotiate terms with us, let us go!" A warrior of the Demon Race yelled Xu Wuzhou.

Looking at the suppressed Venerable Beihan, they couldn't believe it. This result was unexpected. At this moment, all they wanted to do was drag time. As long as the martial artist of the holy capital came, they would still be able to win Xu Wuzhou.

It's just hateful, why is there no one in the Holy Capital yet. Such a change, can't it arouse the curiosity of some powerful people in the holy capital?

Xu Wuzhou knew what their calculations were, and the presence of the Counselor's Pavilion. He believed that the strong man who could stop the demon city came, but he couldn't keep delaying.

Thinking of this, Xu Wuzhou said: "I said that Venerable Beihan can give it to you, but only in exchange. If you don’t want to, then there’s nothing to talk about. It’s just that you have figured it out clearly, and your Demon Emperor just asked you to kill more than a dozen people. , But if you kill hundreds of people, then no one will repair him in this palace. Can you bear the responsibility?

Besides, you killed the human race. I have no scruples, I can kill you all. Can anyone stop me now?

For the sake of your lives, I advise you to exchange it.

Venerable Beihan is alive, so this loss is his responsibility. If he is dead, there will be no one in front of you. "

This sentence made the Mozu warriors look at each other.

At this time, I heard Xu Wuzhou say: "In your Demon Race Continent, don't you dare to exchange human races, are you not confident that you can take us again?"

Speaking of this, Xu Wuzhou kicked Venerable Beihan and said, "I don't even order them to let them go!"

Venerable Beihan stared at Xu Wuzhou gloomily, and did not answer Xu Wuzhou's words.

Xu Wuzhou said: "You have to think clearly and let go. You still have a chance to commit crimes and meritorious service. But if you don't obey, I will kill you now. If you die, then everything may be gone."

Venerable Beihan looked at hundreds of human warriors, and then at Pan Jinbao and others who were rescued by Xu Wuzhou.

I thought that with the drag of hundreds of people, this young man's whereabouts would be easy to find. Otherwise, with his strength, even in the Saint Race Continent, if he insists on hiding, it will not be easy to win.

Thinking of this, Venerable Beihan said coldly: "Substitute!"

Hearing the instructions of Venerable Beihan, these demon martial artists breathed a sigh of relief. Now they are following orders, so all responsibilities have nothing to do with them.

The Terran warriors were all sent behind Xu Wuzhou, and Xu Wuzhou threw Venerable Beihan into their hands.

"I don't kill you, but you also control your people. If you dare to catch up, then I will kill you. Not only kill the demon martial artist, but also kill you. You are suppressed, without power, who can stop it. I?"

Xu Wuzhou was full of threats, and at the same time made Pan Jinbao retreat and flee here.


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